Need Motivation again...

So the past week or three I have slipped up and began to no longer care too much about my calorie intake. It' like once I go over I no longer care and continue to go over my limit for the day. When I was constantly working on logging everyday and staying under by exercising more I lost 7-8 pounds in about a month. After that I stopped...I check my weight every now and then and it's pretty much remained the same, so I guess my new mentality is "Well I didn't gain anything yet." But I don't want to gain weight again only to have to lose it again. I was doing 1300 calories a day and I was doing great until lately. I got our of my groove I think. I would have 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast, chicken breast (with seasonings) and veggies for lunch, then dinner Was pretty much whatever I wanted as long as I stayed in my 1300 range. If I didn't I would just jump on the elliptical.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I feel like I lost my motivation...and I have about 50+ pounds to lose. Which just makes me sick.

I just want some motivators! I usually take three breaks at work and go for a quick 15 min walk which I can do a mile each time. At home is another thing...I have school online so that doesn't help. I usually end up spending 10 hours+ on the computer! Between work and school, it's terrible!!

Can I just get some motivation from others?? I'm going to start all over, fresh tomorrow!


  • skruttan44
    skruttan44 Posts: 86 Member
    It is hard to build new habits , and stick with them. Don't wait until tomorrow to start, start now!

    When it feels like it is getting old I try to remind myself why I am doing this, and the benefits.
    I want to be fit and healthy, it is a so exercising and eating well is a priority for me.
    Think about it like a habit such as brushing your teeth! :tongue:
    Don't question if/why you should do it, just do it! :flowerforyou:
  • GrandmaWhimsie
    GrandmaWhimsie Posts: 7 Member
    There are times when we all experience lack of motivation. We become discouraged because we have worked at anything: calorie counting, exercising, or pick another topic; we find ourselves with little reward, so we toss in the towel and don't care for a while, only to regret that decision.

    Best thing to do is forgive yourself and pick that towel back up. It had been an emotional decision to fall off the good habit wagon, so it ought to be a decision to get back on that good habit wagon, with lifetime commitments to good health. All the while knowing you may fall off in the future. Only to begin again.

    It is a struggle to get through those ill-motivated times, but we all go through them. Just begin again. Remember it is for life, for health, and for the best of you.:wink::flowerforyou:
  • ELLager
    Thank you! I was pretty mad at myself for letting myself do that..I had gained 5 pounds back. SO I drank a lot of water before bed and even more the next day. In two days I'm back at my weight I was before I jumped off the good habit wagon! So what I gained I feel was just water weight and I was bloated. I feel a lot better now! I even stopped at the store last night and picked up healthy things for my lunches/dinners and got oatmeal for breakfast since I'm sick of eggs haha. I even got healthy snacks for my family!
    I understand that I will jump on and off the good habit wagon but I need to catch myself sooner! :) I just wasted 1.5 weeks where I could have lost another few pounds..oh well I will move on and in a couple weeks those few pounds will be off!

    Thanks again!