Looking for friends who are "slow" losers too.

LainMac Posts: 412 Member
Getting started (again)! I think this is my 4th or 5th attempt on MFP. In the past, when I've "worked it" (ie logged in healhty food honestly and made an effort to exercise more) I've lost some weight. Not as much as I want, nor as much as I need to.

Looking to friend folks, who like me, even when we do everything right, don't have the weight melt off. "Slow losers".

Seriously, I've had a dietician look at my food logs from a previous attempt (a 3 month run with automatic Fit Bit data included) and ask me

"Are you lying about what you are eating?"

"No", said I.

Dietician, "Outside of giving up white carbs totally, I cannot see anything else you could be doing."

Damn my thrifty peasant genes!


  • quarkenstein
    quarkenstein Posts: 60 Member
    do you weigh the food you eat? I also was frustrated. the USDA definition of "small apple" is way smaller than what americans consider a "small apple" - I was underestimating by 40 calories on that. These things add up over a day, even with healthy food. a tablespoon of oil? if you're off by a little, that's another 30 calories. Also, the definition of sedentary actually considers that you walk a number of steps...I had some completely sedentary days and my TDEE was barely 1600 - of course I wasn't losing fast on 1400!
  • SamLD88
    SamLD88 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm losing slow (1 lb or less a week) on purpose. Feel free to add me :)
  • Leenda62
    Leenda62 Posts: 96 Member
    I am a slow loser but I am motivated, consistent and working on it. But slow. Feel free to add me.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Im slow in so many ways..LOL feel free to add me
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I am a slow loser, about 3lbs/mo. It has taken me the better part of 19 months to lose 56lbs (I started at 232, now I'm at about 176-177). But I have lost the weight and it's staying off. I haven't cut anything out of my eating - still eat carbs, potatoes, sweets, dairy, etc, etc. I have lost weight - slowly - in a sustainable way that is teaching me good, healthy eating habits; Physical activity is now a part of my daily routine.
  • kimballard1966
    kimballard1966 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm a slow loser too. Please feel free to add me. We can do this!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Is 5# in 9 months slow enough? :tongue:
  • runninggirltoo
    runninggirltoo Posts: 12 Member
    I'm constantly working at losing weight. It is a lifetime challenge, I think anyway. I have tried Jenny Craig (which worked but I didn't feel healthy and my fingernails were constantly peeling and wouldn't grow). I tried WW and it just didn't work for me. Now I am trying low carb and I am SLOWLY losing some weight. I want to lose 20 pounds. I am happy to be your friend. I need to get inspired to work out again, and yes, from home. My best time to work out is first thing in the morning before I go to work.
  • myfitnessisavirtue
    This is me!! I weigh my food and am honest, use a HRM for exercise and don't eat those calories back. It stinks. But I also don't gain fast. It is like my body just wants to stay where it is. Am going to try more strength training soon though.
  • bethanyliz1
    bethanyliz1 Posts: 6 Member
    Slow loser over here! Feel free to add =]
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    On my last attempt, hubby bought me a digital scale so I was weighing things more than measuring them. Measuring by weight is eye opening. Unless it is a liquid, I measure by weight.

    I am charging my Fit Bit now. And unless I do something extraordinary, I just let the FitBit do its thing.

    So my "fudge factor" is pretty low.
  • catherineteter
    I have always been a slow loser as well. Count me in. If you don't mind I would like to ask you if you have ever had any tests done on your adrenal glands? If you suffer with adrenal gland issues your weight will not come off. Read up about it okay. I went to a naturopath and she tested me. I was put on standard process natural food supplements and my feel better and yes I have even begun to lose weight. The reason I signed up with "my fitness pal" is because I challenged my brother-in-law so that I will keep on track and get him to stay with the diet as well. Good luck
  • sugar297
    sugar297 Posts: 106 Member
    I AM VERY SLOW. I think I have to start weighing food or something. I have lost ZERO pounds and have been doing this for awhile! Add me too.
  • outdoorchic74
    outdoorchic74 Posts: 18 Member
    Slow loser here! Have struggled for a long time . . . but never giving up. I really have to watch the sugar and carbs since I am insulin resistance. Exercise has never been an issue for me - love to sweat! I'm always looking for new friends if any slow losers want to add me :)
  • Pinky1147
    Slow loser here too!! lol My doctor even put on my records that I have a metabolism syndrome! Please add me!!
  • JAyers27
    JAyers27 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm also in the slow loser club. Add me if you like!
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    I'm slow, 34 pounds in 2 years. The good thing is it stays off, even though it comes off slow. Add me if you want,
  • margie8109
    margie8109 Posts: 7 Member
    While reading your post I thought - this is me! I lose very slow - and yes I measure everything. Sometimes it's so frustrating and discouraging.

    But - I like me - so I'm worth the work! Please think of yourself the same way.

    Please add me to your list of friends. It's so nice to know there is someone out there to kick my butt when I need it!
  • Lake_Po
    Lake_Po Posts: 228 Member
    I'm a slow loser too. You're welcome to add me! :) I took a hiatus for a month or so and lost some friends.
  • Soapytime
    Soapytime Posts: 36 Member
    I'm losing a pound a week. I guess that is slow. Feel free to add me!