hey! 100+ to lose



  • jenkillion2011
    jenkillion2011 Posts: 2 Member
    I too have over 100 lbs to loose and am looking for some support! Please add me! I need all the tips, support, and encouragement I can get!
  • Hey all!! i'm here with 132# to lose. this is my 3rd week on MFP and im down 7#. I weight in on Thursdays. im just trying to stay at my total calorie intake right now and focus on recording food daily. just started to add exercise this week. Add me always looking for support. Good luck to everyone.
  • I am also trying to lose around 150lbs. I'm 252 right now. 5'2. female. Would love to be a part of a community during this process!!!
  • Hey, All! I am new to MyFitnessPal (Just joined 6 days ago), and would love to start making connections with the community! I started at 271, last November, and I'm now at 244, but I am trying to get to around 160. I've tried doing this alone for so long, but every day is a struggle. Anyone in the same boat, or a similar boat heading in the same direction, Add me!
  • Im starting out on my 100 pound journey too! Im in!
  • PeaceVegan
    PeaceVegan Posts: 37 Member
    I did it once and now I'm back to do it again! :smile:
  • LabAgility
    LabAgility Posts: 120 Member
    I would LOVE a new friend in this journey!!! Anyone, please feel free to add me. I would love motivation.
  • I started my journey at 387.4. Down to 295 with a goal of 180. I only weigh myself once per month and I just started to work with a nutritionist. Feel free to contact me for support and fellowship.
  • I'm totally new here. Tracking on my personal calendar for the last 4 months while I've been recommitting to my health. I have 100+ pounds to lose, too. Please friend if you want a positive person among your MFP friends. Wishing you all the best of luck. :)
  • Just here to support you all. You can do it!!! :)
  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    I've done this before but had complications arise so now I am back at it and hoping to find some motivation along the way feel free to add me I am at 295 right now my first goal is to get down to Onederland and continue on from there.
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  • smartie404
    smartie404 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm 24, 5'2" and 246. I'd like to lose 100+ pounds as well - but really any amount would be a great start! I'm looking for friends to help keep me on track. I joined MFP a few months ago.
  • My biggest piece of advice, take it or leave it. Is this. Diets don't work! You have to make a change for life. You will have to eat this way for the rest of your life, and until you come to terms with that you won't succeed. You have to change your mind set from "I can't have that" to "I can have that but I don't want it"

    Stop being obsessed with restricting calories.

    The biggest lie you can tell you self is this : Everything in moderation is fine.

    Junk food is junk food and should be avoided. Junk food is high in calories and has little to no nutritional value, and leaves your body starving for nutrition.

    Eat Whole Real Natural food. Grow up put your big girl/boy pants on. Eat vegetables. You may hate it at first. But your tastes WILL change. You have to heal your unhealthy relationship with food.

    You will lose weight, and experience an overall improvement of health issues you may have. When your body heals it heals completely!

    Get away from Sugar! Artificial sugar, real sugar any kind of sugar. It's killing you. We consume way to much sugar. 2-3x as much as we consumed 100 years ago. (in some people even more than that)

    Fat does not make you fat! - Sugar does!

    You can't out exercise a bad diet, and until you get your eating under control you will never be successful!! Processed foods are full of chemicals, like MSG. These foods are designed to make you crave them! They create these foods in labs, to make people want them, so they will continue to buy them. They don't care about your health.

    I have lost over 140lbs, and kept it off for 4 years. I may not be a doctor or a nutritionist, but I have read and read and read and trial and error of my own journey. and these are the basics of what I feel will help anyone be successful at losing weight. I won't reply back to arguments. This is just my own thoughts on weight loss.
  • njax99
    njax99 Posts: 11 Member
    You can add me, I've got 90 to go. Am really in the "zone" but my MO is to last 2-3 months and fall off the wagon! Would love to hear from any of you, we have to do this!!