Looking for some Friends

Hello I'm Chrissy,

I have been doing this alone now for a while, and it has been OK, but not great. I read the community posts and I get motivation and came to the realisation that I need friends who are also going through the long haul approach to their bodies and diet.

Im 32, 5ft 5 - and my goal is 65Kg

I have 15Kg left to go. Believe it or not but at my heaviest I have been 88Kg.

This feels very much like an advertisement - LOL .... Anyway, if your in the same boat and are also looking for a cool person who is tracking every day and struggling a little then I'm your girl. Don't be shy :)


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi Chrissy! I would love to be friends, feel free to add me.
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    hi, you can add me if you'd like. i am here everyday and my diary is open to friends.
  • joannemilne140
    joannemilne140 Posts: 2 Member
    hi ive just started again so any help would be grat ive got 5 stone to lose so feel free to add me
  • chrissywelsh10
    chrissywelsh10 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks guys - added you all :)

    Lets do this!
  • TLB86
    TLB86 Posts: 275 Member
    Hey! I'm 28 and have a goal of 35lb to lose.

    Lost some then put some on and now blurghh... I have good days, bad days and terrible days x