Pre workout drinks/smoothies

Hi all,

Just wanted your opinions how long before your workout you have your pre workout shakes/drinks/smoothies etc?

Any advice would be much appreciated

Also always looking for more friends so feel free to add.

Thanks in advance!


  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I rarely drink/eat anything pre workout with 3 exceptions:

    1. If I want extra energy I may consume some caffeine shortly before my workout

    2. Before a long endurance event I may consume some carbs such as a banana or oatmeal 2-3 hours in advance

    3. When I am attempting to train my stomach to tolerate extreme conditions in preparation for events such as:
  • mariagaro1986
    mariagaro1986 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I am also interested in the topic..If I eat too close to my workout, than I feel my stomach is all messed up and get some kind of nausea...but if I eat too little or too much time before I feel I don't have a lot of energy for a prolonged effort
  • I always have a protein shake. I have the first half on the way to the gym (a 20 minute drive for me) and the second half after (usually 20-30 minutes after, if not immediately after).
  • If I haven't eaten in awhile, I will make myself a small protein shake with cytosport protein powder and some banana slices. Or occasionally I will instead eat a hard boiled egg and some un-sweetened apple sauce. I will wait about 30-45 minutes and then get started. It always helps boost my energy levels and works well for me, personally.

    If I'm doing a more intense workout or going speed walking I will eat a whole wheat bagel thin with some peanut butter about an hour and a half beforehand, and then make myself a protein shake after the workout. I always drink either a small protein shake, or a medically prescribed shake after my workouts and it really helps keep my post exercise appetite under control (cardio is great until you're done and suddenly starving, xD).

    You sort of have to experiment a bit to see what works best for you, but it can be fun to do so. I've found all sorts of healthy and yummy looking recipes that I want to try, to make energizing pre-workout snacks. =]
  • kimmijo88
    kimmijo88 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you! it so nice to her everyones different approaches!

    Totally get ya on the who post work out craving ...
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Slow carbs and fat 1 / 1.30 hrs before workout - fast carbs not long before starting.
  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    Hi, I am also interested in the topic..If I eat too close to my workout, than I feel my stomach is all messed up and get some kind of nausea...but if I eat too little or too much time before I feel I don't have a lot of energy for a prolonged effort

    ^^^^This is my problem too. Light liquids work best for me pre-workout. I try to time it 30 minutes before workout to give time to settle.

    A lot is dependent on your body and the pre-workout you take. Ultima and other pre-workouts seem to settle well for me, a thick/heavy smoothie or shake has to wait until after. You should try different combinations to see how you react.