WAYY too much alcohol



  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    You know, calories aside, here's what I have to say about this.
    I think in your situation, you have to cut alcohol completely...at least for a very long time. When you condition your body, when your body gets tolerance to alcohol, it's a sign of dependence. I know it's a scary prospect, but if having just 1 drink or 2 doesn't seem plausible, it's what is necessary before the problem gets worse.

    The decision to tell your family will be scary, but I find that people are more supportive when you already have an action plan. Let em know you're dumping the stuff, and join a support group. You may not view yourself as an "alcoholic" but connecting with other dependent people can be the best thing in the world for your journey.

    Good luck, i wish you the best.
  • ChefSteveUrso
    ChefSteveUrso Posts: 84 Member
    5 or 6 drinks was just getting started for me for years, not anymore though. And I wasn't an alcoholic, so you're probably not either. But I did gain 125lbs and alcohol contributed a lot to that, and heavy drinking just isn't healthy. So if you could cut down to 1 a day or 2 at the most you'd be doing yourself a big favor on multiple levels. If you drink because of peer pressure and you want to stop, you have to stay away from those people, family or not. At least until you can control yourself. All of my old friends lives revolved around drinking, including my own.You sound like you know what I'm talking about. If you don't have the will power to have just 1 drink then you need to get away from those people. Other wise your just going to keep on drinking the rest of your life. If your in your twenties and partying all the time that's normal for most people, but EVERYBODY has to slow down eventually, or it will control your life and end up killing you.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I keep going back and forth on drinking. I know it has a negative effect on my weight loss. Not so much for the calories from the alcohol, but because just one or two drinks is enough for me to lose my will power with food. Funny thing is I can say no to anymore drink but if someone brings out food to snack on, all bets are off. This just happened last Friday. Had a spur of the moment phone call from a neighbor after I just finished supper. They asked if we wanted to come over for a drink or two on the deck. Sure, no problem, I still had enough calories left over for a couple drinks. What I didn't count on was the bowl of barbecue chips she had on the table. Then she brought out the chocolate covered pomegranate. So needless to say, I over ate that night. I had entered the alcohol in the tracker but by the time the evening was done I didn't have a clue how much I ate. She kept bringing stuff out. Oops, just remembered the fresh zucchini brownies. They were melt in your mouth :love:

    Good news is I still lost 2 pounds this week because the rest of the week was below my caloric goal. I didn't let that one night of poor choices pull me into a downward spiral like it would have in the past.

    So I decided a few weeks ago because of my food will power going away when drinking that I am going to limit my drinking for awhile. It used to be my wife and I had a drink or two just about every night. For the last few weeks now it has been only the weekends and usually only one night. We are both noticing a huge difference on the scale. FYI, we still have alcohol in the house, we just choose to let it sit until the weekend.

    Um, if you're not single... your neighbor is a keeper!

    ETA I just saw the last paragraph about your wife. That is an incredibly friendly neighbor, though!
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    It has a definite negative impact on weight loss. In the summer time my husband and I get in the habit of sitting out side and drinking a couple bottles of wine after we're done with work as our way to "wind down". Then on the weekends most of our activities have alcohol included -- boating, dinner with friends, working out in the yard -- and it's definitely had a negative impact on weight loss for sure. After a labor day weekend that revolved around a lot of drinking we've put the nix on any alcohol for a while. (Don't take this the wrong way) but it's become more of a habit to grab a drink and sit outside. I certainly don't want the booze but it's more of a "Oh, it's 4 pm. That's wine o'clock!" For me it's just a matter of changing my habits and doing something different which actually also includes not going out to the places we normally go on the weekends due to the fact that we know SO many people out and drinks will be bought etc. etc.

    A few months back we cut out alcohol before vacation (and then got derailed on vacation) but when we cut it out I noticed a huge difference in my weight and how I looked.
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    I'll pass on alcohol for this very reason.
  • kpush910
    kpush910 Posts: 28 Member
    Very interesting dialog, I really appreciate everyone's honesty. My husband I went cold turkey with wine, and after 3 days it was difficult, especially in social settings. What's worked best for us is to cut back to 1 glass of wine a day. I found that I needed to find something else to fill a habit, for example if I had my wine with dinner, then when I was relaxing later in the evening, I'd want another glass. Now I try to drink water or lemonade w/dinner, and then have my glass of wine later in the evening. I can usually fit a glass into my calorie allotment, and if it seems I'm going to be over, then I plan to work out more that day. For example on weekends, we usually go on a long bike ride or hike to make up for the extra wine that I'll drink over the weekend.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Thanks everyone. It's so great to see the kind of support people with all kinds of questionable habits can get on MFP! I like the no alcohol in the house rule. It think that, at least, will help me see if cutting way back or quitting completely is an option for me, or if I find myself going crazy for a drink. At that point, I will know I need more help.

    But as far as the weight loss part is concerned, I know that drinking that many calories has to mean I'm not eating enough to meet macro goals. OK--cold turkey until I'm at least half way there, then special occasions only! That's my new mini-goal......:wink:

    Be sure and let us know how you get on. You got a bad habit that's all. Take control of things, you can choose what to do. If you fall off the wagon, get back on! Keep trying. You give it a good go before you get brainwashed by AA or throw money at a therapist!
  • cnadiger
    cnadiger Posts: 168 Member
    Check in! No alcohol since Thursday. Thank you everyone, the sympathetic and the hard truth people. I'm going to keep this up, and MFP is going to help me!! :love:
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I drink a bunch of whiskey and vodka every day... doesn't affect my weight or my running.... if didn't drink hard and run hard, I'd be a basket case...
  • dukesangel
    dukesangel Posts: 45 Member
    My husband and I thought the exact same thing as you. We were drinking 2-3 cocktails a night. Too many. At the begining of August we decided that we would "reset" outselves (otherwise known as get out of the habit). So we signed up for a 10k at the end of Sept and decided to quit drinking till then. August 4th we quit and have stayed that way so far. The 10k is on the 20th.

    In the begining it was hard and I realise now that I used it as sort of a crutch. We now go to the gym 4-6 days a week and I've lost 7lbs. Motivation enough to keep going. I'll drink a celebration cocktail on the 20th but its not habit anymore to make dinner then have a drink when the kid goes to bed. Now its make dinner and by 7pm get to the gym, come home, and go to bed. Much better habits.
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    Check in! No alcohol since Thursday. Thank you everyone, the sympathetic and the hard truth people. I'm going to keep this up, and MFP is going to help me!! :love:

    Sounds like you're on your way! Good luck!
  • memedandy1
    memedandy1 Posts: 10 Member
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Stopping for a little while and seeing how you feel and function is a smart thing to do. I know I was in the same boat as you earlier this year. My weight had crept up, I was binge drinking with occasional blackouts and I felt like crap in general. In April I decided I needed to do something to get my health back on track and joined a C25K group and started back on MFP and counting calories.

    I am not perfect, but for the weeks where I limit or just do not drink, I feel better and stronger. My weight and diet are much more consistent.

    But it is hard. What do you do instead of drinking after work to wind down? How do you celebrate or socialize when booze is all you really know? I'm still struggling with it. And I've had my days where I've said eff it and done shots (at a wedding) or drank pretty much all day during vacation. You'll have those moments, just be sure to log them and watch how you feel and what your weight does during that time.

    I do think if you are a runner or interested in running, signing up for a 5k will help motivate you to watch your nutrition and stick with a training plan. It worked for me at least. Or another type of health/strength goal which you can set up a schedule and monitor your progress.

    For me, most of the time, the alcohol is NOT worth the calories wasted. And even when I do drink now I very often find it unsatisfying. My body is learning to like being healthy and working hard, which is hard to do hung over.

    Good luck and please feel free to add me as a friend if you need support!
  • lizzybathory
    I don't think I'm drinking close to as much as you are, but I've recently done the math as well, and seen that it's time to find a way to cut back. I don't even get drunk most days, but I love having a couple drinks after dinner, during the evening when I'm watching TV or reading a book. When I did the math on how much I drank during my first week tracking at MFP, I figured out I could lose almost a pound a week just by cutting out drinks and not changing anything else.

    I always figured that since I'm not getting drunk all the time and it's not otherwise interfering with my life, it couldn't be having a huge impact on my weight. But I know I have been drinking more since I got married (got into the habit of it when I could relax after work, finally, instead of thinking about wedding planning things and to-do lists) and have been slowly but steadily gaining weight.

    I also think moderation is so hard with drinking... I've previously tried to "cut back" without quitting, but have found that once I have one, my inhibitions are lowered far enough that I don't think twice about a second one. I've tried moderation, and I suck at it. If it's affecting your life, staying off of it entirely, at least for a while, is probably the best approach.
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    I have pretty much been a beer or two a day person for the last 7 years. To state the obvious - this has added to the waist line.

    I don't drink enough to even get "buzzed". I get full before that happens. But I'm drinking beer - not J.D, so the amount required is much different in my opinion.

    I won't give it up but I will no longer be a bottle or two per day person. It's completely counterproductive to my "get fit" goal. My hope and desire is I will shrink it to 2 bottles per week. Again, giving it up altogether isn't going to work. I enjoy it too much.

    Best wishes on your personal journey and making this all work.
  • nogreenthumb
    I cut down quite a bit due to the potential for weight gain. Now I treat myself to craft beers and have one after work, as opposed to getting a cheaper brand and having half a dozen.
  • jim_just_jim
    jim_just_jim Posts: 148 Member
    Im in the same boat but I find the calories come not only from the alcohol ( whiskey on ice baby ) but the snacking when I get buzzed. Just cant resist a couple crackers and cheese or finishing some leftovers. I'd like to cut back on all those bad habits but it's hard unless you have support. Not nagging support, but understanding support.
    Friend me if you're in the same boat and want to paddle along ;)
  • Rosie_McA
    Rosie_McA Posts: 256 Member
    I stopped with alcohol when it just became a habit to open a beer or bottle of wine most evenings. Now I have the occasional drink when it's birthdays and weddings. Honestly I don't miss it any longer and when I was tempted in the recent past I would just remind myself of the other treats I could have in its place e.g cheesecake or pastries.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Hi, my name is Lesa and I am an alcoholic. I lost my first 20 lbs when I got sober almost 7 years ago. Then I continued to lose after I incorporated fitness and a more nutrient rich diet into my life.

    I never ever would have thought that I could honestly say that I would enjoy life with out a drink. I mean, what do people do for fun? Doesnt everyone go on vacation and sit in the bar all night then lay around the pool all day? Why would anyone NOT want to drink was beyond my scope of understanding. After all, I was only hurting myself. One day I woke up and realized that it was not okay for anyone else to hurt me, why was it okay for me to hurt me.

    I am now coming upon my sobriety date and can not fathom how I lived my life with alcohol in it. My profile pic is of my husband and I taking a ride on an elephant through the jungle of Thailand. Something I never EVER would have done had I been drinking. EVER. I have been all over the world climbing mountains, wading through streams and riding bikes in the most beautiful places on the planet, and it is all due to the fact that I released my obsession with alcohol and started living my life.

    Alcohol is not necessary to have a good life. If you are interested in learning how I did it, please feel free to PM me (not selling anything, just here to share my experience, strength and hope).

    Alcohol is a lover to many people and they are very defensive about it, you will get many replies about how you should be able to moderate it or keep it in your life and lose weight. Well, thats fine and dandy for them, but you and I both know that if that worked, we both would be doing it right now.

    I am here for you or anyone else that is struggling with this issue, please feel free to reach out and talk to me any time.

  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    Yeah I pretty much have to keep booze out of the house or I'll drink it every night until it's gone. Or until I've gotten fed up with myself and pour the booze out to "start over". I go through cycles where I don't drink and cycles where I do, no real happy medium yet.

    So yeah, something I struggle with a bit too. Good luck OP.