Newbies--maintenance is harder than weightloss

I started my weightloss and new lifestyle in August of 2013. I was kickin' butt and lost 73lbs in less than a year--going from 231 to 158. I was 4lbs away from finally having a healthy bmi. I know that BMI isn't an accurate measurement, but to me it was a healthy goal. About 3/4ths the way through my first year my long-term boyfriend and I broke up. I pretty much took my new found freedom and started eating and drinking my sadness away. In the last 2 months I have gained so much weight. I'm now about 16lbs from a healthy bmi. It baffles me that at one point I was just 4lbs away.

So, why am I posting here? I've lost a lot of my MFP friends. I have lost my long streak of logging. I have lost my drive. Maintenance (which is what I put myself on--or so I thought) is more difficult than it looks. I have a core set of MFP friends that have stuck by me. Why? I really don't know. I have fallen off the wagon so many times in the last few months I can't count.

I'm on here because I need help. Any tips/suggestions/guidance/friendships would be much appreciated!




  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Great progress. You can add me!
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    you'll be there again before you know it!! add me if you'd like :) I'm around every day.
  • meemo88
    meemo88 Posts: 436 Member
    Guess what? Same happened to me, but I'm further down than you. I lost 78 lbs total and gained back all but 17.........yeah.......all my hard work down the im trying to get back little by little but i find it so hard. and it seems harder to lose the weight the second time around..................i'm not sure what to do, these months of eating everything and anything has kind of got me addicted to food. its hard to get back on track....................

  • bobbiejohanson
    bobbiejohanson Posts: 6 Member
    I recently fell off the wagon also I lost 20 lbs and stopped losing I got really irritated and just stop my Dailey work out and healthy eating and now I've had a week or a little longer of eating whatever I want and even had a few cups of pop which I haven't had in months and now I can feel it I feel sick no energy or motivation so like u I need friends to help motivate me and encourage me so I would gladly accept u as my friend and maybe we can help each other
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    In 2012 I dropped 45lbs. In June of this year I had gained back 36 of it...I'm back down 19lbs of it, but it still sucks I had done all that work and gained so much back. Because I stopped caring. It started with turning a blind eye for a day. Then a weekend. Then a week. And so on and so forth. I stopped stepping on the scale and I figured if I ignored it, it would go away. Nope. Back on track now, doing things a little better this time around. It just sucks knowing what I had accomplished was so easy to undo.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am so close I can smell it but I worry 1. I wont get those final few lbs and 2. if I do hit my goal, I will then slowly drift back to my habits and gain 10 lbs per year until I am back to being way overweight.
  • msk3001
    msk3001 Posts: 11 Member
    Ah- 16 lbs is not that much and you already achieved so much more :) The first time I lost a lot of weight (45 lbs about 9 years ago) I gained some back as well, but it was way easier to lose it again the second time around. I mean you know how much work it was to lose the weight in the first place and so it's easier to pull the breaks again.

    I'm sure you'll get there- don't lose faith in yourself even if you fall off the wagon a thousand times :) Just keep up with your healthy lifestyle and when you have other worries in your life don't focus so much on your weight- and you can't logg your food your whole life anyway. It's one step at the time- even when they are tiny... And after a while maintenance is not that hard anymore :)

    I wish you all the best in the world :) You can add me if you like... Meow

    PS: Just read your story- you probably really have more important stuff going on... Been there (although I left him) and getting through ALL of this is really, *insertworstfeelingintheworld*... You'll find your way- trust me. You're worth it and you don't owe anything to anybody but yourself :)
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    16 pounds isn't bad at all considering how much you lost! Just stay positive and do the best you can :)

    Feel free to add me!!!
  • CMomma23
    CMomma23 Posts: 132 Member
    Definitely not alone! I went from 175 - 130! Feeling good and looking great. Life happened... I started school and got stuck... Now, I'm back up to 160. It is soooo frustrating because I'm lacking motivation to start over. Add me and we can support each other. :) And anyone else please add me, I need some serious motivation.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Consider seeing a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. Even if you don't have one, they can help you sort out your issues with food.

    Sorry you had a rough patch. Glad to hear you're taking charge! :D
  • aswarty
    aswarty Posts: 17 Member
    I recently fell off the wagon - too tempted by drinks and summer gettogethers with less than healthy food. I was about 10 lbs from by goal weight and now I am 20. Feel free to add me - happy to support you :)
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I lost a load of weight and then got pregnant. That was 8 years ago. I've finally lost it permanently, and just about to move over to "maintenance", although I'm not calling it that, since I'm just focusing on other milestones than the weight loss milestone I've spent most of the last 8 months working on, and maintenance implies I don't want to achieve anything else in terms of health and fitness.

    Add me!
  • pplastics
    pplastics Posts: 135 Member
    I think we have all been on the weight loss rollercoaster, so stop beating yourself up about it! I know the feeling of disgust and disappointment....but you have a choice: you can wallow in it and give up, or you can decide here and now that you are going to take steps to get healthy again. Motivation can be gained for many reasons, but all of those reasons have to come from you.

    I know that for me, this time, it helps me to focus on how I am feeling physically, instead of on the scale. When I don't feel like eating right or exercising, I remind myself of how awful I felt when I was eating junk, and the only exercise I got was keeping the couch from floating away in my living room. I don't want to go back to that.