Is your family supportive?

I was wondering of your family (spouse, kids, etc) are supportive of your weightloss/eating healthy and exercising? Do they participate? I've been going to the gym and watching my diet for the last two months. Prior to that I had been battling my weight for years and exercised very irregularly. I won a one year membership to the gym. It has changed my life: I am strongerthan before, have lost 10 lbs and eat healthier. I go to the gym three times per week after work. Thank you.


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Just because she does not work out, does not mean she is not supportive! That can not be your only way to determine if they are supportive.

    I do this journey for me. My family has a positive view of it though they do not participate. Sometimes they even question "heavy lifting" (yeah my mom is a baby boomer where women are not supposed to lift more than 3lbs at a time). Though, i would not consider that to be unsupportive, I just consider that ignorance.

    When I first started, I felt like there was some sabotage - or at least, that is what I called it. Basically, people buying me overly calorie dense foods, when they would not have done so before.

    My common law does not exercise a lot, and he has not changed his diet much - but we both make it work for meals and he compromises, as do I. We go out for the occasional bike ride - but for the most part I schedule and follow through with my work outs alone.

    This is on you - not on your wife.
  • Weightlossdude53
    Weightlossdude53 Posts: 70 Member
    Sorry. I was very lucky to win the gym membership in a contest. It was a godsend because I've wanted to joina gym for years, but was necer able to because of the cost. I desperately needed to lose weight amd get in shape in order to prevemt recurrent injuries (i.e. Lower back, knee, ankle). Working out at home hasn't worked. Going to the gym and watching my diet has changed my life in a very positive way: I enjoy eating healthy, I,enjoy having mkre energy, beong stronger. I enjoy doing it for myself. I've been under a lot of stress recently and going to the gym has been an excellent way to deal with it. No one else in my house exercises.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Sorry. I was very lucky to win the gym membership in a contest. It was a godsend because I've wanted to joina gym for years, but was necer able to because of the cost. I desperately needed to lose weight amd get in shape in order to prevemt recurrent injuries (i.e. Lower back, knee, ankle). Working out at home hasn't worked. Going to the gym and watching my diet has changed my life in a very positive way: I enjoy eating healthy, I,enjoy having mkre energy, beong stronger. I enjoy doing it for myself. I've been under a lot of stress recently and going to the gym has been an excellent way to deal with it. No one else in my house exercises.

    ...okay? that is nice...
  • rachelesmfp
    My partner is completely supportive of me and my endeavours but he does not come to the gym with me at all mostly because I schedule when I go according to my work/kids/life schedule and he is at work. I work evenings so it makes sense I go through the day after I have done all the house chores and gotten the kids off to school. He has often said he will come on the weekends but when I have asked he is in relaxing weekend mode and so I don't push it when he says no, after all I figure I am doing this for me and that doesn't require partner participation :happy:
    If I was a wee bit honest I would say I prefer that my time is my own at the gym. I go, I get what I need to done, I enjoy my tunes, I go for a swim, soemtimes I take a spa afterward for 15 and I can zone out and have a few precious moments to myself.... something that never happens in a house full of kids, their friends and and unending list of activities and chores to do LOL
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    My family knew I wanted to lose weight to become healthier and lower my cholesterol. I started using this app and walking. After losing around 15 lb. my Mother in law brought us a family membership. I love it. Two hours of daycare. My husband has only went to the pool once and I don't force him to diet with me. Our son will go sometimes and walk the track. Though he's thin and has been taking long walks/jogging for the last couple years.
    All in all everyone has been supportive though I don't force them to eat low fat. I simply try to find healthier options for myself.
  • IconStillFree
    IconStillFree Posts: 262 Member
    Not really
  • jharwell58
    jharwell58 Posts: 30 Member
    My three sons are extremely supportive! I started this journey for myself since I couldn't bear the thought of growing old AND becoming more sedentary and out of shape, but they have really been my "go-to" guys for advice and encouragement. Now I feel confident that I will grow old AND stay as active as possible in the process!
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    My family is generally supportive. Moreso than when I first began MFP. Wife still brings lots of unhealthy foods into the house (chips, candy, etc.); I've come to realize I can't stop this and that it's up to me to be disciplined and resist the temptation.

    My weight loss and fledgling exercise program has inspired others in my family to begin to look at their own weight and their own exercise issues.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    I'm still living at home until I graduate university next year. My dad is extremely supportive. He will precisely measure anything he's cooking and pass the info on to me so that I can get an accurate count in the recipe builder. He exercises with me as well, and has in fact just joined MFP himself. My mother thinks we're obsessed to be weighing our food.
  • rachelesmfp
    I'm still living at home until I graduate university next year. My dad is extremely supportive. He will precisely measure anything he's cooking and pass the info on to me so that I can get an accurate count in the recipe builder. He exercises with me as well, and has in fact just joined MFP himself. My mother thinks we're obsessed to be weighing our food.

    Ha. My mother says that too. Im "obsessed" because I weigh and keep a food diary. I spend a total of 10 minutes a day planning food, weighing it and putting it in.
    Glad Im not the only one.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Keep up your good work at the gym.
    My husband does most of our cooking and it is hassle to keep asking him how much of what he put into the meal.
    He happily surprised me today by telling me without my asking how many ounces of this and how many ounces of that he put into the food.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    F**k no.
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    My family is the furthest thing from supportive. My mother is severally mentally ill. She regularly tries to bring me down to her poor fitness and self-loathing ways. I don't have the answer to make it better for you. This sight is the best place to start, you will find such great support. Try your best to always remember how good healthy feels.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    No idea, I don't really ask them about it. I'm sure they are, though. They are not aware of how I am working out or going about eating for fat loss, though. I mean they know I lift weights, but they don't know what my ultimate goals are or what my lifts are like or how dedicated I am specifically to lifting. They probably think I spend most of my time doing cardio. And I don't explain why I weigh food. Since I haven't told them that I weigh food specifically to get a good idea of the calories/macros for how much I am eating, they will sometimes buy food for me that I either can't eat that day or that I don't want to eat.. so that's not them being unsupportive, its' just them not knowing what my eating "rules" are (I will eat the things at a later time though, in some cases I'll have to guesstimate but it's not a huge deal).
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Keep up your good work at the gym.
    My husband does most of our cooking and it is hassle to keep asking him how much of what he put into the meal.
    He happily surprised me today by telling me without my asking how many ounces of this and how many ounces of that he put into the food.

    lol that's cute :) Maybe you should buy a fridge dry-erase board so he can write everything down there. I do this when cooking for myself and using many ingredients. That way you can enter in the recipe yourself if needed and it will be a lot easier for him to keep track consistently since the board is right there.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I only have my daughter and she thinks her mom is cool!
    Actually, I think today we would call that "swag".
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    My husband is very positive towards my weight loss and food choices. He will ride bikes, go to the gym, or walk with me most of the time if I ask. I notice he makes more healthy choices when we eat out. Since your wife can't go to the gym with you (unless you two can afford it for her....since she didn't win a membership), look for some fun activities you could suggest you two do together...but don't try to force it, it should be something just for fun and with the benefit of improved health. Be a good example and perhaps your family will begin to pick up some of your new habits.
  • nomorefatjuu
    nomorefatjuu Posts: 42 Member
    My mom is the best support anyone could have. She began this journey with me, since we have the same weight and height. We go to the gym together, she cooks healthy meals, help me with my cravings and I help her with hers.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    They are not supportive but they don't inhibit me either.
    BEVERLYSTEEN Posts: 106 Member
    My mother and daughters are very supportive and proud of me. I cannot expect everyone else to stop eating what they want just because I need to loose weight so I am just grateful that the stuff they buy isn't anything that I crave so I am good with it being in the house.