Diet plans

Help --I am struggling to loose weight. I do well on the Atkins (High protein) diet for a few days and loose a few pounds and then mess up 1 day to gain it all back. Not sure whether to try again on this diet or to try another plan--any help out there would be appreciated--thanks


  • roxhunstad
    Try weight watchers. Atkins is not a lifestyle you can maintain. You need to find something you can change and enjoy all foods. It is a healthy way to loose weight.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    If low carb makes you miserable... dont do it. Find something you can stick with. Thats why this site is so useful :] I would just try counting calories, and you will do well :]
  • page68
    page68 Posts: 220 Member
    You'll no doubt hear this from many others here, but for me it's primarily calories in versus calories out. I don 't follow a diet plan as much as I log all my calories ( keeping to 1200-1500) and exercise ( I hate it and have to incorporate how I can) and weigh in once a week . This is my " plan" .
  • VP72
    VP72 Posts: 89
    If you enjoy Atkins give it another go, if you have a slight blip one day get back on track, don't give up hope.
    It you like your carbs though I would suggest Weight Watchers, Rosemary Conley or Slimming World.

    This time around I did the Cabbage Soup Diet for my first week & then last week stuck to the 1200 cals, which I am also doing this week. My target it to lose 2lbs per week - unfortunately I only lost 1lb this week, but need to make sure I drink plenty of water!
    When I weigh in next week if I don't lose more than 1lb I will review what I am eating.

    Good Luck whatever you decide to do!

  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Low carb diets aren't easy to maintain. You're better off doing Weight watchers or just counting your calories on here.
  • xxnicxx
    xxnicxx Posts: 14
    Hi. I wouldn't recommend the Atkins diet. Carbs are an important part of your diet, they provide energy! You just need to make sure you pick the right ones. These include wholegrain cereal foods, wholegrain breads, rice and pastas. Adding the right type of carbs to your diet will give you more energy making you healthier and fitter. By having these along with plenty of protein, you are more likely to fill fuller for longer. And being satisfied means you are more likely to be able to stick to your diet. I hope that helps :-)
  • Mjanegranger
    Mjanegranger Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks I will try to incorporate whole grains back into my diet--How many calories do you try not to go over in a day?
  • beautiful4ever
    I just started again to lose weight but I am a lifetime member with weight watchers . I still need to lose 26 pounds to get back to that goal. I would not recommend the Atkins to anyone . I know people that have lost 100-150 pounds , however once they start eating bread and carbs they put it all back on .

    I am trying for one and a half to two pounds a week weight loss. I wish I could have two every week but probably not .

    I eat a lot of bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatos, celery different lettuce , jalepeno pepper and fresh ginger with sum lettuce !! It has been filling me up and I have it ready !!
  • kforrest1
    I used to have the same problem. I was a big fan of Atkins, i even lost about 30 lbs on it once. But, everytime i lost wieght i would eventually gain it back and i hated only eating protein all the time. With MFP I have found that if i eat my allotted calories each day i am losing around 2 lbs per week. If i stay at 1200 calories or less each day i lose much more. If i go over my 1690 limit i gain wieght. I am new to this program so i don't know if it will work long term but i each whatever i want, including cookies sometimes and try to stay under my calorie number at all costs. I have been hungry sometimes but never starving. I hope this was helpful.
  • Mjanegranger
    Mjanegranger Posts: 29 Member
    I guess I must be greedy and not realistic in my diet weight goals. With the Atkins I would loose at least a half pound a day but if it is not going to be lasting it does not matter. I know it has to be a lifestyle not a diet. I think that is what I am struggling the most on. Thanks for your help.
  • Mjanegranger
    Mjanegranger Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks your post does help me. Your insight on the number of your calories consumed per day and how you know your maximum number of calories without gaining and what number you must stay under so you do not gain. Best of luck to you on your weight loss goal and a healthier you.
  • yolivamp
    I've always had problems losing weight if I'm not careful I can put on 5 lbs easy in one week. What I found that works for me is the Michael Thurman 6 week make over I just use his concepts and eat 5 to 6 healthy meals a day and It keeps my metabolism boosted and also log my food and exercise intake. Stay motivated cause you're not alone. If you fall off the horse get back on and take it one day at a time that always works. set small goals and you will accomplish the big ones.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Weight Watchers is great! I found having to eat to a points schedule made snacking a lot harder for me. Sure, I could snack but then I might not be able to eat dinner if I snack too much or have take-out. I would definitely recommend trying it out. A local library should have an old copy of the points book. I don't think you need to lash out for a new one, unless you know it works for you. I'm pretty sure everyone who has ever tried WW has had some success.

    My plan? I'm just focusing on eating actual meals rather than snacking because I'm too lazy to make dinner. Plus working out three times a week, drinking lots of water and working towards a slightly smaller body (tummy and legs). I love carbs too much and I don't eat nearly enough veggies/fruit but I'm working on that.
  • Mjanegranger
    Mjanegranger Posts: 29 Member
    Great advice-thanks for the help. I think I like the atkins for the fact you loose quickly but know long term it probably wont work for me so I am heeding your advice and logging everything and stepping up the exercise routine and trying to be more realistic about loosing weight. Thanks again for your help
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    the reason why people gain weight back after Atkins or any diet is because they regard it as a diet. You need to regard whatever plan you follow as a way of life.

    FOr me, I stick to a low carb (not low like Atkins) plan, with a balance between carbs and protein, all low fat, that keeps me in a constant fat burning stat and lost my 70 pounds in less than 5 months. I learned instantly what negative effect most carbs in my life have on me. I got rid of all the crap in my house, only stock with whole foods, and am learning every day that all those carbs I ate on teh WW plan was keeping me from losing weight. I lost weight on Atkins, as well, but I quit after a month because I had no energy. Now I maintain less than 100 carbs a day and around 100 grams a day of protein and I am in heaven!!!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I've always had problems losing weight if I'm not careful I can put on 5 lbs easy in one week. What I found that works for me is the Michael Thurman 6 week make over I just use his concepts and eat 5 to 6 healthy meals a day and It keeps my metabolism boosted and also log my food and exercise intake. Stay motivated cause you're not alone. If you fall off the horse get back on and take it one day at a time that always works. set small goals and you will accomplish the big ones.

    This plan is awesome as well. I have done this one before, but it was way too much prep work for me. I would literall spend all day Sunday in the kitchen and Wednesday to prepare all my meals and snacks in containers and baggies so that we could grab and go and not be tempted to eat something else or overeat something--which was very effective but just too much work.