binge eating

Any one going through binge eating currently and want to email each other for support on how to overcome it.


  • z_bra
    z_bra Posts: 79 Member
    brush your teeth
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    The only thing I've found that worked for me is making sure I eat enough (both enough calories and enough fat), limit my workouts, and get enough sleep. Eating enough for my level of activity is key. I can always tell if I've been working out too much and not eating enough, because I will start having cravings by the end of the week.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I think there is a section for eating disorders here, somewhere. I've heard people say it before.

    Not as good as a therapist, but can't hurt!
  • needit
    needit Posts: 31 Member
    Yea that definitly is true i workout alot ...and alot of the times wont eat for hours untill i workout leading to a binge ...really need to fix this i just cant seem to get myself to do so =/
  • figgyskater
    figgyskater Posts: 4 Member
    I binged the worst after dieting a bit too much. I've been reading up on it on several websites and pretty much all of them say the same. If a person restricts himself too much, it will lead to uncontrollable cravings and bingeing. So I guess the key to not bingeing is not dieting too much and feeling restricted. Slow and steady wins the race...
  • norhavic
    We all overeat from time to time—taking an extra helping at Thanksgiving dinner or having dessert when you're already full. But for binge eaters, overeating is regular and uncontrollable. You use food to cope with stress and other negative emotions, even though afterwards you feel even worse. You may feel like you're stuck in a vicious cycle, but binge eating disorder is treatable. With the right help and support, you can learn to control your eating and develop a healthy relationship with food.
  • needit
    needit Posts: 31 Member
    how did you manage to get out of the cycle ..i feel like this is my issue i restrict alot
  • MollyLaceygirl
    MollyLaceygirl Posts: 8 Member
    yes. I do that. need help
  • tuxedord2
    tuxedord2 Posts: 69 Member
    I live this every day. My pattern for the last 20 years has been binge restrict binge restrict. It's how I lived. By age 30, restriction no longer worked to get the weight off. So I went to fad dieting. Which lead to more binging. Had a glimmer of hope in my 40's but my "lifestyle changes" still ultimately lead to pretty hefty restriction-- patience was never a virtue. So alas, back to bingeing.

    I attended a week long seminar last year. There is a disorder called BED -" binge eating disorder." And the hallmark symptom is that pattern. Binge - restrict-- binge. The disorder is treated like an addiction. 12 steps to recovery. And estimates say that it takes 7 years!!! to fully be freed.

    I don't have the answer but as of a month ago I am just now beginning 12 steps. It's about surrendering and acceptance. Releasing the shame and the guilt. Having compassion for oneself. It's about breaking the thoughts "I am good when I restrict and I am bad when I binge." Thoughts should morph to "I am good simply because I am."

    Mindfulness plays a key role. This was very powerful for me. Next time you want to binge. Get all the binge food you want ready but don't eat it yet. Place it in front of you. Sit down at an actual table. Turn OFF the TV or any distraction. Then begin. But pick up one piece at a time. Look at the shape, size, color. Examine the texture. Now place it in your mouth and pay attention to your saliva. What sensations are happening. Chew mindfully. Listen to our body as you do this. The whole process should be slow. Continue. Do this with each time you binge. Allow it for yourself. Almost like magic, binge cravings lessen and the actual food consumed during a binge of course is dramatically decreased. You do have to force yourself to be mindful. That is the hard part.

    My wanting to binge is done-- for now. But I am falling back to the trap of deeper restriction. Going lower and lower with my calories and getting scale obsessed. These actions are unhealthy too and will lead back to bingeing. So I am still working at this!!!!
  • needit
    needit Posts: 31 Member
    thanks for your reply ...yea ive seen some videos online stating when you want to binge just ignore it let your mind go on and on but just sit and ignore it and it will pass ...dodnt do anything about it. It does work sometimes but not always . I keep messing up and starting over.
  • traceyandelliemay
    hey ive had allsorts of hell with my eating ive been anorexic bulimic both at one point and eating too much all the time. the key that works for me is eating 3 meals a day and fruit for snacks 2-4 servs focusing on nutrition and sugar free cause sugar makes me nutty also watching my workouts too as it can make me extra hungry. it suck that something that is designed to keep us alive and fit we can use to harm ourselves so badly huh Im more than happy to befriend anybody going through binging issues or even recovered from it. xoxox
  • GatorDeb1
    GatorDeb1 Posts: 245 Member
    After 18 years of therapists, support groups, therapy groups, 12-step groups, forums, books, and websites, I decided to stop binging, and I did.
  • qstneverything
    qstneverything Posts: 125 Member
    I am a bad binge eater, it's what unfortunately made me gain back (and more) all the childhood weight I lost when I became really thin.

    These days I found what helps me the most is cheat days. I look really forward to my cheat days, and when I feel like I'm about to go on a binge or have a junk food craving I look forward to my guilt free cheat day where I get to eat a little naughty and not feel too bad.

    For example I'm at work today, and I was in the food court and just wanted to snack on all the oily and deep fried foods near me. I refrained and thought about this Saturday night - I'm going to be on a double date at a restaurant with fried dumplings and wine and I have earned it for this week, mmm....
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    if you are binging regularly then you are eating too large of a deficit, I see so many people on here eating like 1200 cals and they wonder why they develop eating disorders...