Getting Frustrated about my weight



  • DeterminedbyGod
    DeterminedbyGod Posts: 130 Member
    How long have you been dieting? What is your max calories a day?

    I think if you stay within the 1200, eat as healthy as you can and exercise you will lose weight!
    Also, my weight may change about a pound at various times of the day.

    Weigh yourself each morning, or three times a week. Keep at it and soon you will see the weight loss.

    This is what I know; If you eat less calories a day and do moderate exercise, you will lose weight.

    Good luck!

    I haven't even started on counting calories. So far I have lost 36 pounds just by eating 3 meals a day and eating serving size and working out 2 times 30 mins a day. I may need to start counting my cals. I've found out recently I can eat at least 2,697 cals a day
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    I would try to work on getting away from weighing yourself throughout the day. Weight fluctuates throughout the day. I would pick one time of the day if you need to do it daily and stick to that. If you do it when you first get up after sleeping at night (or during the day. I work nights and sleep all day.) I weight myself when I get up from whenever I sleep. your body is in a fasted, dehydrated state at that time.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    You are aware that your weight fluctuates throughout the day right?
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    #1: Weigh yourself once a week maximum!! Pick the same place - same time - same clothing.
    I weigh every 2nd Thursday ( Payday ) so it is easy to remember.

    #2: Buy a small kitchen scale to accurately Log your portions.

    #3: Be Brutally Honest in your Log. Garbage in = Garbage Out .

    #4: Read the information in the >> Contact Us >> Frequently asked questions.

    #5: Read the information in the post by Dad_of_3 :

    #6: Read the information in the post by Side Steel. This is one of the best as he has included links to other notable posts. :

    #7: Read the ideas / information in the posts by Fsunami"s :
    The best comment from him was that " All you have to do is lose 1 pound. XXX times. Thats it.
    Not all at once. That kick to get it done comes from inside.... "

    Remember we are all different and what works brilliantly for one person can be a real struggle for someone else. So think of this as a bit of a science experiment. Find the things that work for you. The big one for me has been to make a small incremental change every 3 weeks. this allows me time for the CHANGE to become a HABIT. The first change I made was to eliminate added sugar from my drinks - no sweetened creamers in my coffee, no hot chocolate. My next change was I got a scale and weighed my portions - boy was that an eye opener.

    Cheering for you!! :happy:
  • robbynackner
    I totally understand your frustration, because I've been there. It looks like you're not eating enough. That was my problem too in the beginning of my weight loss journey. I was 389 lbs and thought for sure if I starved myself then I would lose weight. And yes, I'd lose a little, but then I'd stay stuck for a long time. It wasn't until I actually started eating more food and eating regularly that I started REALLY losing weight. Within 10 months of increasing my calories, I lost 100 lbs. How many calories are you averaging a day and what's your ratio of carbs, protein, fats, sugar, etc. So, many people advise against weighing yourself every day, however I will say that I too weight myself every single morning. It's been 6 years since I hit my goal and I still weigh myself every single day and don't find a darn thing wrong with it. I'd recommend really looking hard at what you're eating and increasing your calories. Your body might go into sort of a "shock" for a short while, but as soon as it realizes that it is being fueled regularly, with good food, the pounds will drops. When I work with my clients, I compare their metabolism with a fireplace. When you put a big log on the fire, it burns really slowly and will sometimes even go out, but when you keep adding little twigs to the fire, it burns brightly. You need to keep adding fuel to your fire aka metabolism, to get it burning steadily. Good luck on your journey!!

    Thanks so much for this. I haven't really started counting calories but as of next week I will start to do it. I am going to start. I think that would be much better for me. I usually eat what I can afford. I also have cheat days every weekends where I do eat foods that is rich in calories miraculously when I get back on my exercising at the beginning of the week the next day I would pounds lighter.

    Instead of having a cheat DAY, how about just a cheat MEAL? I have Friday night date night with my honey, where I have a couple of cocktails and don't count calories. I eat what I want to eat, whether that be sushi or fried calamari. It's just 1 meal, not an entire day. On my day that I plan my cheat meal, I make sure I get a good workout in the morning, and I eat lightly throughout the day, I don't starve myself. Plus, I don't weigh myself the next day, because I know that I'll be retaining water from the night before. When I work with my weight loss clients, I express the importance of giving themselves a break now and then. #RobbynAckner