New to MFP..with lots to lose



  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    Here is a really good link to lots of great information that should help you on this Journey to the New Healthier you.

    Remember we are all different and what works brilliantly for one person can be a real struggle for someone else. So think of this as a bit of a science experiment. Find the things that work for you The big one for me has been to make a small incremental change every 3 weeks. this allows me time for the change to become a Habit. The first change I made was to eliminate added sugar from my drinks - no sweetened creamers in my coffee, no hot chocolate. My next change was I got a scale and weighed my portions - boy was that an eye opener.

    Cheering for you!!:happy:

    Great point...the food scale may be the best investment you ever make. That's when the worm really started to turn for me....
  • MelanieEaton_
    MelanieEaton_ Posts: 17 Member
    Hello! I am new to MFP, just starting today. I have over 200lbs to lose. I am 26, recently married, and my reasons for wanting to lose weight are similar to yours! I've been extremely overweight most of my life, but it used to not bother me as much as it does lately. In the last 6 months I've noticed how much it affects just simple, everyday tasks. This really bothers me and I feel that I must make a change for my health. I want to have kids in a few years too. And I want to have a long, healthy, happy life and marriage.

    Anyone can feel free to add me! It would be great to support each other!
  • MelanieEaton_
    MelanieEaton_ Posts: 17 Member

    All you have to do is lose 1 pound. 150 times. Thats it.

    Not all at once.

    I really, really like that. If it's okay with you, I may put that as a reminder to myself on my profile. It was great to read your story and the other advice as well!. Especially about taking the emotion out of it. Thank you for posting :)
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member

    All you have to do is lose 1 pound. 150 times. Thats it.

    Not all at once.

    I really, really like that. If it's okay with you, I may put that as a reminder to myself on my profile. It was great to read your story and the other advice as well!. Especially about taking the emotion out of it. Thank you for posting :)

    Go for it. :)
  • sjanejack
    Welcome to Myfitnesspal. I've used myfitnesspal before, I lost around 50 pounds with it and then my weight stayed the same around 190 or slightly less, but I ended up gaining almost all of them back because of side effects and barely exercising and not watching what I was eating. I used to be about 230 pounds or a little less, at some point earlier this year my weight went up to almost 220 pounds again. I've lost about 10 pounds since then. I have around 60 pounds to lose. Around 50 to lose to get to a point where i'm not considered medically overweight (right now according to my BMI i'm obese but not quite at 38 or 40). Once I get below 150 pounds I'll figure out whether or not I want to lose more weight or not. If you want to you can add me, I usually log on every day, but I don't always log my food every day even with just quck adding calories, because sometimes I am out all day and some restaurants they don't have any calorie information about it on myfitnesspal. I'd try hard to give you support if you wanted or needed it, but i'd also be ok with it if you didn't want to be friends on here.
  • steveyinasia
    steveyinasia Posts: 121 Member
    Instead of having "a lot to lose" how about listing all the things you will gain. On this site, positive gains are most welcome. My first gain was being able to walk up the stairs of the local train station without running out of breath at the top. My next gain was when I reduced my weight by 0.5 KG is a week, some may think that is small however it is still a positive loss.

    Good luck with your journey and plenty of people hear to help.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I know it seems daunting... I started out with 180 to lose!

    Here's my tip: Don't quit! That is really the ONLY way you can fail, is if you quit trying. Don't go ridiculously low on calories, either. Don't make this a sprint... it's a marathon, so pace yourself. I would often fall back into my usual bad habits after a few weeks... or even just a few days. I've never stuck with anything this long before, and never had the good results, either.

    Log everything, good or bad, don't beat yourself up if you go over calories some days, start again the next day, or better yet the next meal, and just DON'T QUIT!


    What she said! The only thing I would add is to make sure you weigh and measure everything you eat.
  • papadon78
    papadon78 Posts: 12 Member
    Just keep it simple. It will be hard everyday but it's so worth it. Good luck