should i weigh weekly or monthly

Hi i am new here and i have notice that i have a tummy and i decided to weigh my self and i am at my heaviest 240pds, i was just curious since i am starting my diet this week operation starving my self jk but should i weigh my self weekly or monthly i was thinking every 4 weeks so i wont get discourage but idk what do you think?


  • Since you are so dedicated to losing the weight, I say weigh yourself weekly. I do that. I tend to see loss, but if I do see gain I know that I have not been as diligent as I should be. It actually motivates me to do better and makes me think about what I have eaten or have not plus if I have exercised. Try to weigh yourself at the same time every week.
  • emngill209
    emngill209 Posts: 14 Member
    I would do weekly probably. Which takes control. I'm always "curious" and I check everyday. awful lol
  • tannebil
    tannebil Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh myself twice a day with a Withings scale so it's automatically shared with MFP. I think the idea of only weighing yourself weekly/monthly is to try and avoid continual emotional swings created by the "noise" that comes from normal weight fluctuation. However, the way to see a real trend is more data points, not fewer. Withings takes all the data points fits a curve to it that is a much more accurate reflection of your actual trend.The faster you see changes in the trend, the faster you can take remedial action.

    Here's my weights for the last 3 months. My target is a deficit of 750 calories or 1.5 pounds per week and I come in within 50 calories of my target almost every day and am never over or under by more than a couple of hundred calories off in any day. As you can see, even doing that my weight swings between any couple of days can be way more than my weekly goal.

    I think regular weighings create much less emotional pressure than a "big event" weigh-in and makes me more comfortable with the idea that any single weighing can be very misleading.

    The latest model is $150 on Amazon but there are lots of used options on eBay for much less. I have the original WBS01 model and it's worked great for me.

    I'm a data-driven person so this works for me. Everybody is different so you need to figure out what's going to work for you.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Out of every possible weightloss and fitness question you could ask, this is one of the least important ones. It really doesn't matter. Some people prefer to weight in every single day, others like to go every few months, and however often in between. Do what works best for you.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    I vary, sometimes I weigh myself weekly but more often its everyday or every other day. My only rule is after sushi no weighing because the water weight from soy sauce is a few pounds but goes away the next day :laugh:
  • crzdirector
    crzdirector Posts: 49 Member
    I am on the scale almost daily, but I only actually "record" my weight once a week. I look at it daily really to just see how my body is responding to different exercises and foods on a daily basis. I record in my notes how I feel and what my mindset is.

    Good luck my man, you can get this!
  • ValleySimTech
    ValleySimTech Posts: 69 Member
    I check my weight daily as well. As mentioned, the trick is not to be alarmed or discouraged by the daily fluctuations you will see. These fluctuations can be as much as 2 or 3 pounds depending on what or when you ate the day before. Whichever way you choose to go, be sure you focus on the long term changes and not the short term up and downs with are normal for all of us. Good luck and I hope you achieve all you goals.
  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    I've noticed that if I weigh in daily I do much better than if I don't. Keeps me honest.
  • bostonboxermom
    bostonboxermom Posts: 24 Member
    I weigh daily. I know I will have fluctuations, and don't let it bother me. If it really bothers you though, weigh less often! Don't forget to use a Measuring tape - that can be even better than a scale! I also took pictures often - and then put them side by side with my starting pics. That really helped 'see' the changes - I couldn't see them until I did that.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    My advice would be to weigh yourself when its productive to do so, and if it was me, I would build up a head of steam first with some good changes and habits, then when you're ready weigh yourself.

    Re: weighing regularity, for the last 8/ 9 weeks, I tended to do it daily, but to be honest it was more of a curiousity just to see the patterns to my body weight, given my intake and exercise were pretty consistent.

    Also bear in mind, my weighing method was consistent, ie weighing first thing in the morning, before food, and after using the bathroom. Weighing this way, I found the readings consistent, as if they were jumping all over the place, I definitely would have kept track of my weight in a different manner.

    At this point I feel I have a good handle on how my bodyweight ebbs and flows, and will probably stop weighing daily, and move to weekly. Daily was fun to see the drops, but with my weight loss rate at about 3 lbs every 2 weeks, often the scale won't move at all for up to a week, then suddenly drop twice in two days.

    I should probably note I've started to take measurements too, but that's a more infrequent thing (fortnightly/ monthly), as I find you need to leave some time between measurements, as there's always a slight degree of inaccuracy, so better to measure every few weeks, rather than think you lost 1/4" when in reality you held the tape in a different way this time/ pulled it unnoticeably tighter. I might just invest in a body fat calipers to measure instead though, or at least to be able to gauge trends.

    Oh by the way, it probably goes without saying, the more prone you are to obsess about things, the better it would probably be to weigh/ measure more infequently, so as not to get hung up too much on the numbers. After all, its really only the trend that matters to most of us, so best not to lose sight of the overall reason we're weighing/ measuring in the first place :)
  • digistyle
    digistyle Posts: 40 Member
    I really dislike the scale. I find the up and down to be a de-motivator. I much prefer to measure my progress by how my clothes fit. I've been weighing in monthly. The losses feel bigger and I feel less stress.