Walking - Faster or Farther?

Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been walking now for about 3 weeks, 4-5 times a week. I am ready for more but am not sure if "MORE" should be walking the same distance faster, or walking farther for a longer period of time.

I started out doing maybe 1/2 mile a day, then increased that to a mile. Today I maintained the same pace, but walked for 2 miles. I really enjoy walking, but my goal is to lose weight, not see the city. I know if I increase the speed, I will not be able to go as long.

I appreciate any feedback or suggestions offered.


  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    I would say to go faster...it gets the heart rate going :)
  • CJWirth09
    CJWirth09 Posts: 24 Member
    HmmmM I am curious too! Go further slower or shorter distance but faster? Good question!
  • raising2ells
    raising2ells Posts: 47 Member
  • I agree... it's more cardio when you really get that heart moving. Definitely faster. Yes you might not be able to go as long, but you'll probably wind up burning more calories and you'll eventually work your way up to longer than you are now. It will take time, but you'll get there.
    You could walk longer if you wanted, it would work out the same I'm sure either way, but you have to figure you'd burn more calories going faster for a shorter period of time and have more time for something else. :)
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Why not alternate and jog then walk jog then walk. I LOVE my walks and just put on my music and go. I find if I jog a bit it gets my HR up and then slow down to walk a bit I burn more calories. Mix it up and do what you can. Eventually something has to give so if you aren't interested in seeing the city then maybe start building up to jogging.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Walking faster is going to burn more calories at a faster rate. It also gets your heart rate up so your metabolism gets going faster.
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    One often overlooked factor is to switch it up.....fast for a bit, slow for a bit, uphill for a bit, flat for a bit. This gets the lactic acid doing it's thing to build muscle and the intervals work the legs and keep it interesting.
  • I think you should do what you enjoy. My advice would be to buy a heart rate monitor and find out what gives the best calorie burn. I bet what you will find out is that even though you are walking farther (and you don't want to) you are probably not burning as many calories thus the benefit for your sacrifice is not great.

    It is just a thought but I think if you do it faster and do it more often (maybe at the beginning and end of your day) you will get more bang for your effort.

    I hope this helps.
  • I would recommend walking for about the same amount of time but interject some short 30 second sprints into your journey. This will increase your heart rate, burn more calories and get you fitter. As this becomes easier, like walking has for you, increase to 60 second sprints. (Obviously health most important, so only if you have a healthy ticker)
    Good luck
  • barton2
    barton2 Posts: 10
    If you are working out on a treadmill and don't want to run (I have bad knees), try walking at an incline. I like to warm up for 5 minutes at a steady walk, then incline by 1 every 2-3 minutes. If you can get above an incline of 7, it feels good, then do the same going down and ending with a 5 minute cool down. Walking at an incline helps with the back of your legs and buttocks, which is always needed with me :)
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    This Jena Marie agrees with Jenna Marie do Both getting that heart rate up and keeping it up is the most important aspect of fat burning. Maybe start a little jogging as well. Trying to avoid distance is really a waste of time because eventually your body will need and want more so give it what it wants! :wink:
  • Increase your walk speed and try and reach the same distance. You might not make it at first but that's ok you now have a new goal while walking. When you are able to walk the distance at your new quicker pace, it's time to increase the speed again. Like others have posted, walking faster burns more calories. This approach should help you lose weight while allowing your body (endurance, muscles and joints) to adjust to the increased cardio demands.
  • Walking faster for now until you find the distance as easy as you do now and then increase the distance - looks like you are doing great - congrats!!
  • jeebsah
    jeebsah Posts: 39
    I would say "faster" first, if you go faster for same amount of time you will have more miles under your belt. Or you can do both by implement an interval walking routine...For example you can try walking (or jogging) as fast as you can for 10 min, then 10 minutes at a slower pace...repeat until end of workout. This way you can keep your heart rate up, but at the same time you wont wear yourself out.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Mix it up When I do a long run I run a slower pace and when I have to squeeze in a shorter run I run as fast as I can muster for the distance. SOme days you might only have 20 minutes make the most of it by walking a faster pace. If you have time for a nice long walk keep the pace brisk but comfortable and cover more ground. I don't think there is a right answer here.
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks for all the input. It will help in deciding which way to go. I probably should have mentioned that running or jogging is out of the question for me right now. At 400lbs, plus a little, my knees and ankles would turn to mush in no time. Also, on days that I don't walk I work out to the Biggest Loser Cardio Max dvd.
  • I used to always JOG..LOVED IT..Now with a neurological disorder I CANT..I just cant..SO.....took up walking best i could, never liked it because i never felt i was getting any results..YOU KNOW? Just boring old walking, BUT my brother pointed out long ago..a mile is a mile...whether you jog it or walk it. HMMMMM...I STILL BELIEVE though...that the FASTER you get there the more you burn...example....4ph mile...versus a 2 mph mile....I dont know....Just a belief

    either way cant hurt....i mean..ITS EXERCISE..JUST DO IT Whatever works
  • Tipring
    Tipring Posts: 21 Member
    I think walking faster will burn more caories, but also add ankle weights. That should increase the calories burned.

    MEDIUM 330....SLOW....249...wow huh

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