3000 diet? How long before I see results?



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    If you don't care about the weight that you put on...

    Then do One Gallon of Full Fat Milk a day.....
    and peanut butter....

    That should about do it.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    first off, it makes sense to learn more about nutrition and set a realistic goal with a calorie amount based on solid nutrition rather than a random 3000 calories. next, if you want to gain muscle, not just fat, you need to set a minimum daily protein amount that is enough for your body. but if you want to add calories, i suggest avocado - it's got plenty of healthy fat and it makes great guacamole, you can use it instead of mayo on sandwiches and it's great on salads, either in slices or as a dressing.

    you might also try full fat greek yogurt, which will add both protein and fat to your daily diet.

    btw, it's a funny thing - many people on this board feel they look bad if they have a few pounds, where you think you look bad because you don't. i suspect that how we see ourselves is based mostly on how we feel about ourselves, not on how we actually look.
  • You might not want to listen to what Jim is telling you...but let me tell you this.

    If I would eat under 4500cal a day I would loose weight.
    What I'm saying, is that everyone is different.

    So you want to gain weight, please do it in a healthy, controlled manner, like I do:
    Determine your total daily calorie goal (and macro's), based upon your weight, gender, activity level, etc.
    Then determine how much weight you want to gain per week/month.
    Now MyFitnessPal will tell you how much calories you'll need to eat per day. If you do exercises, you'll of course have to eat more.

    There's nothing more to it. A "3000 calorie diet" is just nonsense.
    Do me a favour and eat healthy. :wink:

    Who says the food I'm eating is not healthy ?
  • first off, it makes sense to learn more about nutrition and set a realistic goal with a calorie amount based on solid nutrition rather than a random 3000 calories. next, if you want to gain muscle, not just fat, you need to set a minimum daily protein amount that is enough for your body. but if you want to add calories, i suggest avocado - it's got plenty of healthy fat and it makes great guacamole, you can use it instead of mayo on sandwiches and it's great on salads, either in slices or as a dressing.

    you might also try full fat greek yogurt, which will add both protein and fat to your daily diet.

    btw, it's a funny thing - many people on this board feel they look bad if they have a few pounds, where you think you look bad because you don't. i suspect that how we see ourselves is based mostly on how we feel about ourselves, not on how we actually look.

    It's not about how I feel about myself it's based on how I actually look because I'm considered UNDERWEIGHT !!!! I explained that in my first post ..Being under weight is NOT healthy ..I can see and feel my bones ..I lost 40 lbs due to stress and I miss my old self ..it's not like I woke up and thought oh I'm skinny let me gain some weight!
  • Okay here is a little rundown of terms.

    BMR - The amount of calories your body needs to maintain it's weight in a coma. The energy needed to breathe pump the heart run the digestive system etc.

    NEAT - The energy you expend doing everyday crap a combination of your BMR and all the energy you spend generally living.

    TDEE - The total energy you expend in a day including BMR, NEAT and Exercise calories.

    The golden rule of weight loss is that if you eat under your TDEE you will lose weight. If say for example you lose 1lb in a week then you ate 3500 calories less than your TDEE over that week. Therefore your TDEE is likeley what you ate +500. With me :) ? in parallel eating over your TDEE results in weight gain. With appropriate muscle stimulation in place and adequate protein intake this results in the creation of fat and muscle. If you just sit on the couch the weight will be fat.

    Oh and as an approximation 1lb of fat = about 3500 calories. Therefore TDEE - 500 Would have you lose 1lb a week TDEE - 1000 Would have you lose 2.

    There are TDEE calculators but honestly calculating this is NOT an exact science so many little factors come into play with TDEE that are simply beyond the scope of a simple calculating tool. Your body however is the ultimate calculator for this. Rely on it instead and feed it various levels of calories and look at your own personal results to find your own personal TDEE.

    An example of which.

    You eat 2000 a week. You lose 1.5lbs average over a month (Weigh loss is not linear. A month is the minimum time to get a reasonable average)

    You decide that your TDEE is probably around 2750 based on this. So you eat that.

    Turns out you still lose .5 lbs a week. This is perfectly normal sometimes upping calories makes you more active. Some weeks you are more active than others. It happens. TDEE fluctuates.

    You up to 3000 calories. And gain .1 or .2 lbs a week.

    Now you know your TDEE is in the 2800 - 2900 range. But you have found where u wanna be.

    This is just an example and the numbers have been pulled out of my head just to demonstrate what the process of finding your TDEE looks like.

    Thank you so much for your time and patience and not judging or being sarcastic !!!
  • I hope to see results within a week or 2 or is that not really possible?

    your looking at it wrong man fitness is a lifestyle and it takes months/years to see decent results. don't be so concerned with seeing changes instantly instead focus on training hard eating well and being consistent and i promise you can't fail!!!!!!!!!! good luck buddy!

    Thank you and I totally understand where you're coming from but this is not my body that I'm used to I want the old me back ..and fast!
  • sharkbev
    sharkbev Posts: 5 Member
    Most of us are trying to loose weight BUT most of us started out like you, thin. Then we went on a diet and "bam" we got fat. I know it sounds weird but drink diet drinks and eat diet food and you will gain weight. Just ask the millions of people who tried to lose weight that way, it never works we all gained weight. Or you could just aim at being the healthiest you can be and don't mess up your body with processed, toxic foods and drinks.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Most of us are trying to loose weight BUT most of us started out like you, thin. Then we went on a diet and "bam" we got fat. I know it sounds weird but drink diet drinks and eat diet food and you will gain weight. Just ask the millions of people who tried to lose weight that way, it never works we all gained weight. Or you could just aim at being the healthiest you can be and don't mess up your body with processed, toxic foods and drinks.

    :noway: :huh:
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Okay here is a little rundown of terms.

    BMR - The amount of calories your body needs to maintain it's weight in a coma. The energy needed to breathe pump the heart run the digestive system etc.

    NEAT - The energy you expend doing everyday crap a combination of your BMR and all the energy you spend generally living.

    TDEE - The total energy you expend in a day including BMR, NEAT and Exercise calories.

    The golden rule of weight loss is that if you eat under your TDEE you will lose weight. If say for example you lose 1lb in a week then you ate 3500 calories less than your TDEE over that week. Therefore your TDEE is likeley what you ate +500. With me :) ? in parallel eating over your TDEE results in weight gain. With appropriate muscle stimulation in place and adequate protein intake this results in the creation of fat and muscle. If you just sit on the couch the weight will be fat.

    Oh and as an approximation 1lb of fat = about 3500 calories. Therefore TDEE - 500 Would have you lose 1lb a week TDEE - 1000 Would have you lose 2.

    There are TDEE calculators but honestly calculating this is NOT an exact science so many little factors come into play with TDEE that are simply beyond the scope of a simple calculating tool. Your body however is the ultimate calculator for this. Rely on it instead and feed it various levels of calories and look at your own personal results to find your own personal TDEE.

    An example of which.

    You eat 2000 a week. You lose 1.5lbs average over a month (Weigh loss is not linear. A month is the minimum time to get a reasonable average)

    You decide that your TDEE is probably around 2750 based on this. So you eat that.

    Turns out you still lose .5 lbs a week. This is perfectly normal sometimes upping calories makes you more active. Some weeks you are more active than others. It happens. TDEE fluctuates.

    You up to 3000 calories. And gain .1 or .2 lbs a week.

    Now you know your TDEE is in the 2800 - 2900 range. But you have found where u wanna be.

    This is just an example and the numbers have been pulled out of my head just to demonstrate what the process of finding your TDEE looks like.

    Thank you so much for your time and patience and not judging or being sarcastic !!!

    That's quite all right a lot of people seem to be jaded because there are a tonne of idiots who show up on the forums looking for a quick fix. When they try and lose weight they eat rabbit food and when they gain they chomp everything in sight like pac man. So the knee jerk reaction of a lot of people when faced with someone who genuinely doesn't know what to do is insult them. Quite the opposite of what the forum is for. But nevertheless an understandable reaction considering the level of idiocy people on these boards sometimes have to deal with lol. I wish you luck =)
  • Most of us are trying to loose weight BUT most of us started out like you, thin. Then we went on a diet and "bam" we got fat. I know it sounds weird but drink diet drinks and eat diet food and you will gain weight. Just ask the millions of people who tried to lose weight that way, it never works we all gained weight. Or you could just aim at being the healthiest you can be and don't mess up your body with processed, toxic foods and drinks.

    Who said the foods that I was consuming were unhealthy ?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    How fast you will gain will depend on how much you are eating above your TDEE.. 3000 may be a good starting point for you but it may take some trial and error. Limit your cardio because you will just be burning the calories you are eating, you can also lift to help your body build muscle if you want. See how it goes after a few weeks and adjust.

    If you are gaining because you feel you look better with more weight on you or due to a doctors recommendation, that is fine. Although I don't know what you look like (you say you can see your bones) I just want to let you know, just looking at the numbers - 5'7, 121lbs is not considered underweight by the way. I am the exact same height and weight as you.

    Best of luck!
  • funfang
    funfang Posts: 200 Member
    How fast you will gain will depend on how much you are eating above your TDEE.. 3000 may be a good starting point for you but it may take some trial and error. Limit your cardio because you will just be burning the calories you are eating, you can also lift to help your body build muscle if you want. See how it goes after a few weeks and adjust.

    If you are gaining because you feel you look better with more weight on you or due to a doctors recommendation, that is fine. Although I don't know what you look like (you say you can see your bones) I just want to let you know, just looking at the numbers - 5'7, 121lbs is not considered underweight by the way. I am the exact same height and weight as you.

    Best of luck!

    ^^ This

    I am also 5'7 123lb, now trying to bulk so I am eating 2030 a day aiming to gain 0.5lbs a week with weight lifting. I agree you can try the 3000 a day and see how it works for you. Good luck :-)
  • How fast you will gain will depend on how much you are eating above your TDEE.. 3000 may be a good starting point for you but it may take some trial and error. Limit your cardio because you will just be burning the calories you are eating, you can also lift to help your body build muscle if you want. See how it goes after a few weeks and adjust.

    If you are gaining because you feel you look better with more weight on you or due to a doctors recommendation, that is fine. Although I don't know what you look like (you say you can see your bones) I just want to let you know, just looking at the numbers - 5'7, 121lbs is not considered underweight by the way. I am the exact same height and weight as you.

    Best of luck!

    Thank you ..I appreciate this but yes I am completely skin & bones. But I'm pretty sure you are not.
  • How fast you will gain will depend on how much you are eating above your TDEE.. 3000 may be a good starting point for you but it may take some trial and error. Limit your cardio because you will just be burning the calories you are eating, you can also lift to help your body build muscle if you want. See how it goes after a few weeks and adjust.

    If you are gaining because you feel you look better with more weight on you or due to a doctors recommendation, that is fine. Although I don't know what you look like (you say you can see your bones) I just want to let you know, just looking at the numbers - 5'7, 121lbs is not considered underweight by the way. I am the exact same height and weight as you.

    Best of luck!

    ^^ This

    I am also 5'7 123lb, now trying to bulk so I am eating 2030 a day aiming to gain 0.5lbs a week with weight lifting. I agree you can try the 3000 a day and see how it works for you. Good luck :-)

    Thank you !
  • At that height, eating 3000 calories per day SUDDENLY is not good.

    Start from around 2100-2200 per day, then gradually increase and monitor your weight per week. Make a record of your weight.

    Also, the more fast you gain weight, the more likely it's going to be "FAT".

    I actually bulked 1 year ago, was constantly gaining 1 lb per week with around 2400 calories per day. In 1 year, i gained 25 pounds of weight (not all muscle though).