Brides on a Mission: Week 4



  • Meganne1982
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: only weighing first of the month
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): the play i'm directing opened and is getting great reviews :)
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I have definitely been stress eating :(
    4. What is your first dance song and are you taking dance lessons/planning a “special” performance: We're planning on our first dance being to "Rainbow Connection" because on our very first date we went to a bar that was having kareoke, and someone sang that song, and he asked me to dance- so it was our first dance together on our first date and it will be out first dance at our wedding!
    5. About how many people will be attending your wedding: I want to keep it around 100- but his family is gigantic, so it may not happen.
    6. Any wedding news updates: ... I hate planning a wedding, and kind of want to elope...
    7. How is your fiancé handling your healthy living changes: he's supportive, but at the same time he keeps telling me he likes the way I look right now and is affraid I'll end up too skinny- though, at about 180 pounds, too skinny is a long way off.
    8. How did you do with the week 3 challenge (adding 10 minutes onto each workout): This week was really busy, but I still worked out an average of 60 minutes 6 days this week, so that's good enough for me :)
    9. Weekly wrap up: Gotta stop binge eating when I'm busy and stressed!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    6. Any wedding news updates: ... I hate planning a wedding, and kind of want to elope...
    9. Weekly wrap up: Gotta stop binge eating when I'm busy and stressed!

    I hear ya...I'll post the name of the stree free bridal magazine I bought yesterday, maybe there's some tips in there that can help us...
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 2 lbs (although I might've gained that back over the weekend)
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): made myself go to yoga on an evening when I wanted to just sit down on the couch and eat junk. So glad I did.
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): The cold weather has been getting me down and making me want to stay in
    4. What is your first dance song and are you taking dance lessons/planning a “special” performance: Not sure what song it will be but we have talked about going to dance lessons.
    5. About how many people will be attending your wedding: 150 hopefully
    6. Any wedding news updates: Sent our "get to know you" questionnaire to our photographer
    7. How is your fiancé handling your healthy living changes: Like Meganne1982, he tells me I look fine the way I am and thinks my goal weight will make me too skinny. So I can't say he's totally on board with what I'm doing, but he's fine with whatever makes me happy. He never needs to watch what he eats so it's tough for him to completely understand
    8. How did you do with the week 3 challenge (adding 10 minutes onto each workout): Great, worked out one more day than I did the week before.
    9. Weekly wrap up: A better week workout and eating wise than the week before
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member

    6. Any wedding news updates: ... I hate planning a wedding, and kind of want to elope...

    I WAS THERE! I was sooooo ready to just cancel everything and disappear over the Christmas holidays and elope!! My mom and I were fighting over EVERYTHING. It's gotten better but this weekend is the dreaded guess list talk with her... she wants to invite so many people that I don't want at my wedding.. it's super annoying and since we are splitting the wedding 50/50 on cost and it's MY wedding, I feel like I should have final say... but apparently that makes me a bridezilla!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member

    4. What is your first dance song and are you taking dance lessons/planning a “special” performance: Our first dance is "this years love" by david grey...and Dave does want to take dance lessons, I already know how but he doesn't

    We almost picked this song! We never really had a "song" and this was the one that just felt most like our song because we listened to it constantly when we first started dating... it's such a pretty song!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Lost 1.2 pounds this week! Down to 146.2!! I'm really hoping to get to 145 this week and be at the 10 lbs away from goal point!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Got two free club level tickets to go to the AFC Championship game in Pittsburgh and a free hotel for Sunday night! My fiance is a huge Jets fan so it was a really awesome experience!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): The Jets lost and the stupid Steelers are going to the super bowl AGAIN. I hate Pittsburgh sports teams with a ppasssiioonn. (HUGE washington capitals hockey fan also)

    4. What is your first dance song and are you taking dance lessons/planning a “special” performance: Our song is Brad Paisley "Then". We are getting dance lessons because I think it is just so beautiful to watch a couple do a choreographed first dance. The idea that you practiced the dance for weeks leading up to it and then when you watch the couple do the dance, the way they are looking at each other during it just says it all...

    5. About how many people will be attending your wedding: Uugghhh originally it wasn't supposed to go above 100. Now we're at 130 people and counting. If you want an invite to our wedding, just hold the door open for my mom or bring her the newspaper... then we'll HAVE to invite you because you were SO nice!

    6. Any wedding news updates: Apparently I've been slacking because my cousins are starting to send me messages like "Where should we be booking a hotel room?" and "Have you given any thought to the flower girl dresses?"... probably time to start crossing stuff off the list again! lol

    7. How is your fiancé handling your healthy living changes: He's awesome. He is constantly telling me how fantastic I look. And he's the cook in the relationship and he's been trying really hard to make healthier meals for me for dinner. I just can't seem to get him to start watching what he's eating also. I want us both to look good at the wedding and he needs to stop slacking! We're going to start P90X together in a week or so.

    8. How did you do with the week 3 challenge (adding 10 minutes onto each workout): I did terribly. I really need to up my exercise. Hoping we actually start and stick with P90X.

    9. Weekly wrap up: Well the start of this week has been pretty awful (haha just look at my food diary for Sunday!). I'm ready to make up for it the next few days though and work my butt off! I think I'm going to start by doing 30 Day Shred right now :-P
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Hello everyone, I am newly engaged...2 weeks!! And we have a long engagement, 2 yrs to build up money so that we can pay for the wedding our selves and so that I am not too stressed while planning it, along with him doing a deployment in a few months. And of course so that I have a good amount of time to get the healthiest I can. I am so glad I found this board and I look forward to trying to be less stressed this week as the challenge especially as I am starting work again :]

    1. Name: Alexis
    2. Age: 23
    3. City: Salt Lake City
    4. Occupation: Barista
    5. Wedding date: unsure, but for sure 2013
    6. Fiancés name: Floyd
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 1.5 yrs
    8. Heaviest weight: 220 but 188 when I started mfp
    9. Goal weight and date: 130 by July 20th, 2011
    10. Favorite type of exercise: running
    11. Favorite healthy food: pretzels with laughing cow cheese for a snack
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 4 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: IDK, I'm trying to schedule a measurement meeting with my trainer for next week.
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I tried Zumba for the first time and had a ton of fun. It totally kicked my butt!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Still down that my best friend since 9th grade can't make it in to be my MOH. I'm figuring out how to help my one remaining gal in the party so that she has help for my bridal shower. (Her husband has terminal cancer, so I don't want her to feel sole responsibility.... yet etiquette says I can't help!)
    4. What is your first dance song and are you taking dance lessons/planning a “special” performance: Ribbon in the Sky - Stevie Wonder (It's one of Dan's favorite songs). We're not taking lessons or doing anything special, just holding each other.
    5. About how many people will be attending your wedding: 142 are on the list, but we're expecting 100, since many are out of town.
    6. Any wedding news updates: Nothing new this week. Hoping to work in invitations again this weekend and pick the cake cutting song within the next day or two.
    7. How is your fiancé handling your healthy living changes: For the most part, we get along. He moved in about six months ago because his own house sold. However, he hates the cat. Last night I ended up sleeping on the couch because he didn't want to let it into the bedroom and it kept clawing at the door. I felt bad for the cat, then bad because he was mad that I left. Sometimes you just can't wait.
    8. How did you do with the week 3 challenge (adding 10 minutes onto each workout): Great. I actually got 5 days of workouts in... exceeded my weekly goal of at least three.
    9. Weekly wrap up: Looking forward to the wedding. 4 months and 24 days to go!:-)
  • NurseNatalie2011
    7. How is your fiancé handling your healthy living changes: My FI doesn't handle it well...his middle name is BREAD! lol...

    haha that is kind of funny! But you love him anyways, right! lol
  • mrsmacg2b
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: no weight but 3 inches (2 from waist, 1 from hips)
    2. Highlight of the past week: met up with my in-laws to be which was lovely -everyone is excited
    3. Lowlight of the past week: no loss - been driving 2 days and eating in service stations so diet and exercise was out the window
    4. What is your first dance song and are you taking dance lessons/planning a “special” performance: U2 with or without you. we're going to choreograph something but not started yet
    5. About how many people will be attending your wedding: daytime 68 confirmed so far (waiting on another 30) and total in evening about 120
    6. Any wedding news updates: nope not this week
    7. How is your fiancé handling your healthy living changes: thinks i'm mad as he loves me the way i am (aww) but is very proud of me as he knows exercise is hard for me
    8. How did you do with the week 3 challenge (adding 10 minutes onto each workout): I managed to add 10mins to everyday apart from my driving days
    9. Weekly wrap up: really disappointed that I was so busy I didn't get a chance to work out as much as I'd have liked. Need to get back on track asap

    Hope everyone else is still going!
  • dolphinkates
    dolphinkates Posts: 13 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 3 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: no lbs lost yet (in fact I think I gained a lb) but I did lose an inch at my hips
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): my aunt offered to give me her mother's (my grandmother's ring)
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): honestly my low stuff is the weight loss b/c I'm not seeing the progress yet
    4. What is your first dance song and are you taking dance lessons/planning a “special” performance: first dance will be "Everything" by Lifehouse, my fiance picked it out
    5. About how many people will be attending your wedding: 150-200
    6. Any wedding news updates: got save the dates in the mail and my tax refund will pay for our honeymoon!
    7. How is your fiancé handling your healthy living changes: great because he needs it I just have to motivate him to get to the gym
    8. How did you do with the week 3 challenge (adding 10 minutes onto each workout): well since last week was my first week working out i guess i did ok with it
    9. Weekly wrap up: Hoping for actual weight loss this next week and am having a blast with my workouts.
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    I just found this thread and I'm so excited! My wedding is 8/6/11...

    1. Name: Katie
    2. Age: 25
    3. City: Fayetteville
    4. Occupation: stay at home mom and future US Marshal
    5. Wedding date: August 6, 2011
    6. Fiancés name: Chad
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 10 months
    8. Heaviest weight: 175 (pregnant)
    9. Goal weight and date: 115 by July (4lbs left)
    10. Favorite type of exercise: cross fit
    11. Favorite healthy food: spinach salad with cucumbers and craisins

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: haven't weighed in lately- no inches lost
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): finding my dress
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): wrecking our brand new car while 1,000 miles from home
    4. What is your first dance song and are you taking dance lessons/planning a “special” performance: haven't picked out a song yet
    5. About how many people will be attending your wedding: invited 500 (definite "yes" 100 so far)
    6. Any wedding news updates: just picked out my dress and scheduled a photo-shoot to recreate photo "The Kissers" which is the theme for our wedding
    7. How is your fiancé handling your healthy living changes: he handles it well since he's in the Army and gets paid to stay in shape
    8. How did you do with the week 3 challenge (adding 10 minutes onto each workout): I'm just starting this week, but that sounds like a good addition to my workout!
    9. Weekly wrap up: looking forward to getting back into my normal running schedule and working out regularly- I took 10 days off while at a funeral and visiting family.
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member

    6. Any wedding news updates: ... I hate planning a wedding, and kind of want to elope...

    I WAS THERE! I was sooooo ready to just cancel everything and disappear over the Christmas holidays and elope!! My mom and I were fighting over EVERYTHING. It's gotten better but this weekend is the dreaded guess list talk with her... she wants to invite so many people that I don't want at my wedding.. it's super annoying and since we are splitting the wedding 50/50 on cost and it's MY wedding, I feel like I should have final say... but apparently that makes me a bridezilla!

    I love it! I did elope! I actually got married 12/9/10 but we decided to have a wedding down the road anyway since we didn't tell our parents we already got married. It's kind of fun having a little secret between us, plus it'll make it that much easier when it comes time for the wedding, one less thing to worry about with licenses, name changes, etc.
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 1.6 lbs
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Found SUPER cute bridal attendant gifts that I am very excited about :-) Also, my fiance just graduated in December and had an interview for a job that would double his current salary...he has his second interview today....crossing my fingers!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): knee is bothering me again. I had tendinitis in October and it seems it's back....trying to find some other way to work out than the elliptical. Water workouts are not an option for me right now so ordered some heavyweight yoga...hope that works!
    4. What is your first dance song and are you taking dance lessons/planning a “special” performance: We have two songs that we absolutely love....haven't made the final decision yet. Our reception is at a ballroom so we received a free dance lesson when we booked. We will go to that but probably not do anything fancy.
    5. About how many people will be attending your wedding: We have about 250 on the guest idea how many that will end up at.
    6. Any wedding news updates: down payment on the photographer, ordered bridal attendant gifts
    7. How is your fiancé handling your healthy living changes: great, he is a huge support system, he is doing really well too! He lost about 20 lbs a couple of months ago so he is very supportive!
    8. How did you do with the week 3 challenge (adding 10 minutes onto each workout):Well prior to last week I only worked out 2 times per week at the most, last week I worked out 4 so great! But with my knee...not sure how this week will go.
    9. Weekly wrap up: I need to know how much weight I can lose, reasonably, by the end of May. I am willing to work hard but I know that with lifestyle change, it doesn't come off that quick. I just feel like I am so overweight that it should be coming off a little quicker in the I wrong? Here we go...I weigh 256.4 (down 9.6 from 3 weeks ago) and I am 5' there any way to figure out what would be a reasonable goal for me each month or week or something? I would love to know so that I don't feel sooooo far away from the long term goal. THANKS!
  • kalebsmama07
    Brides on a Mission: week 4
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: down to144.6 this week from 147.0 last week (2.4lbs loss)...lost 1/2 inch of my waist.. lost 2.5 inches off my hips..since 1-13-11

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): put down payments on our rings n my new engagement ring...forgot to take a pic but will post a pic as soon as we pick up the rings next week...i got the imput i needed from my hubby (seeing how on my old engagement ring my hubby didnt pick it out my parents did long story) i didnt care about anything when we went ring shopping.. all i wanted was my hubby to pick it out that ment more to me... loss inches this week after two weeks of weight trainnin n squats n lunges...

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): my dad who lives with us and an is an alcholic and has been on a drinkin binge for the past week...sitting out side in his truck in freezing below temps..(my dad lives with me cuz he has no wife or other family besides me) so im always worried about him n his age is up there (hes 66) bothered by the fact that i cant help someone who doesnt wanna be helped...n to sit there n watch my dad kills me so besides daily stresses i deal with my dad like this on a monthly basis... =(

    4. What is your first dance song and are you taking dance lessons/planning a “special” performance: no special dance were not having a reception n such...but i do like a song that kinda relates to us....n such.. thompson square-"are you gona kiss me or not" heres the link if u wanna check it out

    5. About how many people will be attending your wedding: remember were eloping due to our familes (his family) but were having just me my fiance n my son kaleb n my dad so just 4 people

    6. Any wedding news updates: we found our rings this week n placed a deposit on them will be picked up next week n i will post a picture of my new engagement ring

    7. How is your fiancé handling your healthy living changes:wonderful he falls in love with me more n i feel more n more confident about my self.. he calls me his hott mama! lol he doesnt follow my healthy changes but is willing too and supports my heathy habits.... =) we would like to do insanity or p90x sometime soon together

    8. How did you do with the week 3 challenge (adding 10 minutes onto each workout): tryed but forgot so ended up doing normal timing workouts or adding more by accident...

    9. Weekly wrap up:overall it was great...i really was suprised by the imput my fiance wanted to invest in our ring shopping we did with his thoughts n likes n dislikes...i was very greatful... =0) excited things kinda set in yesterday when we made the was a great feeling...still no luck with finding a new job for him (as he will be losing his job soon)... im so ready to get this wedding on the road ...i will be dress/shoe shopping the second week of febuary with one of my really good friends... will also post a picture of my dress as it will be something i can wear again n not just a wedding dress...
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    1.Name: Jenn
    2.Age: 27
    3.City: San Jose, CA
    4.Occupation: School Receptionist
    5.Wedding date: No clue
    6.Fiancés name: Kris
    7.How long have you and your fiancé been together: 9 years (yep, you read that right NINE)
    8.Heaviest weight: 186
    9.Goal weight and date: 130 lbs by my wedding day (maybe 125 lol)
    10.Favorite type of exercise: walking
    11.Favorite healthy food: watermelon

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: +2.6 :sad:
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got engaged on Friday night! lol 1/21/11
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): after putting on my ring I lost control of eating healthy, I was happy and eat out and indulged on ice cream all weekend!
    4. What is your first dance song and are you taking dance lessons/planning a “special” performance: No, my guy is shy in front of large groups and it is a big deal that he is even having a wedding, so I'm not going to push it. :tongue:
    5. About how many people will be attending your wedding: at least both of our mom's, but I would also like siblings and close friends. Maybe 15, plus our two kids.
    6. Any wedding news updates: Nope, I am still in shock I think
    7. How is your fiancé handling your healthy living changes: We have only been engaged for 4 days, but as my boyfriend he was not the most supportive. He says like likes me fine the way I am. But I know better because he is all over me when I am 10 lbs lighter.
    8. How did you do with the week 3 challenge (adding 10 minutes onto each workout): I'm new, so I did do this yet
    9. Weekly wrap up: I am going to focus more on working out and toning up than the number on the scale

    I am new here. New to being engaged and this thread, not to MFP. I just got engaged on Friday night and have no clue what I am doing or how to plan a wedding! I have been waiting for this a long time. Nine years and two kids later he asked me to be his wife and I think I am still in shock! laugh
    Where did you all start?
    How can I figure out a budget? (We are very poor :tongue: )
    He doesn't even want a wedding (court house tomorrow would make him happy) but he knows I do, so we will have a small wedding with close family and maybe some friends.

    I don't know about you all, but I can't stop looking at my ring! love
  • jpsnickel

    I am new here. New to being engaged and this thread, not to MFP. I just got engaged on Friday night and have no clue what I am doing or how to plan a wedding! I have been waiting for this a long time. Nine years and two kids later he asked me to be his wife and I think I am still in shock! laugh
    Where did you all start?
    How can I figure out a budget? (We are very poor :tongue: )
    He doesn't even want a wedding (court house tomorrow would make him happy) but he knows I do, so we will have a small wedding with close family and maybe some friends.

    I don't know about you all, but I can't stop looking at my ring! love

    CONGRATS!!! I've been engaged 1 and 1/2 years and when the sun hits my ring while i'm driving and i notice it sparkle, i still stop and stare...

    I'm a little neurotic with the wedding planning, so the first thing I did was buy a book. It's from Bride's Magazine and was maybe $15. Totally worth it for us because it had some great guidelines and questions to ask vendors. The next thing I did was get a 3-ring binder and divide it into sections (flowers, ceremony, reception, music, etc) and every time I thought of an idea, or saw an idea, it went into the book. Great for keeping me organized and remembering all those "great" ideas I have come across along the way. Our budget isn't huge, but we haven't had to pinch pennies as much, but we're still utilizing our friends and family as much as possible. His mom is an amazing seamstress and will be making my veil, a bridesmaid's aunt is a professional seamstress who does wedding gown alterations, so she's doing mine (and will probably not charge me as much). An old childhood friend is doing our photographs (she is a professional wedding photographer and we loved her engagement session she did with us) and a family friend will be doing the ceremony music. I would be careful in asking people do to things if you are a perfectionist or don't trust their work. No need to ruin a friendship.

    I am also a huge fan of some great DIY ideas.

    Good luck!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    I had to go to our jeweler today to get my ring re-sized! I used to wear a size 9, was measured at an 8 when we were ring shopping (Feb) and it fit just fine when Greg proposed (June). Now they have me at like 7.5-7! I have a ring guard on for now and once I hit my goal weight the jeweler said he will take the ring in isn't that great to have to re-sized multiple times he told me.

    Has that happend to anyone else yet? It makes me want to have a kick *kitten* workout this afternoon!
  • NurseNatalie2011

    I am new here. New to being engaged and this thread, not to MFP. I just got engaged on Friday night and have no clue what I am doing or how to plan a wedding! I have been waiting for this a long time. Nine years and two kids later he asked me to be his wife and I think I am still in shock! laugh
    Where did you all start?
    How can I figure out a budget? (We are very poor :tongue: )
    He doesn't even want a wedding (court house tomorrow would make him happy) but he knows I do, so we will have a small wedding with close family and maybe some friends.

    I don't know about you all, but I can't stop looking at my ring! love

    Congrats! I too always gaze at my ring! haha I would say I started with magazines (local ones if you can find them, the knot publishes big city wedding magazines) and There are so many ideas out there for anytype of wedding. We also got a wedding planner program that is downloaded on my fiances computer, that was only like 30$ it is good for keeping us organized. I think the Knot has a free budget-planning thing as well as a lot of other things too! I also asked advice of family and friends who recently got married, for the most part they were all really helpful.

    Welcome to the thread!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I had to go to our jeweler today to get my ring re-sized! I used to wear a size 9, was measured at an 8 when we were ring shopping (Feb) and it fit just fine when Greg proposed (June). Now they have me at like 7.5-7! I have a ring guard on for now and once I hit my goal weight the jeweler said he will take the ring in isn't that great to have to re-sized multiple times he told me.

    Has that happend to anyone else yet? It makes me want to have a kick *kitten* workout this afternoon!

    Yep I have to go in this weekend and get a ring guard. I almost lose mine the minute my hand gets wet...and my hands sweat A LOT lol...So now I'm paranoid. But I'm not getting mine resized until we order the wedding and 1 year anniversary band. They can size them all at once