Ready to fight the battle of the bulge

Hello everyone! I'm new to this site. I am glad that I actually found a site that will help me keep track of my diet/exercise plan. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that's trying to drop some pounds. It's great to have a support system and I look forward to making new friends along this journey. :bigsmile:


  • luckycop
    This is my first day, but i wanted to give you some support, so here it is.... GOOD LUCK!
  • MzShelle2U
    MzShelle2U Posts: 6 Member
    Same to you! Thanks for the support!:smile:
  • brice02
    brice02 Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome! We are all here for the suppport and frienships that go along with that, feel free to add me as a friend!:smile:
  • monkybites
    Good luck to you! I'm new today too! It's a great site!
  • jeebsah
    jeebsah Posts: 39
    Welcome! This is a great place to start. MFP has a great support system because we all need each other. Good luck :)
  • R0se
    R0se Posts: 10
    Hi, it is actually my second day and I feel quite excited about it.

    I filled in my food diary for the first time today and couldn't believe how many calories I had consumed. I thought I was doing well with my main meals but it was all the snacks inbetween which took me over my daily limit.

    I hope you find this site as informative as I have. Good luck.
  • majikal6
    Welcome to everyone!!! The support and motivation here is great and should you need any, feel free to add me as a friend. :)

    Good luck!!

  • MzShelle2U
    MzShelle2U Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, it is actually my second day and I feel quite excited about it.

    I filled in my food diary for the first time today and couldn't believe how many calories I had consumed. I thought I was doing well with my main meals but it was all the snacks inbetween which took me over my daily limit.

    I hope you find this site as informative as I have. Good luck.

    Hello. So nice to meet you. It was the same for me. I thought I was doing so well. I found that I am eating too much protein and not enough carbs. I actually went over my proteins for the day. I know tomorrow to check in. I try to stay away from carbs but in order to lose the weight, I need them to help me exercise. Good luck on your weight loss.
  • MzShelle2U
    MzShelle2U Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you everyone for all of the support. I am going on a cruise this August. I was on and they have a cruise weight loss section and someone mentioned this site. I am so glad that I found this site.