Leg/Butt Exercises for Weak/Injured/Bad Knees?

Can anyone recommend any awesome exercises to tone and build a bit of muscle in the thigh/butt area, that are safe for bad knees? I can't jump, kneel, or do any sort of deep squat or lunge movement and that has made it difficult to tone/build those areas.

I speed walk, do bridge raises, bridge planks, calf raises, bicycle crunches, and a series of stretches, but that's about all that I do daily that effects my legs.

Any recommendations? (videos and links are most welcome!)


  • LadyHobbledehoy
    LadyHobbledehoy Posts: 91 Member
    I would like to know as well. I'm in the same predicament.
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    You can do clam,with ankle weights, seated band abduction,romanian deadlifts, im sure theres more strong curves has quite a few
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    i have the same issues.. found that I can do squats with kettle bells. form is important for saving the knees.. you shouldn't feel them at all.

    for hamstrings you can do hyperextensions or glute ham raises
    step ups as an alternative to squat
    hip thrusts

    there are a lot of options just by searching on google
  • EmilyPersephone
    I definitely want to try the clamshells, with some class of a resistance bands.

    Thank you for the responses! I will research proper technique of the exercises mentioned and try them out!
  • lindainprogress
    lindainprogress Posts: 129 Member
    I like the ballet work outs. Tracy Anderson particularly. skip the pleas {no clue how to spell that} she will slim down the leg and get your rump off the back of your thighs in no time. she can be a bit frustrating in that she doesn't "teach" the moves well, but if you pay attention and keep at it. it works. Try her Matt Program. its about 45 minutes and hits arms, butt, gut , and thighs. you can check out segments on YouTube
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Hip thrusts and dead lifts (all sorts)
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Swimming is helping me tone butt, thighs, shoulders and abdomen!
  • Loralrose
    Deadlifts, glute bridges, sprinting uphill. Hiking - especially if you carry a pack and go on a steep trail. Karate gives me some pain with my particular knee problem, but it's really fun and you can modify moves to work for you... plus it's a great leg workout.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Have you been to a physio? You don't mention what specifically is wrong with your knees (bad knees is super vague) but I can tell you that I was having back trouble, which my doctor at first said meant no lifting, and knee pain and going to a physio has sorted both of those problems so I can get back to lifting. If it's just soft tissue or orthopedic it might be worth a shot.

    If you're just having knee pain during squats and lunges but haven't been diagnosed with anything then make sure your form is good. I've seen a lot of people here say that they thought they couldn't squat because of their knees and it turned out their form just sucked. I'd still recommend seeing a doctor/physio if you can though, just to be safe.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Cycle up a big hill.
    My knees are a mess but the controlled movement and no impact mean cycling is the best exercise for me.
    In the gym I can do fairly good leg press but leg extension is more problematic. Lunges are dreadful for one of my knees. Squats aren't good for either of my knees.

    Rowing is also good cardio for working quads and glutes. Day to day activity - always take the stairs.

    A lot will depend on your particular injury though so what works / doesn't work for me (with my missing PCL, missing cartilege, laxity in two other ligaments and an old patella fracture...) might not work for you. You really should get professional advice.