A Call for a Low-Carb Diet



  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Metabolic condishuns effect like .03% of the population. Not every ****en obese person has one. Their biggest problem is: overeating. Duh. Calories in> out is 100% effective for pretty much everyone. Its just people don't want to stop eating too much. Whatever the reason and there are valid reasons. But that's a different conversation. Its simple math and physics.

    See, Mr.M27, it's this sort of stuff that drives me nuts. And this user isn't the only one to say that metabolic conditions are extremely rare (most seem to say 1% or less). And this simply IS NOT true.

    Insulin resistance affects over 40% of the population of US adults (at prediabetic or diabetic levels). Thyroid disorders are estimated at up to 7-10% of the population. And that's only 2 issues. Throw in PCOS, IBS, other gastric issues, etc., they aren't small numbers.

    Misinformation like this does no one any good.

    Lindsey, do you know what the acceptable number for total cholesterol used to be and what it is now? Do we have a better understanding of cholesterol? Probably. Do we have an increase in the number of people taking meds and at an earlier age, yes, without a doubt. Do you know with an aging population you have increased numbers of folks with thyroid issues? And those numbers are over-estimated according to some.


    Try to keep things in perspective.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    My doctor and nutrionist have me on a higher carb diet with protein to balance it. 181 g of carb a day, 78 g of protein a day and 48 or less g fat a day. I think I will follow what they are telling me to do.


    You're choosing to follow the advice of professionals, as opposed to listening to the anonymous, unaccountable multitudes whose only selling point is that they have an active internet connection.

    Was someone trying to tell you to do otherwise?
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Metabolic condishuns effect like .03% of the population. Not every ****en obese person has one. Their biggest problem is: overeating. Duh. Calories in> out is 100% effective for pretty much everyone. Its just people don't want to stop eating too much. Whatever the reason and there are valid reasons. But that's a different conversation. Its simple math and physics.

    See, Mr.M27, it's this sort of stuff that drives me nuts. And this user isn't the only one to say that metabolic conditions are extremely rare (most seem to say 1% or less). And this simply IS NOT true.

    Insulin resistance affects over 40% of the population of US adults (at prediabetic or diabetic levels). Thyroid disorders are estimated at up to 7-10% of the population. And that's only 2 issues. Throw in PCOS, IBS, other gastric issues, etc., they aren't small numbers.

    Misinformation like this does no one any good.

    Lindsey, do you know what the acceptable number for total cholesterol used to be and what it is now? Do we have a better understanding of cholesterol? Probably. Do we have an increase in the number of people taking meds and at an earlier age, yes, without a doubt. Do you know with an aging population you have increased numbers of folks with thyroid issues? And those numbers are over-estimated according to some.


    Try to keep things in perspective.

    Fair enough, but that also only addresses the thyroid issue -- that higher levels may be more appropriate in older people. And, frankly, as far as thyroid stuff goes, I think they have a lot to learn. The tests have not caught up with actual symptoms as you'll find quite a few people that are hypo that have huge battles with doctors over lab values.

    As for insulin resistance, it's not like the American Diabetes Association is some crazy, fly-by-night operation. And even if the numbers are somewhat inflated, they're still HUGE. Unless you think they're off by a magnitude of 1000%, which seems highly unlikely. At the very least, they know the diagnosed numbers.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    0.03% of 300 million is 9 million people.

    The number you're looking for is 90,000 not 9 million.

    But this is still good, because based on your post I strongly suggest you open your diary so we can check your math before you declare yourself a special snowflake.
  • lighteningjeanne855
    I am diabetic, so "Low-Carbing" really works for me.
    I'm doing the Paleo Lifestyle, so I don't eat wheat, corn, legumes, rice, or dairy.
    My inflammations in my joints are gone, my skin has improved, and my hormones are balancing.

    Some suggestions for research:
    marksdaily apple.com

    Even if you don't believe in the beneifits of the Low-Carb lifestyle,
    please read the "wheatbellyblog.com"
    to find a practice which just might solve a lot of your weight-loss struggles.

    Best Wishes!
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    0.03% of 300 million is 9 million people.

    The number you're looking for is 90,000 not 9 million.

    But this is still good, because based on your post I strongly suggest you open your diary so we can check your math before you declare yourself a special snowflake.

    Gotta love the MFP forums, where one can feel superior for calling someone out on elementary math.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    0.03% of 300 million is 9 million people.

    The number you're looking for is 90,000 not 9 million.

    But this is still good, because based on your post I strongly suggest you open your diary so we can check your math before you declare yourself a special snowflake.

    Gotta love the MFP forums, where one can feel superior for calling someone out on elementary math.

    It doesn't make me feel superior, it makes me feel sad. This is a person who is clearly struggling but unable to find their answer. :( While it appears, based on posting history, that most of the problem is self-inflicted, it's still saddening, because it's no fun when other people are struggling. :(
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    0.03% of 300 million is 9 million people.

    The number you're looking for is 90,000 not 9 million.

    But this is still good, because based on your post I strongly suggest you open your diary so we can check your math before you declare yourself a special snowflake.

    Gotta love the MFP forums, where one can feel superior for calling someone out on elementary math.

    It doesn't make me feel superior, it makes me feel sad. This is a person who is clearly struggling but unable to find their answer. :( While it appears, based on posting history, that most of the problem is self-inflicted, it's still saddening, because it's no fun when other people are struggling. :(

    my diary is open to friends. as i said before, everything is weighed, measured, and portioned. i cook at home, so every ingredient is listed in the recipe builder, matched with the appropriate database entry, and portioned accordingly. i log first, THEN eat, just in case a portion is going to send me over on one thing or another.

    and... i'm sorry, but... self-inflicted??? are you trying to claim that i over eat specifically so that i can whine about not losing weight?

    you're right that it's no fun when people are struggling... it's even less fun when you're the one struggling and people dismiss you as nothing more than an idiot.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    0.03% of 300 million is 9 million people.

    The number you're looking for is 90,000 not 9 million.

    But this is still good, because based on your post I strongly suggest you open your diary so we can check your math before you declare yourself a special snowflake.

    Gotta love the MFP forums, where one can feel superior for calling someone out on elementary math.

    It doesn't make me feel superior, it makes me feel sad. This is a person who is clearly struggling but unable to find their answer. :( While it appears, based on posting history, that most of the problem is self-inflicted, it's still saddening, because it's no fun when other people are struggling. :(

    You'd better watch out. MrM something-or-other may call you one of those "faceless demons," or something like that.

    Unless you're actually Lou Reed or Cary Elwes, LOL!

    ETA: Or maybe he just reserves that treatment for those who aren't beating the same drum.
  • RaqRey
    RaqRey Posts: 2 Member
    I have done low-carb, I lost some weight on it but ONLY if I also controlled how much I ate. Eating until I'm full and expecting to lose weight has never worked for me. Right now I'm loving calorie counting, it gives me a lot more freedom to choose where I want my calories to come from than any other diet I have tried in the past.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    and when step A proves, on multiple data points and calculations, that my "maintenance" level is drastically below my expected calculated BMR, and that the deficits have to be so low as to be in the realm of dangerous (both mentally and physically), then my first priority has to be determining what medical factors are impeding proper weight loss.

    Calculated BMR is just an estimate based on a population average. Eating below a calculated BMR that isn't your actual BMR isn't dangerous at all so I'm not sure what you mean by that. Eating at huge deficits is dangerous, getting inadequate nutrition is dangerous...eating below what a calculator tells you when that calculator is wrong is not dangerous. A "deficit" that is the difference between what an online calculator tells you and what your actual maintenance is is not a deficit at all, its the calculator not applying to you.

    Frankly those calculators don't exactly apply to anyone except for a broad average. The idea is to give you a ballpark to start with and then you take the time to determine how far off from maintenance that puts you and adjust accordingly.

    As for your efficiency comment if you are saying your BMR is much LOWER than expected that means your body is actually EXTREMELY efficient, much more so than the average population. So I am not sure why you are saying operating at low efficiency.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    0.03% of 300 million is 9 million people.

  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    0.03% of 300 million is 9 million people.

    The number you're looking for is 90,000 not 9 million.

    But this is still good, because based on your post I strongly suggest you open your diary so we can check your math before you declare yourself a special snowflake.

    Gotta love the MFP forums, where one can feel superior for calling someone out on elementary math.

    It doesn't make me feel superior, it makes me feel sad. This is a person who is clearly struggling but unable to find their answer. :( While it appears, based on posting history, that most of the problem is self-inflicted, it's still saddening, because it's no fun when other people are struggling. :(

    my diary is open to friends. as i said before, everything is weighed, measured, and portioned. i cook at home, so every ingredient is listed in the recipe builder, matched with the appropriate database entry, and portioned accordingly. i log first, THEN eat, just in case a portion is going to send me over on one thing or another.

    and... i'm sorry, but... self-inflicted??? are you trying to claim that i over eat specifically so that i can whine about not losing weight?

    you're right that it's no fun when people are struggling... it's even less fun when you're the one struggling and people dismiss you as nothing more than an idiot.

    I'm not sure when being overweight is not self-inflicted.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    There is one person and one person alone that is responsible for your health as an adult and that is you. Your health is your responsibility and if you become overweight or obese it is because you have neglected your health. You may have reasons for that neglect associated with job or family but that does not mean you did not neglect that one aspect of your life. You may have various medical conditions that make your metabolism different than that of the population (hyper- hypothyroidism, PCOS etc) but then it is your responsibility to recognize that, understand your maintenance level and adjust accordingly. Placing blame on something beyond your control is just acceptance that being unhealthy is somehow your destiny and that is NOT the kind of mindset that is going to improve your life.

    Harsh reality time. If you are obese, if you are overweight, that is a self-infliicted condition regardless of what your life or medical situation may be. If there is a condition that forces you to gain weight to an unhealthy level regardless of what you do I have not heard of it.

    There CAN be things outside of your control that make you scrawny, or skinny, or unhealthily thin...but there isn't such a thing for being overweight.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    It does not matter what you eat as how much you eat ... no deficit no loss. Pure and simple.

    So, since it doesn't matter what I eat, I should be able to lose wight as long as there's a deficit, even if I'm living off of french fries, soda, and cake? :huh: Yeah, right. Dude, you're not going to lose weight by eating ****ty junk food all day even if you're staying within your calorie goal. Obviously we need the deficit to lose weight, but the quality of food matters too. What we eat matters.

    Yes if you stay within your calorie goal you would be losing weight. I'd like to know what cake you're eating if you're sitting on the couch all day eating it and STILL within your calorie goal. Don't muddy the waters more and bring in nutrients. Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    It does not matter what you eat as how much you eat ... no deficit no loss. Pure and simple.

    So, since it doesn't matter what I eat, I should be able to lose wight as long as there's a deficit, even if I'm living off of french fries, soda, and cake? :huh: Yeah, right. Dude, you're not going to lose weight by eating ****ty junk food all day even if you're staying within your calorie goal. Obviously we need the deficit to lose weight, but the quality of food matters too. What we eat matters.

    Yes if you stay within your calorie goal you would be losing weight. I'd like to know what cake you're eating if you're sitting on the couch all day eating it and STILL within your calorie goal. Don't muddy the waters more and bring in nutrients. Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance.

    I see this come up all the time on the forums and feel like the two "camps" just talk past one another even though they actually believe the same things.

    1. It is absolutely true that if you are at a caloric deficit you will lose weight regardless of what the source of said calories is. You can lose weight eating nothing but twinkies if you want.

    2. It is absolutely true that if you do not get a proper balance of macros and nutrients you will find it impossible to maintain your diet in a sustainable, satisfying and healthy way long term and therefore eating nothing but twinkies is not a viable way to lose weight.

    Both are true and I doubt either side would disagree with either statement, its just one person arguing that the glass is half full while the other yells back that it is half empty. It is boring.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    It does not matter what you eat as how much you eat ... no deficit no loss. Pure and simple.

    So, since it doesn't matter what I eat, I should be able to lose wight as long as there's a deficit, even if I'm living off of french fries, soda, and cake? :huh: Yeah, right. Dude, you're not going to lose weight by eating ****ty junk food all day even if you're staying within your calorie goal. Obviously we need the deficit to lose weight, but the quality of food matters too. What we eat matters.

    Yes if you stay within your calorie goal you would be losing weight. I'd like to know what cake you're eating if you're sitting on the couch all day eating it and STILL within your calorie goal. Don't muddy the waters more and bring in nutrients. Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance.

    Yeah, we don't want those waters all "muddy" with crazy talk about nutrients!

    We just want to lose weight, and we want it now!

    Do you guys even read what you write? Should someone desire weight loss, regardless of health risks (yes, that's a rhetorical question)?

    If not, why even mention that you can lose weight eating crap?
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    It does not matter what you eat as how much you eat ... no deficit no loss. Pure and simple.

    So, since it doesn't matter what I eat, I should be able to lose wight as long as there's a deficit, even if I'm living off of french fries, soda, and cake? :huh: Yeah, right. Dude, you're not going to lose weight by eating ****ty junk food all day even if you're staying within your calorie goal. Obviously we need the deficit to lose weight, but the quality of food matters too. What we eat matters.

    Yes if you stay within your calorie goal you would be losing weight. I'd like to know what cake you're eating if you're sitting on the couch all day eating it and STILL within your calorie goal. Don't muddy the waters more and bring in nutrients. Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance.

    I see this come up all the time on the forums and feel like the two "camps" just talk past one another even though they actually believe the same things.

    1. It is absolutely true that if you are at a caloric deficit you will lose weight regardless of what the source of said calories is. You can lose weight eating nothing but twinkies if you want.

    2. It is absolutely true that if you do not get a proper balance of macros and nutrients you will find it impossible to maintain your diet in a sustainable, satisfying and healthy way long term and therefore eating nothing but twinkies is not a viable way to lose weight.

    Both are true and I doubt either side would disagree with either statement, its just one person arguing that the glass is half full while the other yells back that it is half empty. It is boring.
    I don't see how eating low carb is the same as eating only cake and French fries all day. It is POSSIBLE to lose weight only eating those items. You seem to have this view of low carb that it's very restrictive.

    From a weight loss standpoint it really is about calorie deficit. Like I said before, if you bring nutrients into it then it's not just about simple weight loss and CICO. I don't see how it's a "camp" thing at all.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    It does not matter what you eat as how much you eat ... no deficit no loss. Pure and simple.

    So, since it doesn't matter what I eat, I should be able to lose wight as long as there's a deficit, even if I'm living off of french fries, soda, and cake? :huh: Yeah, right. Dude, you're not going to lose weight by eating ****ty junk food all day even if you're staying within your calorie goal. Obviously we need the deficit to lose weight, but the quality of food matters too. What we eat matters.

    Yes if you stay within your calorie goal you would be losing weight. I'd like to know what cake you're eating if you're sitting on the couch all day eating it and STILL within your calorie goal. Don't muddy the waters more and bring in nutrients. Purely for a weight loss purpose alone, yes you can eat only soda, cake and French fries and still lose weight if you're within your calorie allowance.

    Yeah, we don't want those waters all "muddy" with crazy talk about nutrients!

    We just want to lose weight, and we want it now!

    Do you guys even read what you write? Should someone desire weight loss, regardless of health risks (yes, that's a rhetorical question)?

    If not, why even mention that you can lose weight eating crap?
    We are talking specifically about weight loss and cico. Are you saying if you eat your daily allowance of cake you won't lose weight?

    It's also obvious that others who don't eat low carb think that nutrients isn't a concern. WHERE DO YOU THINK CARBS COME FROM IN A LOW CARB DIET? Veggies and minimal amounts from dairy mainly. But, since it's clear you don't know much about eating low carb you wouldn't know that.

    I do read what I write but it's been shown before your comprehension is lacking.