Caffeine headaches about to kill me!

I pretty much rely on caffeine in the morning by way of Dr. Pepper...I'm a full time student and mom and get about 5 hours sleep total most nights. But I hate drinking my calories, plus all that sugar and just general crap, but these caffeine headaches are killing me! It's borderline migraine at this point. How long does it take for them to subside? Is there something that helps as far as a food or any ideas for caffeine that won't ruin my sugar/fat/calories for the day? (I can't stand green tea or black coffee)


  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I pretty much rely on caffeine in the morning by way of Dr. Pepper...I'm a full time student and mom and get about 5 hours sleep total most nights. But I hate drinking my calories, plus all that sugar and just general crap, but these caffeine headaches are killing me! It's borderline migraine at this point. How long does it take for them to subside? Is there something that helps as far as a food or any ideas for caffeine that won't ruin my sugar/fat/calories for the day? (I can't stand green tea or black coffee)

    Take a caffeine pill
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Take a caffeine pill OR how about the 10 (calorie) Dr. Pepper or a Diet Dr. Pepper? (since Dr. Pepper is your choice)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    hot tea, diet soda, dark chocolate
    Two Excedrin Migraine tablets have 130 milligrams of caffeine
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Have a cup of coffee
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Black tea, coffee. (Drink your soda. Really.)

    I don't think you should have taken away your caffeine source cold turkey. Slowly take it away or you'll be suffering from those headaches for quite a while. I know what that feels like. Hope you feel better. :flowerforyou:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    black coffee
    flavored coffee grounds where the flavor is in the pre brewed coffee's calorie free flavor
    splenda or other artificial sweeteners take it or leave it as your natural foods preferences allow.
    iced tea plain. tastes great plain.
    diet coke
    coke zero

    when you are trying to quit caffeine you must do so slowly so as to avoid the withdrawal headaches. essentially you start by leveling out your daily intake for about a month. then you reduce that amount by half and drink that amount steadily for two full months. (you will feel tired for the first month and be tempted to cut further before the second month is over because you'll have your energy back by then but DON'T; trust me the headaches will only return--enjoy that second month of having your energy back to get the rest of your life in order before the next cut). Keep cutting your caffeine intake by half every two months until you are almost caffeine free. If the last step of going completely to zero results in headaches, do the final step by alternating days of almost no caffeine/no caffeine days.

    I know it's a test in patience to be sure but a cheap calendar from the dollar store on your fridge with appealing pictures and if you must stickers or pretty shiny pens can keep your attention to tracking it and staying steady Steady STEADY on your caffeine intake.

    Steady as she goes, you can do it.

    DISCLAIMER: unless you have some kind of sensitivity to caffeine (which apparently I do as evidenced by the fact that I was completely migraine free for the two years after quitting completely with the method above) there is no reason for most people to quit caffeine entirely. I only included the above directions because you seem very commited to cutting it out of your diet, for I guess caloric reasons of items associated with it, so much as to cause yourself headaches and migrainey feels. For that reason I included the instructions I received from a neurologist friend on an informal basis as friends. They served me well so I share them with you because your thread title really called out to me. I could really really relate!
  • Good for you for trying to stop the SODA!
    I would try tea. Watch the labels for the one's with caffeine and the herbal tea's which can be caffeine free. I have not had anything carbonated in 9 months and it has really helped decrease my appetite. If you want to come off of the caffeine eventually you can blend the teas and taper down the caffeine levels. I enjoy blending different teas because you can get some nice flavors, and have some homeopathic effects from different types of teas. (Mint helps digestion, dandelion will cleanse your colon, lavender & chamomile help with sleep etc...) Excedrin for migraine helps too, because it contains caffeine. Caffeine actually makes Tylenol or Ibuprofen work better (it potentiates the effect). Also use ice at the base of the neck, it wil constrict the blood vessels thus decreasing the inflammation and pain.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    when my boyfriend & i kicked the habit, it took about 4 days. and ti really sucked. we're glad we did, though.

    don't forget to drink a lot of water during your detox, and if you can, add some lemon or lime to the water.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I took 2 advil every 4 hours for the first week and a half that I quit coffee.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    I'm guessing you're getting headaches from NOT drinking caffeine. It's because you're going through withdrawal. You're addicted.

    5 hours of sleep is flat out not enough. You need to make some lifestyle changes and get more sleep. I'm SURE it can be done - post your schedule if you need help.
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    I'm guessing you're getting headaches from NOT drinking caffeine. It's because you're going through withdrawal. You're addicted.

    5 hours of sleep is flat out not enough. You need to make some lifestyle changes and get more sleep. I'm SURE it can be done - post your schedule if you need help.

    Caffeine constricts blood vessels (not necessarily in a bad way, it's just an effect of the substance). Not having it, your blood vessels are more dilated. Dilation of the vessels in your head causes headaches-- migraines work the same way, that is why caffeine is a treatment. It's not addiction (which has a specific medical definition), it's just physiology.
  • Diet drinks have things in them that make our bodies crave it.. (Not caffeine) I'm in your shoes and am trying to give up my cokes. I've been drinking lots of tea and water. I found some crystal light flavored squirts that you squeeze in your water. They are zero calories and so far they are all good. I'm told 4 days and the headaches will be gone. I'm craving coke a little but I think its more of a habit than a need since I'm still getting the caffeine through tea... Good Luck... I'm told you will feel much better without them..
  • Tried cutting out caffeine and it was horrible. But I'm off the diet coke and down to 1 cup of coffee a day (used to have 3 coffee and 2 diet cokes min)

    Now If I really need a boost for working out I used Absolute Fuel (red) b/c it gives you caffeine without yellowing your teeth and no jittery anxiety
  • I really wasn't having much, about two sodas a day, but the headaches are horrid. I may try taking a caffeine pill with my other vitamins in the morning. Being a single mom and trying to finish my degree is not easy having my own business and other family obligations. The only time I am able to do schoolwork is after my kid goes to bed and it takes me a few hours to get that done. I've tried different things with my schedule, right now, until I graduate in May, my schedule is as good as it gets.
  • Good for you for getting your degree! These struggles are just part of the journey. :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you :) if it wasn't for my boyfriend motivating me to be healthier, I'd be sitting on the couch eating flaming hot cheetos right about now lol!!