Thoughts on planning your intake in advance?



  • Took me a minute to realize that on MFP, ED doesn't have anything to do with male blood flow... I have no experience with eating disorders, but the thread is still relevant to me and other users.

    I just started logging about a week ago so I'm still figuring out what works for me, but it seems that logging before my meal is better than after. It's the only way I'll realize how unhealthy something is, and that prompts me to make healthier choices before it's too late.

    But pre-planning the whole day sounds dreadful. I'm sure it's great for health reasons and I might think about something similar in the future, but right now it would be too much too soon.

    Hmm... bearing in mind my total lack of experience... if someone with an ED planned on a healthy intake for the day and then actually made a point of sticking to it (either eating it all, or not binging, depending on the ED), wouldn't that be a good thing?
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    I plan every morning and adjust if I eat less or change my mind! Works for me!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    I try to plan as much as I can. My breakfast and lunch during the work week tend to be the same everyday so I generally have a good idea as to what I can have for dinner
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    OP...I've taken a look at your past threads, and you mentioned help with an ED. I've been responding to your posts because I thought you were trying to learn healthier habits in conjunction with professional help. Your ticker showing you still have weight to lose concerns me.

    Please get professional help if you haven't already. This website is not the place for you if you are struggling with an ED and are not working with a professional. We should not in good faith be giving you advice.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    I've learned to pre-log my day so I know how my day is going to be or if what I had in mind won't work for the day and I change things. It has been such great advice other here gave me.
  • twiggysunshine
    twiggysunshine Posts: 18 Member
    Most of the time I preplan my meals. That helps me to stay on track. If I decide to change what I eat I adjust the log latter.
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    If you are struggling with an ED you need to see a qualified counsellor who can recommend a dietician as well.

    Preplan and use MFP but use it to help you see your intake and how it affects your body. Do not use it as a weight loss tool. Use it to attain a healthy weight and maintain that healthy weight.

    I urge you to speak with your doctor so you can be healthy and happy.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Hmm... bearing in mind my total lack of experience... if someone with an ED planned on a healthy intake for the day and then actually made a point of sticking to it (either eating it all, or not binging, depending on the ED), wouldn't that be a good thing?
    It really depends on the person and their individual issues. EDs are about control, even more than food, so someone's treatment team might have reason to encourage them not to log/track/weigh/etc. if that is triggering for them.