30 Day Shred or Insanity??

From your experience what have you done?
Have access to both but not sure which will have best affect?

Will be doing it along with running.

I want to lose inches from thighs, tummy and hip area



  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    You won't get far without the proper nutrition along with that!

    I think it's a matter of personal preference here. I've never done Insanity but I've done the 30 Day Shred. I liked it!
  • juneduggan1981
    juneduggan1981 Posts: 36 Member
    Trying my best to sort out the food side of it - managing to stay under calories most days but struggling to stick with macros (seem to be going over).

    Find it hard due to my job (work various shifts), mum of 2 (1 of which has autism) so trying to make changes and better choices

    Did you find 30 day shred made a difference?

    thanks for advice

  • sweetsorrow18
    sweetsorrow18 Posts: 54 Member
    Both are VERY different (I've done them both).
    First off, what's your activity/fitness level? I'm assuming you're a runner, which means you have moderate-high level of endurance, you'll probably be okay with Insanity (it's fast paced cardio/HITT with very little breaks). 30 DS is good for someone who isn't at a higher fitness level/endurance or mainly sedentary, it uses 3 repeated circuits (cardio/weights/abs) but not too tough on your joints (you need to be careful of this with Insanity).

    With both, a good diet is necessary - though I'd say Insanity requires much more fuel =)

    On a side note, I finished T25 and absolutely loved it, if you have access to that, then I'd say go for that one!
  • irisheyes321
    irisheyes321 Posts: 52 Member

    Personally I am not ready yet for insanity.It depends on your fitness level.I have finished four weeks of hip hop abs and currently on day three of the 30 day shred and day one of rocking body.I love the two of them.I also work long hours so the gym is out.

    Why not try the 30 day shred on U Tube and see what you think of it?Theres also a group that has just started we are all doing the 30DS for the month.Good luck in what ever you decide and well done on your weight loss so far:smile:
