Help!!! Soda cravings are killing me!



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Then I see the vending machines at work and I give into temptation.

    Also I'm not sure why people are telling you to switch to coke zero. It's still soda. The "zero" doesn't make it NOT soda any longer

    ETA: if you gave it up for 25 days once you can do it again.

    The reason I gave her the advice of diet soda (or regular for that matter) I see nothing wrong with soda in MODERATION. Plenty of thin people drink soda.

    Losing weight (and keeping it off) is about learning moderation for me. To keep weight off.....I need to make lifestyle changes. I don't see myself giving up soda forever.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Then I see the vending machines at work and I give into temptation.

    Also I'm not sure why people are telling you to switch to coke zero. It's still soda. The "zero" doesn't make it NOT soda any longer

    ETA: if you gave it up for 25 days once you can do it again.

    The reason I gave her the advice of diet soda (or regular for that matter) I see nothing wrong with soda in MODERATION. Plenty of thin people drink soda.

    Losing weight (and keeping it off) is about learning moderation for me. To keep weight off.....I need to make lifestyle changes. I don't see myself giving up soda forever.

    Agreed that drinking some diet soda will not impede weight loss. However, the reason I asked the OP her purpose for wanting to kick the soda habit is because there is more to getting healthy than weight loss. Most folks actually feel quite a bit better when they kick all soda, diet and regular. So if that's a goal of yours (feeling better) addition to weight loss....then its better to aim to kick all soda and not just switch to diet soda.
  • jchenks
    jchenks Posts: 164 Member
    ZEVIA - google it. Pop with zero calories and no artificial sweeteners.

    I'm reading the ingredients from the Cream Soda one I had the other day
    Carbonated Water, erythritol, natural flavours, steviol glyosides, citric acid, caramel color

    Calories - 0
    Fat - 0
    Sodium - 0
    Carbs - 4g (Sugars Alcohols - 4g)
    Protein - 0

    15 Flavours. You can find them at your local organic food market.

    That is the worse drink I've ever tried. I couldn't even swallow it. I had to spit it out! Gross!

    I drink diet sodas now, mostly diet Coke. It hasn't hindered my weight loss at all. I don't really care for the taste of Coke Zero.
    Don't bring money to work then you won't be able to use the vending machine.

    Haha. I really didn't mind the coke and the ginger "ale" and the lime one. However, the cream soda flavour I could not finish. It almost make me vomit.

    Never know what some people's taste buds might enjoy though! I personally have a relationship with diet coke and soda water. Something about carbonated drinks that I just can't get enough of.
  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    Part of it may be a caffeine addiction if you are drinking Mountain Dew. Drink a cup of coffee with milk and no sugar. Then drink sparkling water with some flavor in it the rest of the day. I bet that will take the edge off.

    It took me a while to get used to coffee without sugar, but now any sugar in my coffee makes me gag. It's way too sweet (and I have a sweet tooth).
  • jennylilac
    jennylilac Posts: 30 Member
    I have the same problem. I love Mountain Dew sooooo much!! I have been trying to do smaller no-soda streaks. If I make it three days I'm really happy with myself. I have also tried switching to cans instead of bottles and even better 8 oz Mountain Dew slurpees. Today I was struggling something awful so I did indulge in a Sparkling Ice. I tried cherry limeade and it was pretty good!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Then I see the vending machines at work and I give into temptation.

    Also I'm not sure why people are telling you to switch to coke zero. It's still soda. The "zero" doesn't make it NOT soda any longer

    ETA: if you gave it up for 25 days once you can do it again.

    The reason I gave her the advice of diet soda (or regular for that matter) I see nothing wrong with soda in MODERATION. Plenty of thin people drink soda.

    Losing weight (and keeping it off) is about learning moderation for me. To keep weight off.....I need to make lifestyle changes. I don't see myself giving up soda forever.

    Agreed that drinking some diet soda will not impede weight loss. However, the reason I asked the OP her purpose for wanting to kick the soda habit is because there is more to getting healthy than weight loss. Most folks actually feel quite a bit better when they kick all soda, diet and regular. So if that's a goal of yours (feeling better) addition to weight loss....then its better to aim to kick all soda and not just switch to diet soda.

    Most folks feel quite a bit better?....Any data supporting this? There is a small minority of people that do have real medical issues with diet soft drinks (migraines and such).....small minority. There are still more people who make a bunch of changes and then attribute any improvement in health to kicking soda.

    One post I remember....."I kicked soda" (loses 75 pounds) "now I no longer have knee pain".......huh, do you think not having to cart around 75 extra pounds had a little something to do with that?

    The part of your post I quoted was why anyone would tell her to drink diet soda. I'll stand by my reply.....I told you my reasoning. There are plenty of people here....IIFYM (if it fits your macros)...."All things in moderation." Those telling her to drink diet soda (or fit regular soda in) are these people.
  • CardiacKev28
    CardiacKev28 Posts: 172 Member
    I was addicted to soda too about a year and a half ago. I gave it up and now I drink seltzer with fresh fruit added. I don't mix soda at all. Right now I have seltzer with fresh blueberries-delicious!. I also bought a soda stream and I make my own. Best thing I ever bought! No cans to return, always fresh and I add as much bubbles as I want.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    The world is full of temptations, the only thing standing between them and you is self control.
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    Oh yeah. I also have one of these:


    It is a nice thing to have, and you have a little ritual that for you could replace the trip to the vending machine.
  • ZEVIA - google it. Pop with zero calories and no artificial sweeteners.

    I'm reading the ingredients from the Cream Soda one I had the other day
    Carbonated Water, erythritol, natural flavours, steviol glyosides, citric acid, caramel color

    Calories - 0
    Fat - 0
    Sodium - 0
    Carbs - 4g (Sugars Alcohols - 4g)
    Protein - 0

    15 Flavours. You can find them at your local organic food market.

    +1. Love Zevia
  • I was a three 20-ounce-bottle per day Coke Zero junkie (and that didn't count whatever I drank with fast food meals) until I found Nestle flavored waters. No fizz, but lots of great fruit taste. I buy it by the case (32 bottles, 8 of each of four flavors) at Costco for $8.00 each, which works out to only 25 cents a bottle. It's delicious; it's refreshing and it has none of the chemicals or artificial sweeteners found in diet soda. I think it helped me keep to my calorie goals by killing my craving for junk food to go along with the soda. Good luck!
  • I to have a soda addiction. It is hell! The cravings are terrible and it needles me all day. I love real coke (real soda with the sugar) and sometimes, MT Dew. My chops just water thinking about it.
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    ZEVIA - google it. Pop with zero calories and no artificial sweeteners.

    I'm reading the ingredients from the Cream Soda one I had the other day
    Carbonated Water, erythritol, natural flavours, steviol glyosides, citric acid, caramel color

    Calories - 0
    Fat - 0
    Sodium - 0
    Carbs - 4g (Sugars Alcohols - 4g)
    Protein - 0

    15 Flavours. You can find them at your local organic food market.

    +1. Love Zevia

    Me too on the Zevia!

    So far I love the lemon lime, ginger root beer and ginger ale flavors. GREAT soda alternatives! The grape was okay too, but did leave a touch of an aftertaste for me.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I drink diet soda somewhat regularly, I know it's supposedly 'bad' but whatever. It gives me my soda fix and has no calories, as long as I'm not chugging it or drinking way too much of it, I think I'm ok.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    I used to drink soda like it was water. But once I decided to change the way I eat, at first I didn't drink any soda for a few weeks. Then I decided to have one soda a week. Maybe it's just me, but I drink water more than anything else now.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I'm going into my third week of quitting smoking cigarettes cold turkey. If I can survive, so can you! Dealing with quitting was a lot easier this time around because I actually wanted to quit; my withdrawal symptoms were non-existent, and it's been easy for me to ignore a craving when it does pop up. Last time when I quit, I lapsed after a breakup, since I quit for someone else and not for myself. It's the same with soda; are you just quitting to lose weight, or because you want to? Mindset is key for kicking a habit.

    As long as you can get through the first few days, it will get easier. In the meantime, find something that can kill the craving without giving in to it. If you want soda, maybe try a piece of fruit, or a tic tac; something sweet to take the edge off. It does get easier as time goes on!