newbie getting healthy

Good morning! I'm new here.A good friend of mine turned me on to this site for motivation and food logging. I'm 5 ft tall and have about 50lbs to lose. I'm still carrying around post-baby weight from 6 yrs ago...time to get it off! I'm starting with little goals of 10 lbs first. I have a desk job-so the boredom and urge to snack sometimes is hard to resist. There are times when I don't have enough to do at work....when I'm busy-I'm good.How do I stop this? I'm drinking lots of water to stay full and having small snacks of string cheese and fruit at times. Can anyone out there tell me how to stop these cravings to snack? Or helpful motivation to get the first 10lbs off? I think when I see results I'll get supercharged....THANKS FOR THE ADVICE!!!


  • lisa_lotte
    Hi :-)

    When I get cravings I suck on mints or chew on spearmint gum..... The minty flavour goes with NO food so stops my craving :-) When your feeling hungry the best thing I can suggest is carrot sticks or LOADSE of water.

  • jgj105
    jgj105 Posts: 3
    Thanks for th advice. ONe of my co-workers told me to try that today and it worked!!!