Maintain weight not Gain it back

Hi, so I've successfully lost about 20 pounds and I am happy with my weight although I still have some chubs here and there. I've been on a 1200 calorie diet and i have exercised a lot. When I exercise I eat more calories but also subtract it with the calories i burn from exercising so I maintain intaking '1200" calories a day. I was wondering that now if i want to maintain my weight i did the online calculator and found that I should be eating 1800 calories a day. I'm just really worried that my weight will just shoot back up if I start to eat more. Also I just want to make it clear that when I exercise, i eat about 1700 calories but I'll just subtract like 500 calories I burn from exercise so that I have a net of 1200.

Please share your advice and wisdom! Haha Thanks! BTW, i'm 17, 5ft 3, and 138 (ish) pounds.


  • lilycee0222
    lilycee0222 Posts: 2 Member
    I lost 10kg (about 22 pounds) last year before my wedding & out it all back on so i'm pretty poo for advice. However on average i think most people who dont have any weight issues eat between 2000 - 3000 calories a day so 1800 sounds about right for maintaining. However maybe you could go up slowly so just so you can watch how your body goes with it? maybe start with 1500 net? Looking forward to seeing other peoples comments. Well done :)
  • I was in the same boat as you. When I started on this site to lose weight it had me at 1200 and then when I reached goal it shot me to 1800. I was worried at first but did not gain the weight back. If you are concerned, increase slowly (everybody's body reacts differently). It will also depend on how long you have been on the 1200 calorie diet. The human body takes about 6 months to become used to a new diet/eating habit. It is why crash dieters will lose the weight then gain it back and more afterwards. Their body viewed itself in starvation mode and now it wants to store it all just in case it happens again (think hibernating bears). So if it is something your body is not yet used to, increase slowly. The active lifestyle helps as well to keep it off. I will gain a few pounds when my gym time suffers, but as soon as I am back in for a couple of weeks, it comes right off and stays off. Hope this helps :)
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    If you are eating right now 1700 calories (due to exercise) then 1800 would be only a 100 increase. That's nothing.

    When cutting I was eating 1200-1400 not eating calories back from exercise (I didn't feel the need)
    Once I reached my goal at 130 I went to 1400-1600 then lost 5 lbs more
    Increased 1600-1800 and that has been my number for maintenance, I've been at it for 4 months and have not changed my weight at all. I also eat cheat meals twice a week putting me around 2100 - 2600 calories a day.

    It's scary in the beginning but keep your eye on the scale and the mirror, an increase of 200-400 will not make you gain too fast. If you don't like what you see simply adjust, you will not have to go back to the beginning. Don't be afraid and enjoy maintenance, it's great. :drinker:

    My diary is open if you want to peek, I eat much more relaxed now and again, no weight change.
    29 yoa, 5’7” 123.5 lbs started at 150
  • healthytipsforu
    healthytipsforu Posts: 12 Member

    I maintain my weight by walking as much as I can, also eating Apples helps as they contain 15 percent of the recommended daily allowance for vitamin C. In addition to contributing to overall health, fruits rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant, have recently been linked to a decreased risk of coronary heart disease and cancer. Fit two to three servings (or more) of fruit into your daily diet.
    Going easy on the booze. This means an average of one to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. (A drink equals 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits or 1 ounce of 100-proof spirits.)
    Get a doggie bag. Portion sizes in restaurants and fast-food chains have exploded in recent years, and many of us just can't help but clear our plates. Ask for a to-go container when you order. That way you can pack up half your entrée to enjoy the next day.
    Eat yoghurt. It's no secret that calcium helps keep bones strong, but there's more reason than ever to eat yogurt for bone health. Some yogurt brands now contain inulin, a naturally occurring, fiber-like carbohydrate that's found in fruits and vegetables. Inulin has been found to increase the activity of live cultures and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the digestive tract. Best of all, it aids in the absorption of calcium and also i do take my vitamins daily.
    Switch to whole grains and go easy with salt. Most importantly drink a lot of water.
    Good Luck!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    What others said, try adding on 100 calories every few days. With your statistics, continuing with a little loss shouldn't be dangerous if it takes a few weeks to find your maintenance level. I'm in a similar place and have lost about 1.5lb in the last three weeks whilst finding my maintenance. I feel more comfortable with a maintenance zone than number.
  • annika2012
    annika2012 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I am in the same place. I lost 10 lb and happy with my weight of 132lb, working on my maintenance weight. I've increased by calorie from 1200 to 1400 and noticed I lost 1.4 lb in a week, which is more than I usually do. I plan on staying on 1400 for another week to see how my weight reacts to it. If I lose weight again then I will increase it to 1600 for 2 weeks to see how my weight reacts. I don't want to increase my calorie intake until I know for sure it's the right count for my body. So gradually increase your calorie intake to see what works for your body.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    That's exactly what you should do☺
    Congratulations on achieving your goal!