Help !!! I keep eating too much protein

dawnald83 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I've been eating lots of veggies, lean meats, low fat dairy etc... but I keep getting too much protein. Any suggestions on how to cut back or add in different foods ?


  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Too much protein is not a bad thing.
  • Don't worry about it.
  • Natolee72
    Natolee72 Posts: 122 Member diet is all carbs and no sugar. Protein has been helping me shed my pounds. It's brutal but it's working :wink:
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it - if you search "too much protein" in the topics you'll find that the majority of us on here say the protein level is set to low on MFP. I've manually changed mine. Protein has lots of advantages, some being keeps you full and satisfied, and helps your muscles and body recover after workouts!

    Protein is good! No worries :smile:
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    MFP actually has protein set a little low so being over is nothing to worry about. I shoot to be over their recommendation but 40-50 every day :D
  • humankind was made to eat meat... ergo those nice omniverous teeth. Don't stress out when your protein count is too high, just count yourself lucky that you are one of the select few people on this planet who has the luxury of eating lean protein on a daily basis
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    Someone here said to think of the number MFP gives you as a target to at least hit as a bare minimum. I think it's good advice. :)
  • protein will give you lots of energy
  • Suederaven
    Suederaven Posts: 6 Member
    Protein is awesome. My trainer has put me on a 2 carb:1 protein ratio. I've stayed full longer. I've been able to stick to my 1500 calories easily and I don't feel deprived. I agree - what MFP sets seems too low.
  • I am more concerned about that "no carbs" thing than anything. YOU NEED CARBS TOO!
  • dawnald83
    dawnald83 Posts: 6 Member
    Whew ! Thanks, I was worried I was setting myself up for failure.
  • dawnald83
    dawnald83 Posts: 6 Member
    Oh don't worry I get plenty of those too !
  • I go over every day! And I don't eat as many carbs as my target. Not on purpose, it just happens that way! Eating lots of protein helps curb my sweet tooth, and TRUST ME, I have a massive sweet tooth and I haven't craved sugar since I started (knock on wood).
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    You can change your settings here on MFP - go to home, goals and choose custom vs guided.

    Here are somet hings I have heard about protein
    Eat as many grams as you want to weight (ie: my goal weight is 130 so I should have 130 grams per day)
    a Trainer who promotes the Paleo/Caveman diet said last week to eat as many grams as you currently weigh

    Tim Farriss was on Dr. Oz show promoting his book and he recommends eating 30 grams of protein first thing in morning.

    The Eat Clean diet promotes protein always eaten with a complex carbohydrate ie: nuts or nut butter with an apple
    a steak with a salad

    Protein makes your body produce leptin which makes you feel full, refined carbs cause your body to produce gherlin which make you hungry. So if you have ever eaten just one chocolate chip cookie and the rest of the plate called you back, there is a physical reason for that. To off set the spike of gherlin and insulin, eat carbs with protein.
  • HectorSr
    HectorSr Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not a nutrionist but if I'm not mistaken, better the protein than carbs from breads, pastas and other stuff like that. I'm not sure how you can balance it but I will ask around and get back to you k?
  • dawnald83
    dawnald83 Posts: 6 Member
    I go over every day! And I don't eat as many carbs as my target. Not on purpose, it just happens that way! Eating lots of protein helps curb my sweet tooth, and TRUST ME, I have a massive sweet tooth and I haven't craved sugar since I started (knock on wood).

    That's good to know.. I have a huge sweet tooth too ! I changed my protein so maybe that will help.
  • I go over on protein and fiber on a daily basis. I try to watch my sugars, calories (of course) and carbs - I try to make all my carbs complex carbs. Like protein, they take longer to break down and keep you fuller longer.

    The only people I'm aware of who need to keep their protein in check are people with kidney issues. Excess protein for people with that medical issue can have protein build up in their kidneys. At least that's the gyst of what I got from my father's Dr.
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