Got a while to go

Hi, I started myfitnesspal Augusts 29, 2010 by December of 2010 I had lost 20 lbs, I worked up to walking 30 min. a day. I took the month of December off and gained 4 lbs. Starting on Jan 1, I started up again this time starting at 30 minutes, no problem. I am now at 20-30 min treadmill then 20-30min cycling. I met with a physical trainer (more like advisor), anyway I have started machines this past week. I am VERY frustrated. I gained 2 lbs last week. I am sticking to my caloric intake, 1290, but still no changes. My clothes are fitting differently but I want to see a change in the scale. if you have any advise I'd appreciate it.


  • Awineburg
    Awineburg Posts: 196
    It might just be muscle. I think if your eating right and exercising it will come off.
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    If you just started weight training - you said machines so not sure which you are referring to - it can take some time. Muscle does add weight and more then likely your body is just waiting to see if this is something your going to continue. If you do then its going to kick in gear and go "ok she's not kidding, time to shed some weight so I can do this better/easier". Our bodies are very conservative machines, especially for women, and they don't want to let go of the fat unless you give it no other alternative. Keep at it and give yourself some time to adjust. Enjoy your new found fitness and keep it going!
  • dyte
    dyte Posts: 13
    Hi Nora,

    I feel your pain! I am struggling as well. The scale isn't moving and I working out like crazy! In the morning I do Insanity and at night I am running 3-5 miles. During lunch I walk for 30 minutes. I know my struggles are the weekends and I need to be more discipline when the weekend comes.
    Have faith, we will get to our goal weight!!

  • Kerry1023
    Kerry1023 Posts: 152
    Hi Nora,

    Please don't get discouraged. I too am in a similar situation.

    I was told that "the muscles will retain water when getting used in a different manner and to give it a few weeks to adjust. Each pound of fat = 3,500 EXTRA calories! Do your best to coach yourself through this transition and not react to the scale. In fact, if you weigh right now and then drink 32 ounces of water in the next 15 minutes and weigh again, the scale should read 2 lbs heavier. Most people can swing 2-5 lbs of water weight for a variety of reasons."

    This will be 2 weeks on Friday and today I was down. Hope this helps!