ketosis question



  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    ^ agreed

    The classic approach to induction does not include , artificial sweeteners, carrots, nuts , balsamic vinager, buttermilk, tomatoes and a few others you have been eating. May be fine later on after induction. Also may want to add them back 1 at a time and slowly.
  • middleagedmeh
    middleagedmeh Posts: 104 Member
    Comments regarding your diary.

    I don't know your stats, but your calorie level seems awfully low for a male, unless you are very short and small.
    In other words, the deficit seems too large.

    No water is logged. You need a minimum of 64 oz. per day, and while adjusting to ketosis, I'd say double that, as ketogenic diets are naturally diuretic, and you're going to urinate a lot.

    During transition, do not limit sodium, in fact, use it. Also, if you get cramps, take a magnesium/potassium supplement.

    Eating apples, carrots, peas, and buttermilk, I doubt you will actually get into ketosis. These are more for maintenance because the carrots and peas are starchy vegetables, milk and fruit prohibited for induction into ketosis, as they contain too many carbohydrates to get you into ketogenic state because they up your overall carb intake. Generally speaking, to get into ketosis most folks need to consume 20-25 NET carbs per day. Tomatoes and onions are okay, but are veggies higher in carbs for much smaller portions. Try greens of all kinds, summer squashes, cucumbers, celery, mushrooms, etc. that have much lower NET carbs than tomatoes and onions.

    NET carbs are as follows: carbohydrates - fiber - sugar alcohols = NET carbs. You need to change one of your columns on the website to show fiber so we can see how many NET carbs you are having. Currently, I see days with 98, 45, 39, 37, but have not idea how much is fiber.

    Artificial sweeteners stall some people. You aren't consuming a lot of them, so I doubt this is an issue.

    Nuts are generally not recommended for the transition into ketosis, but may be eaten once in ketosis in small amounts, as long as it doesn't stop your weight loss....transition may take two weeks or longer. Four days is nothing. If all you've had is a little headache and are urinating more than usual, that is normal. Depending on how much water your body holds and how big your glycogen stores were, you may not see rapid/dramatic weight loss.

    Exercising heavy is not recommended during transition. Take it easy. Keep your protein higher during transition to spare muscle tissue. Most recommend approximately 150 g. protein during this time, and it can be lowered once in ketosis.

    Make sure you are eating fats. At least 65% of your calories should be from fats.

    I should have talked to you before i started this. thanks for the advice :-)
    I have eliminated the peas and tomatoes the last 2 days since they made it difficult to get to the goal.
    With the raised protein goal i won't have a problem reaching my fat need. The carrots really were there just as a way to get enough fat in (i am weird, i like to put a little butter on carrots). I can take them out painlessly.
    Nuts are a nice snack to have. I used to have just milk for breakfast which i had to remove. I will just start making an omelet at night and eating it in the morning. Breakfast is always chaotic because i get up before anybody and basically go to work while the family is still asleep. I like something on the go.

    FYI: I am short (165cm)
  • middleagedmeh
    middleagedmeh Posts: 104 Member
    ok. we can adjust that. thanks.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    You're welcome. One more thing, weigh all your solid foods in grams on a food scale, and measure your liquids in spoons and cups.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Menu idea for a breakfast on the run:

    I grab 2 hard boiled eggs and a string cheese. Easy to eat in the car.
  • JuicylucyDavis
    String cheese = win and has saved me from cheating soooo many times.