I didn't loose any wight this week, How discouraging

I know this is only the start of week three for me. However, I did not loose 1 single pound last week and it was quite depressing. I did skip a couple days of work out, got my monthly :( but was certain once that was over id show some improvement. Ive been trying really hard to "Stick with it" , I really hope next week shows some progress..


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    There isn't any need to feel depressed because weight loss rates changes from week to week for most people.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    You'll never 'loose' the weight, but you may 'lose' it :) Just kidding. Really, weight loss is not linear, it's (hopefully) a downward progression that takes place over time.

    For sure, you need to be in a caloric deficit for weight loss to happen. Both how you eat and your energy expenditure can help. Make sure to weigh and log EVERYTHING you eat. No skipping small stuff or little bites. Go outside and run, or something :)

    Most of all, don't get frustrated and eat everything that's not nailed down. Really. Don't do it. Trust me!

    Good luck
  • purplenurse711
    purplenurse711 Posts: 29 Member
    There's no logical pattern or rhythm to weight loss. You can do everything right on paper but still the body does it own thing. You just have to be consistent in your diet and activity. You can't give up if the scale refuses to budge. Find other non-scale victories to help motivate you along your way. For example, your clothes may fit better and sometimes you lose inches even when the scale shows a no loss or gain. Can you run a little faster or walk without getting short of breath? In short, don't base your success just on the number on the scale or you will definitely be disappointed on this journey.
  • Jennifersstory
    Jennifersstory Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the replies and spelling lesson. :) I guess I expected to see 2-3 lbs each week, as I practically feel like im starving my self. Time will only tell, I know im not going to give up now, I was just looking for the extra motivation when stepping on the scale like I did that first week.
  • Jennifersstory
    Jennifersstory Posts: 12 Member
    That is certainly true , I did buy a dress two sizes smaller than normal.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Why do you feel like you are starving yourself?
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Some weeks you'll lose a little. Some weeks you'll lose a lot. Some weeks you won't lose anything. And some weeks you'll gain. So long as the trend is in the general downward direction over the long term, you're good.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    The monthly has a major impact - and not always in the same way. I can gain 3+ pounds the day after starting my period. And it tends to take 10-14 days to 'go away'. Sodium, stress, lack of sleep: can all affect water weight also.

    Its not easy, I know. But sometimes you have to trust the science and ignore the scale. Look for trends over time.
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    You don't have to starve to lose weight. One of the things I love about MFP is how it's changed the way I think about weight loss and has helped me to better understand how to eat without eating too much. You're already tracking your calories and macros if you're maintaining your diary here, so why don't you try to incorporate some foods that are more filling? I'm never hungry, which is something that I never thought I'd say while I was losing weight. :smile: This is a lifestyle change, so think about what you're going to want to eat/do after you lose the weight and figure out how it fits into your plan now. (You can make it fit, trust me.)

    Also, I didn't lose anything for my 3rd or 4th week, but then I lost twice as much the week after. Right now I'm taking a break from the scale and focusing on how much better clothes are fitting. I've dropped a couple of sizes, and I'm just kind of relishing the fact that I'm actually seeing results on my body. Maybe you could spend this week reminding yourself that you bought that new dress in a smaller size. That's a great accomplishment!
  • Jennifersstory
    Jennifersstory Posts: 12 Member
    That makes sense. I feel hungry quite often.. I am eating my protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and then a good healthy meal for dinner. Always staying under 1300 calories, having protein bars and little snacks throughout the day...It just doesn't seem like enough. However, I feel this is easier to ensure i am not over eating or mis calculating those meals with bread, salt, seasoning etc. Especially because i am always on the go. I work 60 hours week at a desk not at home until dinner time.
  • Jennifersstory
    Jennifersstory Posts: 12 Member
    You don't have to starve to lose weight. One of the things I love about MFP is how it's changed the way I think about weight loss and has helped me to better understand how to eat without eating too much. You're already tracking your calories and macros if you're maintaining your diary here, so why don't you try to incorporate some foods that are more filling? I'm never hungry, which is something that I never thought I'd say while I was losing weight. :smile: This is a lifestyle change, so think about what you're going to want to eat/do after you lose the weight and figure out how it fits into your plan now. (You can make it fit, trust me.)

    Also, I didn't lose anything for my 3rd or 4th week, but then I lost twice as much the week after. Right now I'm taking a break from the scale and focusing on how much better clothes are fitting. I've dropped a couple of sizes, and I'm just kind of relishing the fact that I'm actually seeing results on my body. Maybe you could spend this week reminding yourself that you bought that new dress in a smaller size. That's a great accomplishment!

    I would have to agree with the size thing. This is my main purpose of this new life style, being a healthier person in general , and making them clothes fit how i want them to. I really dont care about the number i never have. I guess its more of a mental thing that I need to stop doing now, so I can focus on whats most important through this process. Thanks!!!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    The dress will be great incentive and you're going to feel great when you fit into it.

    Log all your food. Weigh and measure every bite. If you do that and go another week without losing, maybe drop your calories by 100 and see how it goes.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Are you tracking in MFP? Is that the number MFP generated for you based on your goal to lose 2 lbs. per week with 82 lbs. to go provided your ticker is correct?
  • Jennifersstory
    Jennifersstory Posts: 12 Member
    Are you tracking in MFP? Is that the number MFP generated for you based on your goal to lose 2 lbs. per week with 82 lbs. to go provided your ticker is correct?

    Yes I do track my foods in my diary, Im pretty sure I left it public. And yes MFP gave me those figures so thats what i go by
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Protein shake for breakfast AND lunch......... Why????

    God I would be starving too!!!!

    Why don't you just eat a normal breakfast like.... Oats/eggs/high fibre cereal etc....

    A normal lunch... Wraps, Salads, Soups etc

    You should aim to eat proper food with your calories, Or get more for your calories. Ie, Lots of veggies & fruit with your meals. Will feel you up more.

    Protein keeps you fuller for longer : )
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    That makes sense. I feel hungry quite often.. I am eating my protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and then a good healthy meal for dinner. Always staying under 1300 calories, having protein bars and little snacks throughout the day...It just doesn't seem like enough. However, I feel this is easier to ensure i am not over eating or mis calculating those meals with bread, salt, seasoning etc. Especially because i am always on the go. I work 60 hours week at a desk not at home until dinner time.

    First, eat real food, not protein shakes. You can fill up on probably twice or three times the amount of veggies as you can for the same calories that a protein shake has, and add in some protein for a solid meal. The shakes won't make you lose weight. If you eat real food instead of liquid calories, you will stay fuller longer.

    Second, many people on this site work full time at a desk job, myself included. You have to decide that you really want this and plan for it, not let work be your excuse. Prep your food on the weekends so that you can just grab and go, fit in exercise when you can, even if you have to get up early to do it, and commit to this. You've only been at it one week-don't give up yet!
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    you should try eating more nutrient dense foods rather than eating out so often.. i only glanced at your diary for the past week and it is full of Applebee's, Wendy's, etc.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    The monthly has a major impact - and not always in the same way. I can gain 3+ pounds the day after starting my period. And it tends to take 10-14 days to 'go away'. Sodium, stress, lack of sleep: can all affect water weight also.

    Its not easy, I know. But sometimes you have to trust the science and ignore the scale. Look for trends over time.

    Ditto this. And you shouldn't be starving yourself.
  • redromad275
    redromad275 Posts: 884 Member
    Protein shake for breakfast AND lunch......... Why????

    God I would be starving too!!!!

    Why don't you just eat a normal breakfast like.... Oats/eggs/high fibre cereal etc....

    A normal lunch... Wraps, Salads, Soups etc

    You should aim to eat proper food with your calories, Or get more for your calories. Ie, Lots of veggies & fruit with your meals. Will feel you up more.

    Protein keeps you fuller for longer : )

    This is so true. Losing weight is not about starving yourself. It's about balancing your portions and eating healthy food coupled with exercise.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Tons of sodium, tons of fast food, large amounts of ice cream or other treats, not logging accurately every day.

    Start making foods at home and weigh everything. After a few weeks if you haven't lost anything come back.