Could use some help...

Hello y'all!! I have been through this before and I swore to myself I wouldn't be here again. But here I am. Here's some back info: I was in a horrible marriage. In the back of my mind, I thought things would get better if I lost weight and I became more happier with myself. Things didn't get better in my marriage, however, I became so much happier in my life with myself. I have since then met a wonderful guy and slowly started gaining my weight back. (40 pounds) I am very happy with my current relationship but have became very unhappy with myself. He is currently deployed and now is my time to focus on me again. I just haven't stayed motivation. I am that girl. That girl who can let others and herself give excuses why I am unmotivated: work, stress, kids, divorce, the ex, the deployment and more. I am very unhappy and really need support with others who hold me accountable and stop giving me excuses. I know i need that now. My friends here just don't understand. I would love buddies who check in daily or at least couple days to help me. Please add me. I need your support. ~Pinky


  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    Put yourself first. Pretend, and I mean only pretend, you are one those foolish Kardasian gals. Take care of you. Put only the best, most healthy food in your body.

    (Trust me, I am not too good at doing it myself). Lets' put ourselves first.
  • mswoodsy
    mswoodsy Posts: 91 Member
    No matter how you're related to the person, deployment is incredibly difficult to go through.
    We're here for you!!! Lets do it for good this time :)
  • Tracey3435
    I am very new to this I have been charting my calories daily for a week. I am also looking for friends that will help keep me motivated maybe share some food ideas and tips. Quick history I have been married for 25 years and have 2 amazing grown children, 1 granddaughter and another on the way. I work full time in the medical field and also within the last 7 months went back to school full time. About 8 years ago I lost 40 lbs or so in WW and felt amazing since than I had 3 major life threatening illness's with my husband and children and started smoking again and turning to food for comfort. All is better on the home front so now Its time for me to focus on me. September 1, 2014 was my me day I put down the cigarettes and food and hopefully this time for good.
    This week I lost 1 lb which to me is better than 0 or a gain.

    I am not sure how to invite friends or really work my way around this website so help and friends are really appreciated :flowerforyou:
  • ChloeBear414
    You got this kiddo! Sometimes i do not get the support i need from friends and family who insist "You are fine the way you are!" or my favorite "You are tiny!" I am short not tiny there is a difference for the love of everything...I have been on for ten days now and i am excited to report the difference of 4 pounds already!!
  • DianeFrannie
    Pinky You came to the right place. We are here for the same reason. Right now I am working more on getting my cholesterol down than weight loss. Altho a few more pounds loss would be great. The Food Log let me know right off that I am not eating enough protein. no wonder my muscles ache and my memory , well it naps a lot. lol So my suggestions would be go out and exercise more, log in your food intake every day and really look at all that the log lists at the bottom of the page. I say go out for exercise because I am so weak to do it at home. Leg aches prevent walking, but do it on days that I can. I am able to do floor exercises and lift weights. Any motion is better than no motion at all. A gym or friends get together. :smile:
  • DianeFrannie
    Tracy, I am so proud of you to quit smoking. Hardest thing in the world to do. Get to your MD and get all the help you need. Pills, patches and gum are available. I tried all the easy things, acupuncture, hypnosis, group therapy with out success. A few years ago I got pneumonia with complications, was put on a ventilator for 5 days, ICU for 3 weeks, and rehab for another 3 weeks. That was how I quit smoking. You do not want to wait. Wishing someone would open a rehab for smokers like they do for other addictions.
    This is a great group to get you going. Do your food log every day and pay attention to the results of every day. You can do this.:wink:
  • Tracey3435
    Thank you Diane for all your works of kindness and your story as of today I am 14 days smoke free and down 4 pounds. I am learning not to look to far ahead and live day by day sometimes minute by minute lol.. I do log everything I eat. I have learned to actually log my next days breakfast and lunch the night before they was it forces me to pack lunches and not just run out for fast food Hope you had a great weekend :happy: :happy: