100 day challenge!!

Hi Everyone,

I have an important event in December and when I worked it out, it is exactly 100 days away so thought that's perfect for a challenge. Am starting 100 days, I have 33lbs to lose eating healthy and exercising trying to lose as much weight as I can in that time.

Would love it if anyone wishes to join me to keep each other motivated. 100 days ends on December 12th, just in time for Christmas.

Today is day 1 so if you fancy it, let me know.

A x


  • starbucktigh
    starbucktigh Posts: 170 Member
    We can do it!

    My day 1 plan:

    Walk 20 minutes during my lunch break (I've started storing socks & sneakers at work)
    Work out with personal trainer tonight
    Drink 1 extra bottle of water (I keep a bottle at my work desk)
    Mini-goal: no sweets for today
  • littlefury
    littlefury Posts: 25 Member
    I love the idea of a daily mini-goal. Mine for today: resist the cookies that are on display in the kitchen. How they mock me.
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    I am in! I am going on vacation 79 days from today and would love to join! I am going on a cruise and would love to lose at least 20 pounds between then an now. I am really started trying to move more and watch what I am eating.
  • Can me in!!! I have a lot of weight to lose but I saw your thread and it seemed appropriate. I'm taking baby steps and I have started a 12 week program with a dietician ( almost 100 days) and I am seeking motivational inspiration from a book called 100 days of weight loss. Seems to all fit together to me. LOL Let's do this!!!
  • bfitgirl
    bfitgirl Posts: 138 Member
    Great... I will actually be standing in Walt Disney World on the 12th December for our family vacation!!!!

    In for the countdown!
  • dlibonati
    dlibonati Posts: 99 Member
    100 days souunds good to me! I'm hoping to trim down a bit by then and start wedding dress shopping. Need support with the diet since I haven't been able to play sports or exercise in over a month now due to a knee injury.

    Feel free to add me!
  • bfitgirl
    bfitgirl Posts: 138 Member
    Hello all, do we keep adding onto this thread? Or do we join a group? sorry.....never joined a countdown before!

    I've done well sofar, but had to send myself to bed earlier than usual last night as I knew I'd start snacking....I've tidied up my diet more now, hopefully my next weigh in on Friday will show a loss.

    Goal is to get to 18% body fat currently 21.6%. I do weight training x 3 times a week and a few casual walks, otherwise busy mum...
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    Bfitgirl, there is now a group for the 100 day challenge referenced in this thread, you can find it if you search under groups. ????
  • bfitgirl
    bfitgirl Posts: 138 Member
    Bfitgirl, there is now a group for the 100 day challenge referenced in this thread, you can find it if you search under groups. ????

    Ah thank you! :smile:
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I love 100 day challenges. Started my 3rd of 2014 on Monday. I keep a blog for my own accountability and write out all the goals I have and how I do every day of the challenge (the good, the bad and the very very ugly). Congrats on starting yours!!!!
  • auntyfynn
    auntyfynn Posts: 16 Member
    sounds good to me a few days late but im in!!
  • I'm so excited for this!! I have been doing exercise videos on my lunches at work! My goal is to walk at least 2 miles a day, if not more! I'm keeping a tally to watch how many miles I can walk in 100 days !! So far this week I have walked 7.2 since day one on Sept 3rd! !!
  • This sounds great! feel free to add me!
  • I'm in! I go to China in 46 days to visit my son...this is great motivation! The extra 54 days will certainly help for a nice xmas!
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    I'm a few days late but YES I love this! great idea. I have a pesky 25lbs hanging on (and/because I have slipped on exercise and diet over the last few months on a myriad of excuses, one of them being injury). I have been weaning large clothes out of my wardrobe (no keeping them for later).

    My commitment: Work out at LEAST every 2-3 days, never allowing day 4 to come without at least some cardio, pushups and squats. Log my food every day. (I have let that go lately too).
  • awr1i6
    awr1i6 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a few days late don't know how to find the group but I'd love to join in!