15 Days In - Have Not Lost Any Weight



  • adoll127
    adoll127 Posts: 6 Member
    A calorie calculator I really like is Scooby's (scoobysworkshop/calorie-calculator/) and with entering your info you're eating under your BMR right now - which isn't the way to go. Based on your info - and I put desk job with little exercise (but you might want to adjust that since you chase the kids around) and it came back with 1505 calories for the day for weight loss.
    Now even if I just add in 1-3 hours of exercise per week that takes you up to 1724. I would look into making some adjustments there, it's a crazy numbers game but once you find something that's working for you it gets easier!! You should take a look at it again every 5-10 lbs though, to make sure you're still aiming for the right thing.

    Also - give yourself more time!! 2 weeks is no time yet, your body is adjusting to any changes you've made. Keep at it :)
  • Remember too that if you are being more active you could be gaining muscle which is off setting your fat loss display on the scale. I would worry less about the scale, and go more by measurements and how you feel.
  • adoll127
    adoll127 Posts: 6 Member
  • adoll127
    adoll127 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been almost 25 days and lost nothing. I have my calories set at 1200 and have rarely gone over... I originally set it at 1600 but lowered after 10 days of no loss. My kicker is that I am 6' tall and 270 lbs so according to everyone, the weight should be coming off as my deficit is over 1000 calories per day.. it's just not. Everyone told me to buy a food scale, so I did that, but I can say with 100% honesty that I was not/am not eating over my calories. I feel better, so I am just focusing on that at the moment.

    You're probably at too high of a deficit to be losing, your body isn't going to let go of anything when it's not getting enough in - eventually over time it will be it's not going to be loss in a healthy way. I would definitely check out a calorie calculator like the one I did for OP and see what you get back.
  • Thanks EVERYONE!!!

    I'll grab a food scale today.

    Seems like everyone is saying that 2 weeks isn't enough time to see real results, which I appreciate knowing. :)

    I don't think I am drinking enough water, so I'll up that intake.

    And keep moving towards more cardio…

    Appreciate all the advise and encouragement!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Remember too that if you are being more active you could be gaining muscle which is off setting your fat loss display on the scale. I would worry less about the scale, and go more by measurements and how you feel.

    stop the madness. OP is not gaining muscle.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    1) Give it a month before you start panicing. Anytime you start a new routine like this it takes a while to see a difference. Are you taking your measurements? Scales suck. I ignore mine most of the time and just go by how my clothes are fitting because esp with TOTM and all that your water weight throws everything off.

    2) You only have 25# to lose so it might be a little unrealistic to go for 1#/week. Maybe try for 1/2lb/week. I'm 5'2, 165# and my goal is about 1500cal/day. But... I also work out everyday. I always try to keep in mind BMR and make sure i'm not going too far below that. Yours is around 1530 so I would really not go much below that.

    3) Have you tried lifting or even body weight exercises? I always have better results when I don't rely solely on cardio. Good luck!
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Since you don't have that much to lose, maybe drop it to 1200 calories a day. And remember to drink tons of water!

    Sorry but how does dropping to 1200 cal/day help her when she doesn't have that much to lose? If she doesn't, and really 20 lbs compared to my 80 is not much, then she doesn't need to drop her calorie intake.

    Also, 1200 calories is a ridiculous number that everyone seems to stick to. Unless you've done the math based on your BMR and TDEE . . . it's an arbitrary number, period.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    1400 - 1500 calories a day seems legit. What are your macros set to? I agree with the rest, get and use a food scale.
  • Make sure you are measuring all of your foods properly. You can eat a lot more than you think if you don't measure them.
    I was actually eating some baked fries for dinner, noticing that 22 fries were the serving. So I proceeded to count out 22 fries. My mom comes over and says, "Are you really going to count those?" I replied with, "Do you think I've lost 10 lbs by not counting them?" She had no response lol. So make sure that you are measuring everything accurately.
    Also, try to squeeze in an evening walk. Even a mile or so. Take your kids with you! You can burn around 80 calories a mile (give or take).

    I am 5'6'' and started at 149 lbs 10 weeks ago. I didn't notice much movement on the scale, either, until about 2-2 1/2 weeks in. So keep going. 10 weeks in and 10 lbs down, 10 to go! You just have to stick with it and keep going at it. Good luck.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Since you don't have that much to lose, maybe drop it to 1200 calories a day. And remember to drink tons of water!

    Sorry but how does dropping to 1200 cal/day help her when she doesn't have that much to lose? If she doesn't, and really 20 lbs compared to my 80 is not much, then she doesn't need to drop her calorie intake.

    Also, 1200 calories is a ridiculous number that everyone seems to stick to. Unless you've done the math based on your BMR and TDEE . . . it's an arbitrary number, period.

    Well it worked for me so I figured it would work for the OP as well. No need to be snarky - I was just offering advice based on my personal experience.
  • jaetea75
    jaetea75 Posts: 1 Member
    I was much heavier then you are when I started. It was a couple of months before I saw the scale move. I did however lose inches during that time. With the amount of weight you are wanting to lose, you are probably toning...which means you are gaining lean muscle before shrinking your fat...which can cause you to weigh the same, if not even slightly more. Just keep at it and it will start coming off.

    Good luck!
  • efisher999
    efisher999 Posts: 3 Member
    Look to have at least a 500 calorie deficit (burn 500 more claories than taking in). You must also count the calories of everything you put into your mouth by weighing or measuring ACCURATELY. You would be surprised how you can consume additonal calories here and there just by licking something off a spoon such as peanut butter or assuming the weight of something, etc. If your margin for a deficit is tight, since you may not be buring a ton of calories, those little things will prevent you from losing and you will simply maintain. Good Luck!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Make sure you are measuring all of your foods properly. You can eat a lot more than you think if you don't measure them.

    And drink... like wine ;)

    About 100 calories per only 4oz give or take...
  • mz_getskinny
    mz_getskinny Posts: 258 Member
    I have been almost 25 days and lost nothing. I have my calories set at 1200 and have rarely gone over... I originally set it at 1600 but lowered after 10 days of no loss. My kicker is that I am 6' tall and 270 lbs so according to everyone, the weight should be coming off as my deficit is over 1000 calories per day.. it's just not. Everyone told me to buy a food scale, so I did that, but I can say with 100% honesty that I was not/am not eating over my calories. I feel better, so I am just focusing on that at the moment.

    1200 calories is WAY too low for you. If you don't eat enough, you won't lose. Trust me, I've been there. Recalculate your calories and follow it. It will work.
  • Being busy is great. You stay physically active even if it's light. However, your body easily accommodates to it. If you do the same thing constantly then your body will become more efficient at it. Basically burning less calories while still being able to do the same amount of stuff. If you want a constant calorie burn you would want to "stay out of your comfort zone" in a sense. Keep slowly building up the cardio and other exercises that you do. You'll see it. Besides, don't get caught up in the idea of needing to see results "immediately". If this isn't your first time trying to get back to a certain weight or a certain shape then you'll know that the faster you see results, the faster you can lose them too, if you don't know how to maintain. Just going back to what you originally did after reaching your goal is essentially just a really long term version of not even ever doing the process in the first place. Metabolism is a huge thing to fix, even harder to maintain. You'll get to it. We all do with dedication. It's just irritating that we don't see what we want immediately, or don't have a guaranteed set date or your money back kind of thing haha
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Since you don't have that much to lose, maybe drop it to 1200 calories a day. And remember to drink tons of water!

    Sorry but how does dropping to 1200 cal/day help her when she doesn't have that much to lose? If she doesn't, and really 20 lbs compared to my 80 is not much, then she doesn't need to drop her calorie intake.

    Also, 1200 calories is a ridiculous number that everyone seems to stick to. Unless you've done the math based on your BMR and TDEE . . . it's an arbitrary number, period.

    Well it worked for me so I figured it would work for the OP as well. No need to be snarky - I was just offering advice based on my personal experience.

    Sorry but offering this kind of advice when 1,200 is bordering on not healthy for so many people really bothers me!

    Cutting calories when you have a little weight to lose isn't going to help - it's more about shaking it up because believe it or not, losing more weight kind of is easier than when you only have like 10 - 25lbs to lose.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I am 5'6", 181lbs
    My goal is to lose 20lbs @ 1lb per week.
    @1400 calories per day
    Here's a BMI chart: http://www.shapeup.org/bmi/bmi6.pdf
    At 5'6", you should be 115-150 to be in a healthy BMI range.
    With at least 30 lb to lose, it's possible to lose 1 lb per week, but even 0.5 lb would be fine. Much easier, more sustainable.
    At 1400 cal per day, which is entirely reasonable for you, you'll get to 140 lb.
    Since you're currently needing 1810 cal to maintain weight, you'll be losing just under 1 lb per week to start.
    When you get closer to your goal, you'll be eating at less of a deficit, so your weight loss will slow.

    Here's a tool you might find helpful.
    This calculator will tell you not only your BMI, but how many servings of various foods to eat to maintain that weight.
    If you enter your healthy goal weight (from a BMI chart), this will help you plan your food intake.

    The good news is that even though it's hard for you to exercise right now, if you control your calorie intake you'll still lose weight.
    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake."

    Go for walks with your family. Look on YouTube (or even google) for bodyweight workouts. I've even found some free kindle books on Amazon, free nook books on B&N.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    you're eating under your BMR right now - which isn't the way to go
    It's really not a problem. In fact, that's how to lose weight: eat less than your body needs.
    I'm pretty consistently taking in 1600-1650 calories, "netting" about 1000, and the BMR calculators put me about 1700.
    I'm losing weight slowly & gradually, my doctors are happy with my progress & my health.
    (5'9", started at 275, currently 225, goal of 165 lb; maybe 150, I'll decide when I get closer)
    do hot yoga you will lose weight lol also add some strengthening exercises like do 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 squats, Hip Bridge etc. Whenever you think about a cookie or soda stop and do something. Workout your butt and legs to increase you metabolism.
    You've been here 3 years & a couple thousand posts, and you are still giving bad advice?!
    Don't make any food forbidden, that only gives it power. If you want a cookie, have a cookie. Just make sure it fits in your calorie goal for the day.
    I have been almost 25 days and lost nothing. I have my calories set at 1200 and have rarely gone over... I originally set it at 1600 but lowered after 10 days of no loss. My kicker is that I am 6' tall and 270 lbs
    1200 is WAAAAY too low for you. That's the minimum a woman should eat, unless she's very short.
    Unhealthy. And 10 days really isn't enough to see much of a change anyway.
    At 6', you should be between 140-180 lb (so between 1400-1800 cal).
    You currently need 2700. To drop 1 lb per week, eat 2200. To drop 2 lb, eat 1700.
    And give it plenty of time. At least several weeks, a month is better.
    You're probably at too high of a deficit to be losing, your body isn't going to let go of anything when it's not getting enough in ...
    If you don't eat enough, you won't lose
    If you're eating fewer calories than your body needs to run, you will lose weight.
    You have to. The energy has to come from somewhere.
    Your body first uses carbs (glucose & glycogen), then fat, and lastly it will use muscle, but it's not an efficient conversion, and it damages the body, so if there's anything else to use for fuel the body will avoid using muscle. (Plus losing muscle means impaired bodily function, such as breathing & heartbeat.)