2011 Pushup Challenge!



  • count me in to
  • done 10 for today
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Finished my 10, also the girl way!
  • I am in and will be doing my 10 now! Girl way (= Hubby challenged me to hold the pose (the down position) for 15 seconds after every other push up... whoa.. burned my abs... arms and thighs.

    So 10 every monday adding 1 per monday??
  • MrX8503
    MrX8503 Posts: 67
    I'll join ya, my push up challenge has been to reach 100. I got to 95 and ran out of gas. Since then I've been slacking off and my pushup count dropped to 80.

    So my goal is to add 20 more pushups.
  • mogenfire
    mogenfire Posts: 81 Member
    I'm in!!
  • Welcome everyone!

    So yes, the original challenge is to start with 10 pushups every day and add 1 more every Monday. So this week is 10, starting next week is 11 and so on. Obviously you are more than welcome to modify this for your needs.

    I don't think I'm ready for pull-ups - good luck those of you who are trying! Maybe along the way I'll add in some ab work... but this particular challenge is really all about the pushups!!

    I did my 10 this morning, and I got hubby in on it too!
  • lynn12
    lynn12 Posts: 87 Member
    Check day 2 done
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    My 10 are done.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I have to do 20 pushups on my knuckles for my Taekwondo class and I do this twice a week. Sounds all impressive, doesn't it?

    Yeah, except I just downloaded the "PushupFu" app for my iPod touch and apparently I do them so wimpy the thing won't count them! (You strap the iPod to your arm and it coaches you through the sets telling you "half", "slow down" or just counts them.)

    I will be joining the pushup challenge and my evil little iPod drill sergeant will be coaching me through! It's grand plan is to get me to 200 in a row. I have the sinking feeling it wont work if I don't actually start the program though...
  • sounds good to me!
    i might add an extra 2 push ups every week though considering i can probably already do about 30 already :)
  • Week 1 complete!

    How did everyone do?

    I managed 10 pushups every day, and I was definitely noticing improvement by the end of the week. I can dip down lower and hold myself there for a few seconds! I'm still doing knees-down, and when I say "dip down lower" it doesn't mean all the way to the floor!

    Now, on to week 2, 11 pushups.... good luck to you all!!
  • lynn12
    lynn12 Posts: 87 Member
    Week one complete, I missed one day so I made them up the next day I did 10 in the am 10 later that day lol
    Today 11 done
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Starting Week 2 with 11 push ups. At the beginning of last week I could barely get through the 10 push ups (knee ups) but at the end the week it was quite a bit easier!!!

    Thanks for starting this challenge.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I don't want to hijack the thread, but for those who asked about doing pullups, if you can't do them yet here is a way you can build up to it http://bodyweightculture.com/forum/showthread.php?p=170667#poststop

    Back to the thread, way to go people. Pushups are an excellent whole body exercise when you do it on your feet and not your knees. When you upper body strength goes up a bit work on moving from the knees to the regular way and you will find your core muscles are worked a great deal as well. When I started doing pushups I felt it the next day not just in my chest and arms, but the rest of my core as well.
  • You're absolutely right, Jim. Even though I'm still using my knees (though still in plank position, not with squared hips) I' ve still been feeling them in my core muscles! Nice to know that I'm working more than just my arms.

    I'll have to check out that pull-ups info one of these days.

    How's everyone doing so far? I'm just about to go do my 11 before bed. Good luck with all yours!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    The more I do pushups, the more I realize who much of the body they work. It is like a plank with chest and shoulder work at the same time. Better yet, you can do them anywhere, and don't need a gym. Excellent to see all of you incorporating them in your exercise routine. Keep up the good work. BTW, it will make your muscles ache :smile:
  • On to 12 starting today! How is everyone doing? Anyone still with me?

    I'm hoping I'll be able to graduate to regular pushups soon! Maybe in a few weeks... it's something to work toward, anyway.

    Good luck this week!
  • lynn12
    lynn12 Posts: 87 Member
    Had a few rough days now I'm going to get back on track have a good week ps my old man is still in with us lol
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    I am still here. I finished my 12 this evening.
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