New and have a few questions.

crys30 Posts: 43
edited September 2024 in Introduce Yourself
I've just started watching what I eat, again. It seems like I give up to easy but I'm working on that.

My question is.. I have high blood pressure and I'm taking medication now for it, is there any appetite supprants out there that wont mess with my medication? I took one that was suppose to be very natural, no hard chemicals, and it continued to make my heart race throughout the day. But it was working with my cravings.

I need something that helps me think that I am full so I wont over eat. Like I said the other product was working but I didnt like how it made me feel. I did lose 4 lbs while taking it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I think we are all in this together, so if you need encouragement and I'm sure I will too, you can always add me as a friend and I'll do my best. Thanks everyone :)


  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    I would avoide appetite suppressants and try to eat foods higher in fiber and protien, those should make you feel more full or less hungary for a longer time. Also... Drink drink drink!!! Its 944am and Im on my 3rd 24oz'er!!
  • urnewbuddee
    urnewbuddee Posts: 53 Member
    If you can find one, try and get something that doesn't have caffeine. A lot of diet supplements contain caffeine because it temporarily elevates your metabolism, so you might have some trouble. If you're looking at a supplement and you don't understand what an ingredient is, make sure to always look it up before buying it, especially because you have high blood pressure and you don't know how the ingredients will effect you.

    I'm a huge advocate for eating healthy and exercising without the aid of any diet supplements or surgery, no matter how heavy you are to start. So, if you can't find what you're looking for in a diet pill, just try getting a bunch of low calorie snacks to eat throughout the day! Eating things like celery and other crunchy veggies in between meals will help satisfy you. Also, and this is a rule that I've recently adopted because previously I never thought it would work.....don't ever deprive yourself of anything you want! You can always make room for a slice of pizza or a piece of cake. As long as you're tracking everything and staying within your calorie goals, you won't gain and you'll continue to lose weight! I had a slice of pizza last night and still made it 25 calories under my daily goal.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I do not recommend any appetite suppressants, EVER, especially if you have high BP. It is just asking for trouble.

    Eat regularly. 5-6 small meals instead of 3 big ones will help. Eat lean protein and good fiber! Protein with good fats (eggs, chicken, fish, nuts) and whole grains (as long as you don't have a sensitivity to them) will help you feel full longer. Drink water. Water does amazing things for the body.

    It takes time to retrain your body, shrink your stomach and establish new habits. It takes commitment and dedication. It is rarely comfortable or easy. But doing those things are the only way to do this in a healthy way.

    Make this a lifestyle change - including eating healthy, moderate exercise - and it will last. If you try to fix it with a pill, you will end up damaging your body and end up right back at the start, IMO.
  • ChristaS
    ChristaS Posts: 49 Member
    I don't know what your meals are usually like but when I first joined this site I realized that I could eat way more food and feel fuller if I just increased the amount of fruit and veggies I was eating. I know it sounds like a no brainer but I didn't quite "get it" untill being on here. once I started going heavy on veggies and fruit I started having no trouble staying within my calorie limit and not feeling hungry. I've never liked many veggies before but it didn't take long to get use to it and now I can even say I enjoy them.
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Most appetite suppressants are stimulants, so you will have the same problem. You should talk to your Dr before you take anything, "natural" or not. A lot of herbal remedies interact negatively with prescription medication, but it may not say anything about it on the label becasue it is marketed as a supplement, not a drug.
    This site is really helpful for tracking what you eat and your exercise, and the support is wonderful!
  • crys30
    crys30 Posts: 43
    Thanks you guys for the comments already. I knew I felt "weird" while taking the pills. I just have a hard time finding foods that I like on "diets" I tried one that you ate the same foods day in and day out, which I lost weigh on but then I got sick of the foods and gained my weigh back plus more. It's quite frustrating.

    Thanks for everyone posting, I'm planning on asking my dr at my next visit about appetite supprants (if theres any that are actually safe) but I have a feeling she's going to say the same things that I've just been told.
  • sybiltoney
    sybiltoney Posts: 12 Member
    First of all, please do not take any diet supplements. There is no such thing as a good supplement especially in your case with high BP. The most natural way to help yourself from eating when you should not is water. Drink water when you think you are hungry because most of the time it will fill you up and you need water to help in your weight loss anyway.
    I happen to look at your profile and noticed that you are thinking of getting pregnant soon. I had a baby last year and had pregnancy induced hypertension. It is not uncommon for 1st timers but still scary. They induced me and after 21 hours of labor ended up with a cesarean. My case is different because I was not overweight and didn't have any BP problems before or even after. My sister has high BP and when she was pregnant she ended up with preeclampsia which is even scarier. You are definitely on the right track to lose weight before getting preggers for many reasons mainly because you will have a healthier pregnancy then those who are over weight like my sister. If you haven't already, you need to talk to you OBGYN about losing weight and getting a better handle on your BP so that you will get pregnant so the end result is a healthy mama and healthy baby:smile: . Plus bed rest early in your pregnancy will really make things difficult in keeping active.
    I feel for you because I am trying to lose my baby weight before we try again. If you gain 10lbs and get pregnant again you will probably have 20lbs to lose.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Thanks you guys for the comments already. I knew I felt "weird" while taking the pills. I just have a hard time finding foods that I like on "diets" I tried one that you ate the same foods day in and day out, which I lost weigh on but then I got sick of the foods and gained my weigh back plus more. It's quite frustrating.

    Thanks for everyone posting, I'm planning on asking my dr at my next visit about appetite supprants (if theres any that are actually safe) but I have a feeling she's going to say the same things that I've just been told.

    Try finding some people with open diaries that you can get food ideas from. You need variety, or of course you will get bored. And try to make it a challenge to find new things you like. I tell my son - you don't have to eat it, but you do have to TRY it. lol :wink:
  • Appetite suppressants? I wouldn’t waste time depending on them. It’s a game you’re playing with yourself that likely won’t work for the long haul (or even the short haul). You have to make a decision that losing the weight is more important to you than overeating. The craving issue will improve after a few weeks of controlling the calories you eat. After about 8 weeks of counting calories, my cravings were not as strong. I usually give into my cravings but I work at not overdoing it by counting the calories. The trick for me is to keep counting calories even when I go over my daily limit. The days I blew it became separated by more and more days that I didn’t blow it as the weeks went by. I don’t deny myself anything I like to eat, but I don’t eat as much of it as I did when I was 300 lbs. I have found that when I have a snack craving, if I don’t eat something substantial, I end up snacking around until I take in way more calories than if I had just gone ahead and eaten something substantial like a half of sandwich, bowl of “light” soup, etc.

    It’s not easy but keep working at it and whatever you do, keep counting the calories. Make wise food choice when eating meals at home, dining out and when choosing snacks.

    Losing weight is not a race, it's a long term commitment to yourself and loved ones.
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