Let's try this again...(looking for a buddy)

So I'm trying this for the one hundred time, or at least that is what it feels like. 8 weeks after my back surgery and using my back pain as an excuse for not being more active (sciatic nerve pain is painful so really it was a valid excuse) and a recent trip to Portland, OR where everyone is so active, I am ready! My body is still recovering from surgery but I still feel 100% better than how I use to feel. Looking for some buddies to keep me motivated. Let's do this everyone! :happy:


  • rachey_v
    rachey_v Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, hope you recover quickly! Feel free to add me :)
  • phillipakemp
    phillipakemp Posts: 15 Member
    Oh lordy I feel your pain :( I have suffered with sciatica since having my beautiful daughters 16 years ago!! Surgery can't fix mine though so Pilates, stretching and painkillers all the way for me :)

    Losing nearly 2 stone has helped :)

    Feel free to add me!!
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me.I'm on daily trying to lose 28 pounds
  • flukein
    Feel free to add me, trying to loose 33 pounds by Christmas (:
  • daisychainforty2
    HI, I've restarted today as well. I've gone added sugar free but need a plan now to get more results . I'll add you If you like.
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    You can add me if you would like. I am just starting over this week again (don't want to think about how many times this is) after a heath scare that has kept me pretty restricted for about 4 months. Would love some people to motivate and push me, especially about exercising (even if my exercise is somewhat restricted).\
  • macm40
    macm40 Posts: 25 Member
    Good luck, this is your time this time. Feel free to add me and that goes for anybody else looking for new friends.
  • missdiedra
    missdiedra Posts: 1 Member
    Restarting today as well! Trying to get rid of 50 lbs. Good luck to you!
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Hello everyone! I too have fallen off and want to start again. I'm finding it very hard to make the right food and stay away from the chocolate. I feel like I can't go a day without it. I don't want to do what the dr. wants me to either. Does anyone have some suggestions? I have restarted I think 3 times this summer. I just can't seem to stick with it. Hope you all have a great successful week.
  • HamptonPhoenix
    HamptonPhoenix Posts: 108 Member
    Anyone that needs a friend, I'm your gal :) Let's do this!!
  • jenmary39
    I am just starting again after recovering from a stress fracture. I need motivation so feel free to add me!
  • amberly09
    feel free to add!:) need motivation as well
  • felixmommy
    Thank you and will do.
  • felixmommy
    Maritili, I feel your pain. Chocolate and bread is my weakness. I figured I can't live with out it and it's ok to have in moderation.
  • tigerlily1817
    Hi. You are welcome to add me. I have suffered from sciatica for many years as well due to a back injury at a young age and enhanced by 3 pregnancies. I am just starting back up on MFP. I have been absent for quite some time due to giving up on my goals and then becoming pregnant. My third child was born a couple weeks ago and I am ready to start back up and lose this weight. Good luck to you!
  • felixmommy
    Congrats!! My back pain was also amplified by my pregnancy. Just more things we can guilt trip our kids in the future. LoL I'll add you.
    Hi. You are welcome to add me. I have suffered from sciatica for many years as well due to a back injury at a young age and enhanced by 3 pregnancies. I am just starting back up on MFP. I have been absent for quite some time due to giving up on my goals and then becoming pregnant. My third child was born a couple weeks ago and I am ready to start back up and lose this weight. Good luck to you!
  • Kaelakcr
    Kaelakcr Posts: 505 Member
    Hey, I'm close to Portland (seattle) so maybe some time we could meet up and do something active and fun. Message me if you want to chat, you seem like a nice person!

    I have a torn ligament in my foot that makes it damn near impossible to even walk, so I've been losing weight purely through diet. :)
  • _CarpeDiem_
    I feel ya! I was on a roll exercising 3-5x/week and then I injured my wrist (don't recommend trying to lift a whole case of water with one hand!). Waiting for that to heal then I injured my foot and got sidetracked again. This time I am fully committed to sticking with it - no matter what happens - and hopefully I don't make stupid decisions in the future that will injure my body. lol

    Good luck to you!
  • Jennatomum
    Jennatomum Posts: 12 Member
    Get well soon!! I have sent you an add request, I'm new to the site and am looking for friends for support and encouragement xxx
  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member

    Wish you a quick recovery and congrats for not just wanting to be healthy but taking steps to ensure it happens.

    Feel free to add me too.