Save Me From Myself



  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    :::raises hand:::: I lost about 60lbs and was feeling GREAT. Then, I moved....let myself go, realized it...started running. Then, my knees were giving me hell, so I stopped. I LOVE food....I LOVE beer....but I HATE feeling like this. The seams of my jeans are screaming "Step AWAY from the fridge...and get to running/walking". Trying to get my motivation back, as Ive recently started school as a non-tradition (old) student, and the added anxiety of my dad recently diagnosed with cancer.....this and a home to maintain also. Blah blah blah. Anyways.....FRIEND ME
  • I've been back for 35 days and counting. I lost 15lbs at the end of last year and have gained all of it back plus and extra 5lbs. So not good. I love food as well and overeating is what i did on the regular. But i have came up with a plan that I make sure that i eat breakfast when i'm not hungry which is best for me. Because i'm not myself when i'm hungry. I make poor choices and on top of that i over eat. I have came up with a plan which is, I snack through out the day. So that way i never get hungry it does seem like you eat all day long but that's the way it should be so when you eat meals you don't overload your plate bc you're just eating to stay energized and not to be greedy. And plus you feel better. I'll take that any day instead of being miserable. Hope this helps. You can do it and Good Luck
  • 50lbs is my goals as well. But i set short term goals like 5lbs a month so that i want be upset. Health is first
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    I feel your pain as well. I started over September 1 but did not make it through the day. I believe that we over eaters need to find something to do with our time. We eat because we are bored, it's Saturday, raining etc. I love to exercise I am in the gym 5 days a week but I also like to eat so I just maintain. We have to look at this weight loss thing as a life style change not a diet or we will fail every time. Maybe finding hobbies that you enjoy and definitely working out will help. Good luck and hopefully this is your last first time starting over!!!
  • You CAN lose weight. With MFP you have to ease into it. Eat at maintenance for awhile, and then gradually lower your calories. But I would say don't do 1200, I think with your ED that will be too hard for you- it's a challenge for me and I have no ED. I would suggest getting help with it outside of MFP also. Perhaps what triggers your binging is your emotions like a lot of people, but only you with help from someone with knowledge on this subject can help you find another way to deal with it instead of overeating :)

    Add me if you like :)
  • redromad275
    redromad275 Posts: 884 Member
    Control yourself. Moderation and self control is like any muscle, it only gets strong if you exercise it. Start now.

    If you feel you have an actual problem, seek help from a professional and get that taken care of.

    I will agree with this but caveat it by saying that if you have had this experience before (lose/gain/lose/gain) that you might want to consider addressing that with a professional as there is a core issue that will keep you on the roller coaster until addressed.
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    Someone recommended some books on this thread:

    I seconded the Beck Diet Solution as it has helped me tremendously. I know it won't work for everyone and you have to really be in the right place and the right mood to go for it, but it worked for me.
  • MzJae414
    MzJae414 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I'm just returning and I too would like to lose 50 lbs. I need new friends some that will hold me accountable..:smile:
  • MzJae414
    MzJae414 Posts: 32 Member
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Help, I can't stop gaining weight. I have no health issues, it's caused by my compulsive overeating. I just weighed myself today and I'm at my highest ever. I'm up 30 pounds from last year! Is there anyone out there who is starting over today? I counted calories and exercised last year and lost 30 pounds, but have since gained them all back. I know I have it in myself to do this, at least I think I do. I'd love some new "pals" who are starting out or starting over like I am.

    I'm in the same boat re: starting over. Back at my highest weight after losing 22 lb here two years ago.

    I'm not so much an binge eater as I am a lazy/comfort eater which equates to way too many calories in the food I eat. Fast food, candy, junk, that's the stuff that is my kryptonite. If I'm tired or if my introvert side has been ignored (i.e I've spent too much time around people and all energy got drained) then I go right for the easy, high-cal options.
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add. I'm back on MFP after another break. I haven't weighed myself but know I have put on loads due to the clothes I now have to wear again. Your situation sounds a lot like mine so I feel your pain. Good luck!
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me.on daily and workout 3-4 days a week :smile:
  • ivaamaro305
    ivaamaro305 Posts: 2 Member
    I lose it and always gain it back no matter how i lost it. The right way or not. It's a constant battle for life! I can gain weight in just a matter of months not years but months so easily. To lose it is the toughest ever. I have Thyroid and PCOS problems which makes it double difficult for me. I just started Fitness pal last week. I did lose 1 pound.
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member

    I re-started recently (3 days ago to be exact). Feel free to add me. I look forward to sharing this journey with you. I'm feeling very optimistic and I pray I'm able to encourage others to feel the same. :)

    Best wishes
  • Zohye
    Zohye Posts: 2 Member
    I, too, can relate to binge eating episodes. I lost nearly 80 pounds in 2008-2009. I maintained the weight loss by staying active and eating pretty much anything in moderation. Unfortunately, I went through a bad breakup in early 2011, and I regained 65 of those pounds within a year due to binge eating. I went through a period of hating myself for putting the weight back on. In March I joined a fitness club and entered an 8 week "body balance" competition. I lost 13 pounds during the competition, and finally got back on track. I continued my journey and lost another 13 pounds. Recently, I had a binging episode which continued on and off for 2 weeks. BAM! 5 pounds gained! I was so depressed about it that I nearly threw in the towel. I am back on track now, but I still battle my own inner demons. I had to forgive myself for the setback and move FORWARD. I hope that you can find your inner peace and overcome your emotional eating. Take it one day at a time, and learn to forgive yourself. Best of Luck!
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 302 Member
    I'm a little over 200 days in to my 2nd attempt. :flowerforyou: First one was great but you have to make it a conscientious life decision and as it was the last goal I added it was the first goal to fall when things got rough.

    Always happy to motivate and celebrate with others.

    Cheers! :drinker: