Too fat to go to the gym?



  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt

    Be proud of yourself for taking charge of your health!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt


    People actually pay a lot less attention to us than we think and those who may make the occasional snarky comment or give you a funny look aren't worth worrying about. Believe it or not most people actually respect someone for taking control of their lives and making positive changes.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I promise you 95% of the people at the gym are not worried about you or what you look like, they are there to work out, struggling to make one more set, 10 more minutes, whatever. I also assure you a lot of the people there were also once out of shape and are not judging you. Just do it! Maybe go late at night or in the middle of the day, when most people are at work. Maybe find a gym with a ladies only section.
    PS: calling someone a gym junkie or a skinny minnie sounds a little judgemental, i will NEVER be a skinny minnie i will be a healthy, strong woman you don't want to be judged, so don't judge others.

    I was thinking this same thing exactly.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Just go don't worry about other people.

  • pookeyism
    pookeyism Posts: 84 Member
    If you mean should your appearance restrict you going to a gym to exercise - no! Now - while there if you are way out of practice, be mindful of your body - also consider visiting a doctor that works with obese patients and giving them an idea of what it is you plan on attempting over the next few months - and get an OK. make sure they have your full history. This is not a bad idea at any size to do at least annually.

    Now, if you get an OK or get an modified OK - remember three months of exercize is going to change you and if there is any issues your body will have begun to give you clues - so I suggest you keep an exercise journal an dvisit with your doc again so they can make sure you are progressing OK. Mention any additions you want to include and you may need to discuss medications since your cardio and mass will likely have changed.

    I teach HeavyWeight Yoga and if you decide the gym is not your thing before you go buy a hard core exercize video or something check out the HeavyWeight Yoga series or a similar video in whatever you wish to try - or contact me and I will offer suggestions if I can. THEN after you haev done these foe a while you can switch to something more intense.

    I stress a relationship with a competent doctor (one only monitoring you NOT selling supplements, etc. because often I see people pushing their body to the point they hurt and creating injuries and such that end up making them dislike the exercise - and you will not continue if you don't enjoy it on some just be kind to your body, learn your body cues, exercise and experiment and have fun.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    If you want to know a secret, I think most people feel that way regardless of weight. When I first started going, I thought everyone was watching me too. It's a new environment and you're doing things you're not used to. Everyone is self conscious at some time, be it because of weight, skill, clothes, form, routine, etc...
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Too fat for a gym? Nonsense!

    Gyms are meant for anyone, regardless of size, weight, etc.

    I do know a lot of cardio equipment at my gym has weight limitations of around 400 lbs, and by looking at your profile you don't have anything to worry about.

    I started out at 325 pounds, not only do I go to the gym, I also go swimming at the gym. Yep, me and my fat get into a swimming suit that doesn't hide much. It takes a bit, but after a couple of times you realize the fact that you are there working on yourself means much more than whatever anyone would think about your size.

    It is silly to think that you have to get fit elsewhere, only so you can join a gym.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    I got myself a gym membership on the weekend and I have been once, but the whole time I was very anxious, scared and intimidated that all the other members were looking at me. Especially the gym junkies and skinny Minnie's.

    How do I get past this feeling so that I can just go to the gym? Or should I put my membership on hold until I lose some more weight?

    When I first read this I said to myself "Bull****!" I'll tell you from my own experiences that I did this!! I made excuses to NOT be at the gym instead of saying to myself, I NEED TO BE THERE!! How else are you gonna get what you want if you don't work at it?! It's just something you'll struggle with, that's your own internal demons you harbor from people commenting about your weight. It's hard, I call it the "big boy sandbox" and joke about how I've survived to make it better. There's ways and sometimes tears that will help you get through the journey but only you can push through the negative thoughts. It's so hard, I still cry but ya know when someone comments about how much I've changed or lost or what have makes a world of difference!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Gym junkies and skinny minnies. All these post come with name calling attach to it and complain about people looking at me.

    First you can stop name calling. How else do you think gym junkie and skinny minnie become these names? By working out.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    "Too fat to go to the gym" is called a nice excuse to sit at home and watch TV. If fitness is one of your goals, suck it up and go to the gym.

    No actually, it's called working out at home rather than in front of everyone.

    If you don't have the drive then the at home workout will fail for sure!! I have all kinds of gym stuff at home which includes 2 gym apparatuses, dumb bells, a ball, and a couple other things...they're the husbands and I didn't have enough drive after day 4 to get back on the damn machines...when I paid for the gym and the trainer is when I really scheduled myself to do it!! That's me...but most often I hear this happen to many who don't have the motivation... 76 pounds to lose tells me that you may not be motivated like myself..but I could be wrong...just know that the fat demons are always lurking in our heads...
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Gym junkies and skinny minnies. All these post come with name calling attach to it and complain about people looking at me.

    First you can stop name calling. How else do you think gym junkie and skinny minnie become these names? By working out.

    Good on you for calling that out, lot of folks seem to be missing that.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I got myself a gym membership on the weekend and I have been once, but the whole time I was very anxious, scared and intimidated that all the other members were looking at me. Especially the gym junkies and skinny Minnie's.

    How do I get past this feeling so that I can just go to the gym? Or should I put my membership on hold until I lose some more weight?

    I used to try to go out of my way to nod or say hi to anyone who was new and was trying to get the feel of the place.

    No matter what size you are or what type of shape you are, if you are in the gym you've decided ot make the effort to get in better shape. IMO that is behavior that needs to be reinforced so I did my best to do so.
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    Gym junkies and skinny minnies. All these post come with name calling attach to it and complain about people looking at me.

    First you can stop name calling. How else do you think gym junkie and skinny minnie become these names? By working out.

    I caught that too.

    You think that the people there were looking at you and judging you because you're overweight and that's supposed to be wrong yet it's somehow ok for you to call them "skinny minnie's and gym junkies"? :huh:

    Chances are good they weren't even looking at you. Heck they probably didn't even know you were there. And like yopeeps025 said they didn't get that way by sitting at home on the couch. They got up and MOVED.
  • ShellF415
    ShellF415 Posts: 182 Member
    Everyone at the gym started somewhere and really, everyone is doing their own thing and not watching what anyone else is doing. Just go in and do your thing.
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    Calling people gym junkies and skinny minnies is kinda being hypocritical in a way. I mean, if you walk in and immediately place them into one of those two categories...then get upset if they may judge you as a "fatty patty" or some other equally as insulting's the same thing.

    All that being said, I don't go to the gym for the same reason you don't (intimidation). I might "get over it" some day and just say to heck with it and GO...hopefully sooner rather than later.

    I do like the idea someone else offered of going when the gym is the least busy. You could call them or go in and speak with them about when their slowest hours usually are (I might do that myself). =)
    it was a joke.... Just saying

    I don't think so. I think all that really stems from insecurity.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Gym junkies and skinny minnies. All these post come with name calling attach to it and complain about people looking at me.

    First you can stop name calling. How else do you think gym junkie and skinny minnie become these names? By working out.

    I caught that too.

    You think that the people there were looking at you and judging you because you're overweight and that's supposed to be wrong yet it's somehow ok for you to call them "skinny minnie's and gym junkies"? :huh:

    Chances are good they weren't even looking at you. Heck they probably didn't even know you were there. And like yopeeps025 said they didn't get that way by sitting at home on the couch. They got up and MOVED.

    She claim it to be a joke but then complains about people staring. LOL that is so backwards. In all seriousness though, no one there cares how you started and how you look. I'm sure some want to see where you will finish.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Never "too fat" to start anything. Get out there and move, if anything you'll be an inspiration to others.

    Seriously though, don't worry about what other people think about you. If you try to live in the manner to excessively please others you leave yourself hanging out to dry.
  • lizzybathory
    Can you fit through the door? If so you're good. Keep going. It'll be OK.
    Yes, haha, this! Perfect response and really all that needs to be said.
    If you want to know a secret, I think most people feel that way regardless of weight. When I first started going, I thought everyone was watching me too. It's a new environment and you're doing things you're not used to. Everyone is self conscious at some time, be it because of weight, skill, clothes, form, routine, etc...
    This, too. I've never been overweight, but I have been out of shape. I've gone back to the gym at all of 130 pounds and found myself unable to keep up with the people around me - some of them considerably overweight, even! If you saw me at the gym, you might think that since I'm not chubby that I might be looking at you and judging you. But I might be just as worried that you're judging me, because maybe you can tell how red in the face I am from running a single mile? Thankfully, I have far too little time to worry about that. There are plenty of people at the gym who could kick my *kitten* if it was a competition, but it's not one.

    When I go to the gym, I barely look at other people. If I do look at other people, it's either for learning (watching others' form while lifting, getting new ideas for exercises, things like that) or it's out of admiration (and I really try to be subtle about it and not stare). Sometimes, it's overweight or out-of-shape people that inspire me the most. I admire the effort it takes to get going when you're first starting out. Honestly, if I saw a very overweight person huffing and puffing on the treadmill, I wouldn't have a single bad thought about them. Instead I'd think to myself - "Wow, way to go, chubby guy. If you can do this, so can I." And then I'd focus on myself.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Just keep going. It will pass. Everyone always looks at the new person in every situation in life. The gym is no different. There is no one too fat for the gym. Respect for everyone who goes to the gym and tries to better them self.

    This should have been /thread.