What is your favorite brand and flavor of tea?



  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    White tea is my favorite. The only two I buy (I'm kinda picky about my tea) are:

    Lipton's Blueberry & Pomegranate White Tea

    Trader Joe's Pomegranate White Tea

    Oh, and I love pomegranates too :)
  • evee7340
    evee7340 Posts: 24 Member
    Early Gray, any brand, is good. It's like regular tea with a (usually) mild citrus-y flavor (it has oil of bergamot in it). Really yummy with some milk and a little sugar if you can use sugar, but also very good without it.

    Iris breakfast--like regular old Lipton tea but a little bolder. Also good with milk and no sugar, or with sugar is a good too.

    I have both of the above in Twinings brand right now, and both come in decaf!

    Also love LOVE this stuff called Genmai-cha--it is green tea with roasted brown rice. I never had it hot but it's awesome as an iced tea. The brand I have is Yamamotoyama--you can Google the name, they have a website.
  • cosmiqrust
    cosmiqrust Posts: 214 Member
    tazo pumpkin chai stole my heart over the weekend. my regulars are lipton blackberry vanilla, stash pomegranate raspberry green, and teavana's masala chai and white chocolate peppermint.

    there's also a series of mass effect themed teas on adagio that i want to collect and drink only on the specialest special occasions. this one in particular. http://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/blend.html?blend=22794
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Tea is a passion of mine but I am not a big fan of flavored teas. I do enjoy jasmine (green tea with jasmine blossoms) and Earl Grey Creme (black tea with bergamot, purple coneflowers, and sometimes vanilla)

    My current favorites:
    Black tea: Himalayan Majestic (a Darjeeling-type from Nepal)
    Oolong: Tie Guan Yin (aka Iron Goddess of Mercy) from China
    Green: gunpowder from China
    White: silver needle from China

    I also have a couple of small bricks of aged pu-erh

    Two tisanes I like (a tisane is an infusion made from anything other than tea leaves so most herbal "teas" fall into this category):

    Spearmint (I buy whole leaf spearmint at Penzey's Spices)
    Ginger: cracked ginger steeped, then sweetened a little. Works great if you have a bit of nausea or need warming up.

    I get most of my teas either from Upton Teas or The Dragon Teahouse.
  • Actually, you can get Yorkshire Tea here, but not everyplace carries it. It's one of my favorites, and I believe there is a decaf version.
  • DBubbs
    DBubbs Posts: 38 Member
    Celestial Seasonings: "Mandarin Orange Spice® Herbal Tea".
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Let's see...

    I love Lipton black tea (but with teaspoons of sugar) - that one is caffeinated but there's decaf.
    These there's chamomile, ginger and green tea - all from the $1 store, I can drink these without adding sugar.
    I think those are all the teas I drink. :drinker:
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Tea is a passion of mine but I am not a big fan of flavored teas. I do enjoy jasmine (green tea with jasmine blossoms) and Earl Grey Creme (black tea with bergamot, purple coneflowers, and sometimes vanilla)

    My current favorites:
    Black tea: Himalayan Majestic (a Darjeeling-type from Nepal)
    Oolong: Tie Guan Yin (aka Iron Goddess of Mercy) from China
    Green: gunpowder from China
    White: silver needle from China

    I also have a couple of small bricks of aged pu-erh

    Two tisanes I like (a tisane is an infusion made from anything other than tea leaves so most herbal "teas" fall into this category):

    Spearmint (I buy whole leaf spearmint at Penzey's Spices)
    Ginger: cracked ginger steeped, then sweetened a little. Works great if you have a bit of nausea or need warming up.

    I get most of my teas either from Upton Teas or The Dragon Teahouse.

    ahh, good to see some non-branded teas here....

    I have some aged pu-erh, and a fragment of a cake that a friend gave me (he didn't like the fishy smell). I have a very nice Iron guan yin, and a couple of other chinese teas. My favourite tea is a dian hong - it's a red tea, that when you drink it feels like you are being hugged. very comforting.

    Right now I am drinking a second flush darjeeling, but my day-to-day tea of choice would be a Russian Caravan.

    I get most of mine online, and steep for a few minutes in a pot before pouring the whole lot into a thermos flask teapot.

    Many people make a mistake with green tea in that they use boiling water - and then don't like the taste which they find too bitter. green teas ought to be brewed with water around 70 degrees C.

    I rarely drink teabag tea. too much dust.
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    Dragonfly's Rooibos Chai is really nice. :)
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    Allegra brand - oolong flavor/type; Rooibos tea is a close second...it's a sweeter red tea.
  • Kimmer03
    Kimmer03 Posts: 48 Member
    Earl Grey is my go-to hot tea drink. If you are interested and invested in getting into tea drinking. One of the BEST tasting teas is loose-leaf. Often you pay more, but get more bang for your buck. I have a Bodum tea infuser teapot I use. I can buy teas in bulk and especially like vanilla tea with a tsp or two of honey on a cold day. I also love Earl Grey if I'm looking for something to add cream/milk to. I can also go to the local tea store, Boston Harbor, when sick and tell them my symptoms and they will concoct a tea to aid me in my recovery. :) VERY good stuff.
  • 21million
    21million Posts: 113 Member
    Red Label Indian tea. I also like Bigelow's Vanilla Chai
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Tazo Awake (Black) - old stand by
    Lipton Black Pearl (Black) - surprised how smooth this is. Sometimes, I go half and half with peppermint.
    Fortnum and Mason Earl Grey - perfect in steamed milk with a little sugar, too.
    Spice and Tea Exchange Coconut Oolong (local Gatlinburg brand) - I've got so many friends hooked on this.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    At home it is organic Fair Trade loose tea leaves brewed in a ceramic teapot and pouted into a china cup - if you 're going to do it, it has to be done right!

    At work, Tick Tock rooibos tea so I don't have to take a teapot to work or milk. I find it helps to stave hunger as well somehow, whereas black tea triggers a "need" for cookies.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    red rose orange pekot, the kind that comes with the adorable figurines. :)
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Stash double bergamot Earl Grey - so delicious.

    HTF did I not know about this??

    Celestial Seasonings for the new-to-tea.
    Traditional Medicinals for the sick. (I keep Red Raspberry Leaf and Throat Coat on hand always.)
    Green or white for a pick-me-up.
    Yerba mate for the professionals.

    I'm lazy and occasionally like to drink stuff that tastes good, so I rely upon bagged teas half the time.
    The other half of the time i'm brewing alfalfa and thyme or various other loose medicinal herbs.
  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    Most of my teas have some sort of alleged herbal medicinal value having to do with my cancer treatment. I think they are good in general though.

    Tazo Awake - Black tea that has caffeine. Calms my anxiety at work too.
    Tazo Passion - I don't think it has any health benefits. It's just yummy.
    Traditional Medicinals Ginger Aid - Helps with nasuea
    Traditional Medicinals Red Raspberry Leaf - I'm trying to get my period back after 15 years on the pill and a year total on chemo. This may help (it hasn't yet though). It's pretty yummy too.
    Traditional Medicinals Roasted Dandelion Root - Liver detox tea. I don't love the taste of this one, but since the cancer was in my liver, I'm hoping it helps keep everything healthy and clear.
    Green tea - I'm drinking Celestial Seasonings right now, but I'll switch to Tazo when I'm out. Green tea is awesome and so good for you.
    Tazo Sampler pack - Lots of other styles to try for when I get bored.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    I haven't met a tea a didn't like! :happy: The key is steeping time to prevent it from turning bitter (white = 1-2 mins, green = 2-3 minutes, black and oolong = 3-5 minutes, red 5-7 minutes - although in all cases, some people like them steeped for less time).

    As far as a favorite brand - I am partial to Mighty Leaf (the Orange Dulce and Vanilla Bean - both black teas - are particular favorite flavors). :happy:
  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    Oh and Traditional Medicinals Nighty Night when I need some help sleeping
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    10 minutes = oversteeping. E.g. for green tea, 2 mins is more than enough. Fruit and herbal are usually longer steepers, like 4-5 mins.

    YES! Please read the instructions for the tea you buy, some require boiling water, others boiling water will burn it and you need a lower temperature. Others only steep for 1-2 minutes, and some teas (like puerh) need at least 10. For the best results read the instructions for each specific tea you have,