Smokeless Indoor Grillers

JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
How do we feel about these?

Someone posted one that's a stove top variation and I kind of had a "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY MOMENT"
But I'm trying to save and buy smart things and I've got my eye on some long term goals- but I know my BF really likes grilled meats- and likes blackened chicken etc etc.
We have a cast iron skillet so would this be something replacing/in addition to? I'm not uber picky- but if a cast iron gets you about the same results as one of these I'm not buying it... I NEED THOUGHTS!!!!

I think this was the one she posted (or one similar)- buuuuuutttt

looking further I see quiet a few that are electric

anyway- thoughts?

I have a porch and a back yard- but I'm not grilling- I know- for shame. But I am one of those mosquito magnets- I get eaten within seconds of going outside if I'm not in transit- so cooking outside- it's not happening for me- plus I have to go through my bedroom which is a PITA- esp with cats. Seriously- my cats are the ones that like to run in front and then stop when you're walking. So no.

Cooking outside- not an option.

anyway thoughts?

I have a george forman- but I don't EVER use it- and I don't honestly like it- it's a huge PITA to clean- I don't like the way it cooks unevenly- and it's just- no. I should give it to someone who will use it- because I seriously don't.

I think BF dearest bought a flat electric number when he first moved- and it has a small "grill" section- but he said it's also a pain to clean and I think he threw it away after 2-3 months use.

so thoughts- what do you guys use to grill if you aren't big out door "grillers"


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    If you can't cook outside, sounds like a go. I use the BBQ 50% of the time, so to me its a necessity. Definitely read customer reviews on cleanup before deciding.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I grill outside all year long. Rain, shine or snow. Unfortunately our movers broke our grill. Now that summer is over, I'm getting a good one on sale. It just doesn't taste the same when grilled indoors.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    I'm an outdoor grill kind of guy 70-80% of the time, year round, weather means nothing to me.

    However back in the day, when I had no option for a outdoor grill (it lasted just over a year) I had a "George Foreman Grill" It worked pretty good. No where near as good as a propane or charcoal grill though.

    So if an indoor grill is the only option, I think any of them would work. Hopefully they've gotten better over the last 10 years.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I don't use an indoor grill, but I use my George Foreman grill a ton. Mostly for sandwiches though. For meats, I usually use the broiler in my oven. However, nothing beats grilling outside. Outdoor grilling can make anything taste good, ANYTHING. Sorry I'm not helpful.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't need info on out door grills- and I'm so happy all of you grill outside LOL- but you're USELESS TO ME!!!! GRUMBLE GRUMBLE!!!

    I can't grill outside. Seriously MISERABLE.

    Has nothing to do with weather- it's the bugs- I seriously - I can't do it- I get eaten. It's completely unreasonable. I'd love to- I know out door grilling is the tits- but no. not happening.

    So nothing? nobody has anything on them? bueller?


    cry cry- pout pout.

    I don't trust my boiler- I almost set our house on fire years ago with one -and I never like the way the food tastes. :(
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    I don't know anything about them we *ahem* have a grill that we use until it gets too cold to go outside (which is like end of September :laugh: ). Any way, when we want to grill we use our foreman (which if you get the one with the removable trays it's WAY easier to clean).

    Anyway, I say buy one, try it and if you don't like it return it. I don't know if it will give you a grill taste though. It seems pretty inexpensive so if it's not something you like then you're not out a ton of $$.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Using your oven's Broiler is a good alternative to grilling and the food comes out tasting great. I actually bought a toaster oven with the ability to broil for that reason. I only cook a steak or two at a time or a few burgers so no point firing up the entire oven for that.

    I'll broil steaks, chicken and burgers usually
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    Okay... well I had dinner at my friend's house one night and she used an electric indoor grill. The food tasted pretty good. It didn't cause a TON of smoke/steam, but it would still be best to use on top of the oven so it's under the fan/ventilation system.
  • Birdie1952
    Birdie1952 Posts: 48 Member
    These are wonderful. I don't know how it does it but it gives meat a charred grilled taste. Just make sure you get it really hot before putting the meat on. Also make sure you turn your vent on because it will smoke just like a outdoor grill. Easy to clean. Just use a ball of aluminum foil to scrape across the top then rinse with very hot water, dry well and it is ready to go.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    I live in Wisconsin so it's REALLY hard to grill for a good part of the year when we hit winter. The issue is just getting the grill to the temp it should be - which is almost impossible when it's negative something outside. This would be awesome. Right now we're just using an inside grill which is a lot like the George Forman one. It works for what I want it with, but I totally miss that actual GRILLED flavor!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    These are wonderful. I don't know how it does it but it gives meat a charred grilled taste. Just make sure you get it really hot before putting the meat on. Also make sure you turn your vent on because it will smoke just like a outdoor grill. Easy to clean. Just use a ball of aluminum foil to scrape across the top then rinse with very hot water, dry well and it is ready to go.

    well if it smokes as much as an outdoor grill I don't know if that will work either- I don't have solid air flow through my place- and I have upstairs neighbors- my fan contraption works sort of- but no breezing through the house to help clear- and the ceiling fan- well- it's under someone's bed- and it's a little off balance- so mostly I can't use it.
    Anyway, I say buy one, try it and if you don't like it return it. I don't know if it will give you a grill taste though. It seems pretty inexpensive so if it's not something you like then you're not out a ton of $$.
    I'm thinking I might give it a shot- I mean- I don't care if it tastes JUST LIKE outdoor grilled food- I'm not a huge BBQ person- I like it but it's not like its the best food ever- it's just good food.

    Worth a shot I think.

    I'll see if I can twist my BF into buying it- i'm getting a new serger (new to me) today (SOOOOOOOOOOOEXCITED)- so- between that and rent- it's going to have to wait unless he gets it. I'll see- we have new chicken we are trying tonight ;)

    I'll let you guys know!