What is your BMR and how many calories are you eating to los



  • Thank you Azdak! That is so useful!

    I have been doing 1200 for a couple weeks. It is hard to stay at 1200, especially since as I learn more I'm also trying to keep a moderate level of carbs and a low-moderate level of sodium.

    Today I got up and had to force myself to do my exercise videos. Yesterday I had to force myself to walk for 2 hours. I do it because I know its the right thing to do, but today when I woke up and while I did my exercise video I felt very weak muscle wise. Generally speaking I do an exercise video (that uses free weights or pilates) 7 days a week, and I try to walk at least 3-4 miles 4-5 times a week. After I ate breakfast, went to flyball practice, and had a wonderful homemade chicken quesadilla and some veggies for lunch I feel so much stronger.

    Oh, and on top of my high weight, I also have poly-cystic ovary syndrome. So I'm looking into doing a lower-carb diet possibly - I have to learn more before i make that decision. And for right now I am doctor-restricted from any hiking, jogging, or running until my knee improves, so I'm focusing on free-weights and flat walking.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Thank you Azdak! That is so useful!

    I have been doing 1200 for a couple weeks. It is hard to stay at 1200, especially since as I learn more I'm also trying to keep a moderate level of carbs and a low-moderate level of sodium.

    Today I got up and had to force myself to do my exercise videos. Yesterday I had to force myself to walk for 2 hours. I do it because I know its the right thing to do, but today when I woke up and while I did my exercise video I felt very weak muscle wise. Generally speaking I do an exercise video (that uses free weights or pilates) 7 days a week, and I try to walk at least 3-4 miles 4-5 times a week. After I ate breakfast, went to flyball practice, and had a wonderful homemade chicken quesadilla and some veggies for lunch I feel so much stronger.

    Oh, and on top of my high weight, I also have poly-cystic ovary syndrome. So I'm looking into doing a lower-carb diet possibly - I have to learn more before i make that decision. And for right now I am doctor-restricted from any hiking, jogging, or running until my knee improves, so I'm focusing on free-weights and flat walking.

    First of all, you're doing a fantastic job. You are doing a pretty high volume of exercise, even though it may not be super intense, which means you're going to hit the wall occasionally. The body doesn't necessarily recover according to our "day by day" schedule, meaning you may at times run into the cumulative effects of a couple of days' workouts. The fatigue may not be the result of the previous day, but the previous several days.

    I am not going to say cut back--I think this is something you can continue to manage. Just be aware --eventually you will learn to tell the difference between a "slow" day where it just takes a little extra time to get rolling and an "empty day" where you are just beating your head against the wall. On those days, don't hesitate to pack it in and have another quesadilla........
  • I had PCOS too until I lost the weight.. as of a few months ago I am off the Metformin and everything!

    Make sure you are getting enough protein. That is where you build the strong body!

    My nutritionist and my personal trainer both recommended that I change my settings here on MFP... they allow 55% carbs... she suggested I change that to no more than 40%... then change your Proten and Fat to 30% each... or protein to 35% and fat 25%... I just have 30/30... that way you are getting more protein (which you NEED to keep you full and grow storng muscles) and less carbs anyway... especially with PCOS you should be limiting the high glycemic foods (often but not limited to carbs!)

    You can do it! keep on keeping on!!

  • Thanks everyone for your posts. I have been struggling with the exercise concept for a while now. Everytime I have tried to workout and eat healthy in the past, I couldn't lose any weight, and I would over the weeks just get soooo tired that I wanted to sleep all of the time. I'm wondering if I wasn't getting enough calories.
  • Lala and Azdak, I can't express how grateful I am! Thank you for the kind words and support!

    I will continue to listen to my body, and make decisions based on how my body feels and not the numbers that my mind likes to crunch repeatedly. Tonight we're going out to dinner and I expect I'll be closer to 2-2400 cals today with "only" an exercise video, but I'm going to try and just enjoy it and not worry about the extra 4-800 cals.

    Lala its funny you mentioned that. I just picked up the second edition of the Atkins Diet from Half-Price Books. I don't think I want to do Atkin (I want balance!), but I want to learn more about carbs, protiens, and how to lower my carb intake.
  • I am so glad I read this, I felt so guilty when I went into my extra calories I earnt, now I know I am suppost to eat them!
  • This is a great PCOS Cookbook and it has a lot of information on Glycemic index foods as well.. I Love it and trhe recipes are easy and most are pretty good too!


  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    My BMR is 1,708
    My Calories to eat are 1,390
    I am 5'7

    I have my goal set to lose 1.5pounds a week but I seem to be losing less :( Does this make sense?
    Should I change something so I lose every week?

    Comments please?
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