How much does sodium affect my weight loss?



  • healthierlydia
    Great post - thank you!
  • kristyloz75
    Someone told me to read the label and look for 5% or less of sodium if possible.
    So when i see 5 mg or less of sodium i buy it without any guilt!
    My first week my sodium was more than 3500 this week only 1200 over.
    It's a learning process..
    Same with the carb and fiber.....
    I learn so much about food since i'm on fitness pal.
  • indayxoxo
    yes I strongly agree with this. after eating fresh fruits and raw vegetables I droppe 2.5 lbs in just a week. Eating healthy is the key to fat loss.
  • GnothiNikki
    GnothiNikki Posts: 2 Member
    I understand that you want to meet your weight-loss goal and retaining water weight slows that process. But studies have shown that not getting enough sodium is actually worse than getting too much, health-wise. My advice is to try to achieve the recommended daily value of 2400 mg, which means that you only have to find ways to cut 600 mg. I can only echo what others have said, because it's 100% correct. Eating less processed/prepackaged foods and cooking/preparing meals & snacks yourself (as much as possible) will definitely allow you to achieve not only your sodium intake goal, but your weight-loss goal as well. Good luck :happy:
  • stevenlcopeland
    stevenlcopeland Posts: 57 Member
    Sodium equals 0 calories. If you work out vigourously water retention is a non issue, and sodium intake is necessary to maintain electrolyte balance. I have always been amused talking to people and how they tell me that there doctor told them to cut out salt due to high blood pressure. I ask are you off your blood pressure pills, they respond no. Appears that scientific advise isn't working out too well. I then ask did the doctor tell you to lose weight and begin exercising and they respond no. I just smile and think enjoy your life of blood pressure pills, no salt, obesity, and being out of shape. I can tell this story because I was this person some 7 years ago. Now I make darn sure I take in sodium via the salt shaker since it is a vital mineral in my daily workout routine.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,024 Member
    Glycogen and water retention will be with all of us for the rest of our lives and will always effect daily's the weight loss over time that's important......which is created through a calorie deficit, exercise or both.......forget about the rest, it will drivce you nuts....replace the sclae with a tape measure and enjoy the freedom.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    Sodium doesn't change your fat loss, but can drastically influence your scale weight.