100 Day Challenge!!



  • taylorizal
    taylorizal Posts: 25 Member
    I would love to join! My birthday is December 10th and would love to lose around 30 pounds by then! So far I've lost just over 40. Feel free to add me!
  • Hey, guys! Count me in, too. Is there some kind of group board or something for this? I've been on MFP for ever it seems like. Used it on and off and am just now discovering the gold mine I like to call the message board!
  • I just joined! I have at least 40lbs to lose!
  • Also, newb question, where do yall get those cool signature tracker things?
  • trcydaniels
    trcydaniels Posts: 4 Member
    I would like to loss 50 lbs by Christmas could use the help . I have done over 200 lbs so far using this website but have hit a brick wall lately. please share any good ideas I maybe able to use every day. Thank you
  • unitedistand
    unitedistand Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join the 100 day challenge. I would love to lose my weight by my birthday by December 21 of this year. Perfect timing. Good luck everyone.
  • llpttp38
    llpttp38 Posts: 8 Member
    I am in !!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Also, newb question, where do yall get those cool signature tracker things?

    Go to your profile page and there should be an link to create one. At the end, there is a link to the page where you can make it show under your forum posts.
  • missbuncle
    missbuncle Posts: 8 Member
    Joining, thanks!
  • plsb
    plsb Posts: 3
    how do I join this group? I have not lost an ounce and I have worked out hard and long the last two weeks and I need to lose 40lbs and wanted to be thin by Christmas too!
  • plsb
    plsb Posts: 3
    I'm wondering the same thing! I am new to this site and I need the support and this group sounds like a good fit but I don't know how it works see people's posts of motivation daily.
  • I'm in on the 100 day challenge. I want to lose all I can. I have 51 pounds to go Let's roll!!
  • I got app 20 lbs to go.....grrmmmmphf... Let's get it done
  • mdp163
    mdp163 Posts: 1 Member
    can I join
  • I would like to join the 100 Day Challenge! I need the weekly accountability to help me stay motivated.
    Thanks for starting the challenge!!! :smile:
  • jenndesjarlais
    jenndesjarlais Posts: 26 Member
    I also want to join!!

    Also, if anyone is looking for motivating & supportive friends on here, please feel free to add me!
  • sowdenb
    sowdenb Posts: 61 Member
    I'M IN! I am a newbie...5 days into plan...3lbs. down. I am just learning how to do this,,,
  • theresar719
    theresar719 Posts: 14 Member
    I defintely need some motivation now that football season has started. Between the bar food and the drinking it's going to be tough! I'll have to make sure I get up before the games start and workout at least.
  • ChronicOptimist
    ChronicOptimist Posts: 558 Member
    I'd love to join! I'm leaving for vacation in MIAMI on December 15th and would love to have lost as much as I can by then. I love joining these groups and they are so helpful to keep me motivated! :-D
  • sowdenb
    sowdenb Posts: 61 Member
    FINALLY! The scale moved down after days of careful tracking and increasing exercise... and no movement....hope I can keep it going. Started with goal of 25lbs. to lose...4lbs off. Patience and perseverance....good to know others are working on making it happen!