Sober September

Summer's over. Time to avoid the beer fridge / liquor cabinet and dust off the excercise equipment. My challenge to myself is to not drink any alcohol for a month. I am female, early 50s and need to loose at least 30lbs. For now, I'll see how well I can do in September. Anyone else?


  • JimJamms85
    I am doing this too! Have a habit of eating everything in site when I'm hungover :\ be good to lay off the alcohol for a month and concentrate on being healthy as I'm going on hols Oct 1st x
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    Drank most nights last week (was on holiday).
    I'm now going sober until mid-December (Christmas party season).
  • cmeride
    cmeride Posts: 56 Member
    Bad enough drinking but I feed a hangover too.
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    I'm doing the South Beach Diet starting Monday Sept. 8 - the first two week are very low-carb, which means cutting out wine :( I'm pretty good about my food intake but on a 1200 calorie diet, a couple glasses most days really add up, so this will be good. Anyway, any of you all are welcome to add me if you want! Good luck.
  • acollis1
    acollis1 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm in! I was trying to do this too. Whenever I drink I lose my self control and eat everything I shouldn't!!!
  • mundaycarroll
    mundaycarroll Posts: 64 Member
    Not drinking alcohol will definitely help you lose weight! I enjoy having drinks as well but when I deployed I was forced to not drink. Weight started coming right off for me. I will definitely be sober for the entire month of Sep because I am still deployed.
  • DarkMoon30
    DarkMoon30 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm gonna do this. I would like to say I'm not gonna drink until my birthday in November but I think I'll start smaller... and just go with September for now. Sober September sounds good to me :smile:
  • cmeride
    cmeride Posts: 56 Member
    I started making my own wine last winter. Nice wine for less than $1.00 a bottle. It was just to easy to drink whenever I felt like it. The pounds came on fast and furious. I've put off making more.

    JimJamms85, Guybrushthree, Throoper, Acollis1, mundaycarroll, and DarkMoon 30,

    Welcome and goodluck to the "Sober September Challenge"
  • DarkMoon30
    DarkMoon30 Posts: 63 Member
    I started making my own wine last winter. Nice wine for less than $1.00 a bottle. It was just to easy to drink whenever I felt like it. The pounds came on fast and furious. I've put off making more.

    JimJamms85, Guybrushthree, Throoper, Acollis1, mundaycarroll, and DarkMoon 30,

    Welcome and goodluck to the "Sober September Challenge"

    Thank you :smile:

    I just hope I can stick to it, I love a glass of red.... or 3. I really want to take a break though. The day after tiredness, the calories, the hangover munchies.... it can all ruin a week of good no good
  • xo_jenny
    xo_jenny Posts: 15 Member
    I am doing this too! I imbibed wayyyy too much in August and when I look at my log, I can easily tell which days I was hungover. ALL THE CARBS HAPPENED. Good luck to everyone and feel free to send me a FR/PM if you ever want to chat. ~Jenny
  • cmeride
    cmeride Posts: 56 Member
    Weekend is here, Yikes! I'm invited to a BBQ this evening. The pressure will be on. Hang in there.

    Welcome to the challenge xo_jenny

    DarkMoon30, my birthday is in November too. When I get through Sober September, I'll consider "Sober in October" I like to drink but all those extra calories have taken thier toll.

    Good luck
    JDHEKS Posts: 8 Member
    One day at a time...

  • I am in exactly the same place. Spent all my exercise calories on booze this whole summer but it's time to get serious!!
  • chrisoldroyd
    chrisoldroyd Posts: 42 Member
    Yep, count me in, I love a drink on a weekend but it's undoing all my hard work during the week. Tonight I'm going for a swim and sauna instead of on the booze!

    Good luck everyone!
  • its_go_time
    its_go_time Posts: 262 Member
    I'm in! Well, I haven't had a drink in over four years, but I'll still play.
  • cmeride
    cmeride Posts: 56 Member
    never_gonna_s, you are a welcome addition and an inspiration.
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    Me too! I'm also a woman in her early 50's and alcohol is truly my downfall as far as watching what I eat is concerned. Funny how a couple of glasses of wine is so often followed by a HUGE plate of spaghetti! If I can stay off the wine my self-discipline is pretty good, but once I have a drink I'm toast. I had most of August off for vacation and was very lax about everything, but I'm back on track now and trying hard to stay dry. Good luck to all who are making similar attempts!
  • cmeride
    cmeride Posts: 56 Member
    Out on friday night to a BBQ. Everyone was having a few beers and coolers. I was quite bored but I made it through the evening with my club soda. No extra calories and I won't be feeding a hangover tomorow.

    Chrisoldryod, jenniferpierc, and 13bbird13 welcome and goodluck to Sober September.
  • kalinbeima
    kalinbeima Posts: 28 Member
    I was thinking of doing this too! I usually have a couple glasses of wine or beer a couple nights a week. Sober September sounds great, I just started tracking/ dieting this past week...
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    Sobriety is highly overrated.