Looking for motivating buddies

Hello, I'm just looking for some supportive friends! You motivate me, I'll motivate you, yadda yadda yadda. I also wouldn't mind kind of doing little competitions to keep up the spirit of losing weight (maybe 30 day workout). Anywho, please add me if you're on here a lot. (:


Extra: Erm only adding females, sorry dudes.


  • CherriePye
  • marialopez1030
    marialopez1030 Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning CherriePye,

    I haven't been on for a while, I'm back this morning trying to figure out how to get back on track and your post is perfect. I need some motivation and competition too :-) 30 days sounds good to me. I'm a 45 women so I qualify. :smile:
  • CherriePye
    (: oki doki!!!!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Friend request sent!:smile: I am up for 30 day challenge
  • jchalk2828
    jchalk2828 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. Just getting started on this site today so I'm not sure yet how this all works but I enjoy competition. I'm up for the challenge!
  • IMissMySlimmerMe
    Feel free to add me. I'm a Mrs motivator and always like to get a boost back too. X
  • Been a very long time since I have posted here, but I wanted to get back to it. I took some time off from MFP but over the last 5 months I have gotten rid of 25lbs and over 20" off total body (about 8 sites) I'm up for a little motivation!
  • DomtheGuitarist
    Hey guys sorry im new to this but im looking for a motivation buddy as well im 18 i know im young and i meant to be fit but i kind of like food a lot, I just turned 18 not long ago so i decided to change. Would mind sharing some exercises routines with you guys or you share some with me but im in need for a motivation.