Cheat Day?!



  • AmBriCo
    AmBriCo Posts: 24 Member
    I plan a cheat meal every Sunday (my weigh in day) and I never go over my calories because I do a light breakfast and don't normally eat dinner because my lunch has lasted me unless I eat what I didn't eat at lunch (leftovers) I find this works for me because I KNOW I can stick to a very healthy week of meals and I can sort of let loose on Sunday which is typically the only day we ever go out.. and if we don't go out I cook healthy just maybe a little more portion than normal or I treat myself to a Dr. Pepper. This works for me and I find that I am more likely to stick to this plan for a lifetime.
    Also for instance if theres a birthday or special occasion I will use that as my splurge meal and keep it normal on a Sunday.

    I believe you have to do what works best for you and what your more likely to do for life :0)

    P.S. I have been incorporating a cheat meal and still average 2-3lb loss a week. I work out 6 days a week.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    Interesting thread.
    Its really all about how you control your cravings. From the posts:
    1. Iron will - you are monk like and have the will to resist all temptation.
    2. Avoidance - your will is strong but supplemented with avoidance
    3. Cheaters - you plan your extra calories.

    Personally, I like 3. As It allows me to give in and still be in contol. Just don't make it a day / orgy of food. Add it to your diary in advance and balance out the rest of the day... Moderatation is sustainable!
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    I have a "controlled cheat" (as I saw someone call it on another thread) day every Friday. I am still mindful of what I eat, but I relax and generally have what I want. I never "go crazy" or just eat whatever. This usually puts me between 300 and 600 calories over my daily goal.

    I have been doing this every Friday for the past year and a half. It has not hindered my weight loss, but it has preserved my sanity :)
  • DawniesLife
    Wow, every time I started to type a response I would refresh first and see that I had another response! Thank you to everyone for your input and thoughts. They help me a lot.

    I agree this is a lifestyle change, and I am on board with that completely. I guess I should have clarified that during the "cheat" I didn't mean I would spend the day eating doughnuts, greasy pizza and fried everything! I meant more along the lines of eating more healthy foods, but going over the caloric intake I typically would by a few hundred calories for the day to help my metabolism. I don't have a ton of special occasions that call for me going over my calorie goal at all. The only time in the future I know I will go over my calorie limit is late Feb, it will be my 3 year wedding anniversary and we are going to Red Lobster (all ready researching the best things I can order calorie wise now and planning my day ;) ).

    I am making so many changes and it is great, and I did see it on the Dr Oz show as well as other places recently, so I have really been up in the air about it, hence why I haven't had one. I think if I do have one, it would be a cheat MEAL as someone said and over by a few hundred calories possibly for the day. No more than once a month. But I'm still researching for me and what would work best.

    Glad to see all the responses and love seeing all the different perspectives! Thank you everyone!
  • leweverling
    Well Cheat Day doesn't mean eating with a snow shovel, think moderation. Its ok to have the piece of cake but have half of it or share a hot fudge sunday if thats your favorite thing. Having a day such as Sunday being the reward day is ok, it prevents the crave and binge that can happen. A friend of mine did very good for a year, but always avoided the couple favorites, rice crispy treats, and chocolate chip cookies, now looking back she regrets that as its not uncommon to wind up eating a plate of cookies or a pan of crispy treats.

    Just don't fall into a habit that can easily happen is a delightful treat comes up every other day and say oh well its a cheat day thats where the calories begin to add up.
  • ChristinaERRN
    Ughhh... I went through this idea in my head myself since I just began. I have not given myself a cheat day nor do I think I will. I agree with a previous post saying there will be days we go over, but what can you do right? Just kick butt the next day. At least this is what I told myself tonight and why I am reading this post after today. Stress and "That time of the month" really really put me over today, and I feel super guilty. But it happens right? We all just have to motivate eachother.