How long til I see physical results?

I'm on a 64 day tracking streak but I was tracking on an off before this current streak, I've been working out about 3-4 times a week (just walking or Tae Bo mainly since my kids can be involved in that), and I've cut out soda and fast food. I'm just curious how long it'll take until I actually see myself lose weight. I took a picture about a month ago and then one this morning and compared them and I look exactly the same yet my tape measure says I've lost 2.5 inches on my hips and he scale says I've lost 6 pounds, I can also fit into a size 16 pant now if it's higher waisted but I'm still an 18 in low rise jeans. I just had a baby July 2nd so I know the whole deal with it taking a while to bounce back but I only gained 7 pounds during my pregnancy and 2 weeks post delivery I weighed 10 pounds less than the weight I began my pregnancy at somehow. So I know I'm not fighting my baby weight but I've still got a pooch left from having my son and having my daughter in March of 2013. It's just discouraging to be working so hard and eating at the 2 pound a week loss number and not seeing 2 pounds a week dropping off or seeing bodily changes. I'm at 227 right now and eating 1670 calories a day and rarely going over that number, I start to freak out a bit when I get to 1200 actually which probably isn't a healthy mindset. I'm just getting flustered like I always do when I try to change my lifestyle. This is my 3rd and hopefully final attempt at making a permanent change in my life and I don't wanna throw myself off by getting upset cause I've got my expectations too high. How long did it take for everyone else to actually see yourself losing weight not on a scale but in the body image aspect?


  • schulersam
    schulersam Posts: 17 Member
    Wow! You are a new Mom. Give your poor body some time to adjust. Your hormones are still all over the place. Your whole chemical make-up is still shifting. Focus on healthy choices, getting enough rest, getting some activity and enjoying your new addition. The rest will come. It is great that you do activities with you other child. Remember that you are setting up her attitudes about food and activity. Get out the stroller, and move that body!
  • lisahenneberry83
    lisahenneberry83 Posts: 37 Member
    First off, congratulations on your success so far! You and I are pretty much the same size etc..What I have learned in this process is that the numbers on the scale mean nothing to a certain degree. If you are seeing changes like dropping a pant size etc but the numbers on the scale say otherwise its because you are losing fat not muscle, which is very important. Muscle weighs more than fat. I work out 5 days a week. 30 minutes at the least of really good cardio ( I use the elliptical ) then I lift for 30 minutes or longer depending on what I'm doing that day.( 3 days is strictly cardio for me ) Don't get discouraged! You are not alone :) If you're feeling great and are still losing inches then that's awesome!!
  • lisahenneberry83
    lisahenneberry83 Posts: 37 Member
  • Maybe the hormones are why I'm freaked out so much lol! Just makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong when I can't see things happening because I'm a very visual person. I'm hanging in there but it isn't easy! And thank you both :)