Breakfast tips

What do u eat for breakfast for weight loss? I just ate half my calories for breakfast already and all I had was a bowl of cereal :(


  • rgrady33
    rgrady33 Posts: 48 Member
    My calorie goal is 1540 (2 lbs/week).

    I eat a half-cup of oatmeal (150) with a half-serving of frozen blueberries (30) and a small breakfast chicken sausage (60). Sometimes I will have a small banana (70).

    Total: 310, 240 w/o banana.

    Whatever you do I would avoid cereal as it tends to either be full of empty calories, or it is to calorie-dense to satisfy you for a long period.
  • cardozojoann
    cardozojoann Posts: 85 Member
    I always have a Shakeology shake for breakfast. But before I got my shakeology I usually had egg whites, Fruit, morning star sausage patties. Or I would make an egg white omelet veggies added to it and fruit on the side.
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    must have been one big *kitten* bowl of cereal- either that or your daily intake is REALLY low! My breakfast is usually about 400 calories, which is 1/5 of my daily intake (i eat back my exercise cals)
  • laurette0929
    I have one egg with 2 or 3 egg whites, one piece of cheese and you can add spinach or salsa or tomatoes and it is still only about 200 calories and filling :)
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    I just took a peek at your diary...

    3 cups of cereal, and 1 cup of whole milk - that's a pretty hefty bowl of cereal!

    My suggestion to you would be to focus on portion control, and read the labels BEFORE you eat. This will allow you to choose the appropriate amount of a food for your meal so that the calorie count won't shock you afterward!

    I don't really believe in cutting out certain foods, or calling things "good" or "bad". When you exercise portion control, you can eat just about anything you want while staying within your calorie limit. Also, how did you calculate your calorie allowance? You may have it set too low anyway. Might be worth looking into!

    Good luck, and practice makes perfect! :smile:
  • CrunchyDad
    CrunchyDad Posts: 66 Member
    Breakfast tends to be my largest meal of the day calorie-wise. I do that because it keeps me feeling full and energized through the work day.

    I eat about 100g of lean turkey sausage and 1 egg, then a banana an hour or two later. And my coffee.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    granola bar or fried egg and wheat toast

  • crzdirector
    crzdirector Posts: 49 Member
    I rotate my breakfasts...usually its a cup of cereal and barely enough milk to get the cereal wet...I think its about 200 cals...otherwise I'll have half a sourdough muffin and half of one egg; only about 150 cals. I just have to eat something to start my days; otherwise I'm a bear.

    3 cups of cereal is a lot. I agree you need to take a look at the type of cereal and the serving size and stay close to it. Also, water is your friend; have a large glass first thing in the morning BEFORE breakfast.

    Good luck.
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    Sorry, to answer your original question as well... My breakfasts are usually one of the following:

    1) 1/2 cup of oats with 2tbsp of natural peanut butter and berries.

    2) A breakfast sandwich made of light rye, unsalted butter, 1 egg, spinach, cheddar cheese, onion, and tomato.

    3) 2 pieces of light rye toast with either peanut butter, cream cheese, or jam, and a piece of fruit.

    4) A bagel with cream cheese and a piece of fruit.

    5) Greek yogurt with granola, coconut, and berries.

    6) 1 piece of light rye toast with unsalted butter, sauteed veggies, cheddar cheese, and 2 eggs over-easy.

    I always eat breakfast, but I usually make it a little lighter (300-500 cals) because I tend to indulge at dinner (500-900 cals)! Just figure out where you like to spend more of your calories and make room for it within your day!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    I had to give up cereal a long time ago for that very reason. You can't eat more than a 1/2 cup with decent milk without taking in a lot of calories. Plus, it doesn't keep you very full, I have found.

    I love breakfast smoothies: 1/2 cup yogurt, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries and a banana.
    If I have time I make lots of egg dishes as well, peppers, onions, bacon, ham, whatever I've got to throw in or even some kind of egg sandwich.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    must have been one big *kitten* bowl of cereal- either that or your daily intake is REALLY low! My breakfast is usually about 400 calories, which is 1/5 of my daily intake (i eat back my exercise cals)
    Same here. And if you look at cereal labels and actually weigh or measure out the serving size, it's not much. so to get a decent sized bowl, you end up spending a lot of calories on something that's not going to keep you full for very long, in most cases anyway.

    My breakfasts are generally around 400 cals, my daily goal being 1800-2000. 2-3 whole eggs, toast with butter, fruit and black coffee, or oatmeal with Greek yogurt, nuts, honey, fruit & cinnamon & black coffee are my usual morning meals. Both give me good protein, fiber and some healthy fats and keep me full for several hours.

    I save breakfast cereal for bedtime snacks. :smile:
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    My typical breakfast options

    2 boiled eggs with fruit on the side

    scrambles egg ( 2 egg white to 1 full egg) with veggies ( usually onions & peppers)

    Whole wheat toast with a few slices of avocado ( sometimes topped with egg)

    Green Smoothie ( frozen banana, spinach, vanilla almond milk)

    Greek Yogurt with fruit and a sprinkle of granola

    A few things... if you are set to lose 2 lbs a week your calorie intake is going to be super low. If you can change it to 1 lb a week.
    Focus on labels when buying items. 1/2 of cereal if usually the serving and thats not enough to keep anyone full.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    1 cup cottage cheese or yogurt or 2 scrambled eggs + 1 cup milk in coffee + 1 serving fruit/veggies + (sometimes) a piece of bread or a Kashi bar + (sometimes) another fruit/veggie serving
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Egg plus eggwhite plus steamed spinach and salsa, or a fruit / veggie smoothie (eg spinach, green apple, ginger, berries, a little flavored protein powder, and water). And coffee with 1% milk. I've found that I'm equally hungry at lunch whether I have a big or small breakfast, so I usually keep it pretty light - 200 calories out of my 1200 calorie daily goal.
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    I like egg whites mixed with an egg plus veggies, maybe a little meat, and sometimes a little cheese.

    Crustless egg white quiche is one of my favorite things ever- skinny mom has a bomb recipe for it... You can eat like half of your quiche for under 400 calories... and half the quiche would be like 60g of protein.

    Usually I am lazy, though, and I just grab a quest bar on my way out the door- cookies and cream. 180 calories and 21 grams of protein- plus I have a lot of wiggle room for the rest of the day starting off with something so low in calories.
  • forgiven16
    forgiven16 Posts: 22 Member
    nothing. I do IF so I fast till around 2pm then eat till 8. However on the odd occasion I do eat breakfast, I have some oatmeal w/ protein powder
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    I looked at your food diary also. You can switch to unsweetened almond milk. Silk brand is only 30 calories per cup. I'm not a huge almond lover but I was surprised by it. 100x better tasting, etc than regular milk.
  • jal92475
    jal92475 Posts: 53 Member
    I usually have a Thomas's thin everything bagel, 2 slices of ham and a slice of cheese along with my coffee. The thin bagels are only 110 calories vs about 200-300 for a regular bagel.
  • lakronk
    lakronk Posts: 5 Member
    Pretty easy to tell from my diary that I like grits, but not with sweet additives like sugar or syrup. I have 3 tbsp. dry (makes ~3/4 cup) with one slice of american cheese, a piece of turkey sausage and an egg (over medium). Total is about 350 calories, and it stays with me most of the morning. Sometimes I leave off the egg or the sausage if I am not as hungry or have not been to the gym.