Oh hai!

Hey there, I'm new to MyFitnessPal and finally thought that I'd open an introduction thread. :smile:

I'm Kieran, a 23 year old, currently unemployed guy. I'm finally tackling my weight problem after unsuccessfully sticking to diets.

I’m starting off at 310lbs, but am hoping that with a healthy diet, a good exercise routine and MyFitnessPal that I’ll get to my goal weight of around 218lbs.

So yeah, this is me, feel free to say hi. I’m always friendly and approachable so yeah, thanks for taking time to read this introduction post. :tongue:


  • saramathers22
    Welcome to MFP!

    Good luck with the weight loss :)
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Welcome! Feel free to add me if you want some support.
  • urnewbuddee
    urnewbuddee Posts: 53 Member
    Hi Kieran! Welcome to MFP!!!
  • lisa_lotte
    Helllllooooo Friend :-)

  • frakyeah
    Oh wow, thank you so much for the welcoming posts. :happy:

    I shall indeed look to add a few people for their support and advice.

    Also, hai Lisa! :smooched:
  • Proudmumofboys
    Hi and welcome.

    I hope you find what you need on here, so far it has helped me and I enjoy it, I have only been here for a week but find it very useful.
  • kerkel68
    Welcome to MFP

    Good luck.
  • frakyeah
    Hey there, yeah I've been on MyFitnessPal for about a week, it's nice to see so many welcoming people on here. :)

    MFP does indeed help, before I was finding it hard to get support and log my intakes.

    Thank you for you posts, everyone! :D