New to MFP..with lots to lose

Hello there!

This is my very first time using My Fitness Pal. I have done many other things to try and stay away from counting calories, but I never had much success. I've only been tracking for 5 days, but I've already learned a lot. Seeing how many calories were in the food I ate showed me why I gained so much weight! So, total newbie to all this, so any words of wisdom or encouragement will be greatly appreciated!

I am 28 years old, a woman and living in Seattle. I have about 150lbs I want to lose. It sounds a little daunting, but I have been focusing only on my monthly losses and not how much more I have to go. I haven't really started exercising yet because I am so heavy. It's hurts my back to be standing or walking for even a short while now. I definitely want to change that!

I also have a fiance and I want to lose the weight because I want to have a baby once he and I get married. I don't want to pass my bad eating habits onto my future child and I want to be as healthy as I can be both during the pregnancy and after. Basically, I want to get healthy so that my weight doesn't keep me from being active with my family.

There's a little bit about me! Just wanted to say hi to everyone!


  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    I know it seems daunting... I started out with 180 to lose!

    Here's my tip: Don't quit! That is really the ONLY way you can fail, is if you quit trying. Don't go ridiculously low on calories, either. Don't make this a sprint... it's a marathon, so pace yourself. I would often fall back into my usual bad habits after a few weeks... or even just a few days. I've never stuck with anything this long before, and never had the good results, either.

    Log everything, good or bad, don't beat yourself up if you go over calories some days, start again the next day, or better yet the next meal, and just DON'T QUIT!

  • judeveg
    judeveg Posts: 22 Member
    Hi I could barely stand or walk when I started, I do 2 miles walking a day now every little helps!

    I agree that not quitting is the important thing. you can do it.
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    I know it seems daunting... I started out with 180 to lose!

    Here's my tip: Don't quit! That is really the ONLY way you can fail, is if you quit trying. Don't go ridiculously low on calories, either. Don't make this a sprint... it's a marathon, so pace yourself. I would often fall back into my usual bad habits after a few weeks... or even just a few days. I've never stuck with anything this long before, and never had the good results, either.

    Log everything, good or bad, don't beat yourself up if you go over calories some days, start again the next day, or better yet the next meal, and just DON'T QUIT!


    Very well said! OP, what she said.
  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    I need to lose more than that, and I have faith in myself I can make it happen. Feel free to add me and we can support one another along the way. Kinda new to the forums but I am here daily. Setting mini goals for yourself along the way can help, it helped me immensely.

    Also, I know what you mean about not passing on bad habits to your kids. I am sticking to my plans thru this current pregnancy and trying to make healthier choices a normal option for my 3 yr old & 1 yr old.
  • wellnessjunkie
    Not quitting is #1. #2 is to realize that you are only human and may make "mistakes", take them in stride. Being too hard on yourself and feeling guilty will only have negative effects on your weight and state of mind. #3 seek support. Which you already have! Eat whole, real food, exercise when and however you can, and you WILL see results.

    Good luck.

  • bananafannah
    bananafannah Posts: 194 Member
    I know it seems daunting... I started out with 180 to lose!

    Here's my tip: Don't quit! That is really the ONLY way you can fail, is if you quit trying. Don't go ridiculously low on calories, either. Don't make this a sprint... it's a marathon, so pace yourself. I would often fall back into my usual bad habits after a few weeks... or even just a few days. I've never stuck with anything this long before, and never had the good results, either.

    Log everything, good or bad, don't beat yourself up if you go over calories some days, start again the next day, or better yet the next meal, and just DON'T QUIT!


    I agree, not quitting is definitely important :) Just remember why you are doing this, and you will get there. Take your time, and remember that you did not get where you are in a short amount of time - so losing the weight and becoming a healthier version of yourself will not happen quickly either. There will be days that are downright bad, where you think about giving up, but just press on. Always keep pushing :) Best of luck!
  • Mozzie610
    Mozzie610 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you all for your responses! It's all very encouraging.

    I am very lucky to have such an awesome support system at home and it seems that I will have one here online too! So, thank you all! I look forward to talking with you guys!
  • mkt_29
    Welcome, feel free to add! :)
  • stewartstory
    stewartstory Posts: 8 Member

    You all sound like a great group! I joined in June and then my life turned upside down when I suddenly had to move. I managed to find a place a few miles from my old place for me and my two dogs and am now settling in and getting back to weight loss. I'm 58 and want to lose 40-50 pounds. Somehow, I managed to lose 9 pounds during all this, but now I have to work at it. I've had surgeries on both knees and one foot, but love walking with my dogs and want to get back into the groove. I take them for slower half-hour walks now but want to up the pace and distance. I will need help and encouragement. It's taken me a long time to realize that it's okay to ask for that. Nice to meet you and thanks for reading.

  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    Welcome! I am trying to lose about 100 lbs. Fell off the wagon for a while and have just started logging again and seem to be losing weight again. It is the only thing that works for me so I will probably will be doing this for the long term.
  • Good luck Denise! i fell off the wagon myself. I am 20 lbs over my weight, but counting my calories is really helping. This first week I lost 3.8 lbs, so I am encouraged. Then I need to stop smoking. I am on a perpetual tred mill of bad choices. I don't know how I got this way. Well, good luck and I'll be here cheering you on. Ana
  • Yeah for you!
  • stewartstory
    stewartstory Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks, Ana: it's nice to meet you! We'll all get it done together.
  • stewartstory
    stewartstory Posts: 8 Member
    And Yea! for you too. ; )
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    Darlin', you are most definitely not alone in this struggle to lose weight :flowerforyou: I, myself, have over 200lbs to lose and this fight will take me quite a while:ohwell: ...but I am ready for it finally!!! All the many other times in my life that I tried to battle this demon, I failed.:frown: But I am now 50 and I am doggone tired of lugging around this heavy body and dealing with health issues related to my weight:angry: I want desperately to lose even 1/2 of myself ( a weight that I haven't seen since junior high school)!!! As I found my supportive and encouraging MFP family on here over the last 6wks since I've joined, I've also found a renewed energy and zest for my life :bigsmile: I have goals to meet every day and the desire to get up and move as well as plan carefully what healthy meals I will enjoy today :tongue: I want to encourage to GO ALL IN with this process!!! Be open and honest with yourself and with your MFP friends (most especially in your food diary) so that we all may be able to support you and offer gentle advice along the way. Of course, we all expect you to do the same for us :laugh: I'm sending you a friend request now!!! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Set mini goals of 10 to 20 pounds at a time. Be faithful about entering your calories each and every day. You're right just doing that is a real wake up call. We learn from doing that. Often I will enter calories before I eat it just to make certain it will fit into my daily goal.

    Be patient with your progress, and remember you didn't gain all the weight overnight, so it's going to take time to lose it. Just hang in there, you can do it.

    Welcome and good luck.
  • JenVeggie25
    Welcome. I think you are really brave to post in such a new place. I have a friend who has battled with her weight since childhood. The two of you have the same weight loss goal. Add me and I will give her your user name. We can all motivate each other. Motivation keeps me going! Well... And logging my calories loo! Also you should check out the groups for support and tips. There are groups for people wanting to lose 100 plus pounds or for just 15. Also you can find a group based on exercise you enjoy. Good Luck... Anyone looking for a positive motivating friend feel free to add me!!!
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member

    All you have to do is lose 1 pound. 150 times. Thats it.

    Not all at once.

    That kick to get it done comes from inside....

    The fact you are reaching out and being honest about your struggle is a sign of growth and progress. Take comfort in that.
    The difference between MFP and everything else? If you adopt the mindset that its a lifestyle change & not a diet, the rest will fall into place.

    The past is done. The future will be here soon enough. Try and focus on today & today only. Its all we have to work with.

    3 months ago, I weighed 312 pounds. I woulda been dead in 5 years if I hadn't made this commitment. All signs were pointing that way.

    Just a few things the MFP tribe and common sense has taught me:

    1) This is a thing you DO, not a definition of who you ARE. Just like laundry. Take the emotion out of it wherever possible. I cannot stress this enough.

    2) My approach? This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. So there is no finite number of days that I am trying to get to. I will be logging in and logging food for the rest of my life, because:

    a) This program works
    b) I don't want to die young and I was headed that direction

    3) Try to remember - We are the results of the choices we make every day, whether those choices are good or bad. Make as many good choices as you can, and the ship will stay steady. At the end of the day, we are the man in the mirror. We are accountable to ourselves and no one else. We can help you with getting there, but the doing is up to you. Leave rationalizing at the door, and sontinue to be honest with yourself. Its the only path to long term success

    Cal tracking is considered a good choice (whether boring or not) because it tells you where you really are (just like your check register tells you your balance) - remember to be honest with yourself all the time. Ultimately, you will achieve that which you are seeking much sooner.

    Knowing that plus the support I get from my MFP buds make enough difference that Ive lost 37 in 114 days without doing anything stupid. You just find what works and then hammer the crap out of it, staying in the present while doing so.

    If you will stay committed to this, your MFP tribe will commit to helping. Why? Because that's what we do. And we have ALL been there.

    3 months ago, walking was a chore.

    Last weekend, I walked 6 miles. And loved it

    You got this.. and we got you.

    FR headed your way

  • 19n2014Cu
    Hi. This is my first time using a calorie counter anything. I never felt the need to do diets, haven't been eating all the right things by bad choices. I am 52 and need to lose maybe 30 lbs., but I've set my goal at 19 for the real moment. I am not at all a disciplined person and exercising is not my hobby. My Dr. recently told me I need to begin exercising and start by walking 30 min a day for 6 days. I did START (lol) but have not been steadfast with it. My prayer is to find a way to become a stickler to what I've set to lose.If I had to blame something other than my physical self, it would be my mental state of life's challenges,but realize the importance of my purpose and future to see my grands grow and and welcome the great grand generation. Healthy is the only way to stay! Thanks for reading.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Here is a really good link to lots of great information that should help you on this Journey to the New Healthier you.

    Remember we are all different and what works brilliantly for one person can be a real struggle for someone else. So think of this as a bit of a science experiment. Find the things that work for you The big one for me has been to make a small incremental change every 3 weeks. this allows me time for the change to become a Habit. The first change I made was to eliminate added sugar from my drinks - no sweetened creamers in my coffee, no hot chocolate. My next change was I got a scale and weighed my portions - boy was that an eye opener.

    Cheering for you!!:happy: