Steel Cut Oats

jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
This isn't a recipe but it seemed like the right spot to post it.

I'm a HUGE fan of steel cut oats, and make them all the time for breakfast (One of my favorite recipes using steel cut oats --->

Yesterday I came across a website that suggested toasting the oats on a baking sheet before you cook them (350 degree oven for 15 minutes or until lightly golden, stirring once about half way through). They are awesome! It gives a completely different flavor, and while it doesn't replace my regular way of making oats, it's a nice way to mix it up once in awhile :) Thought I would share for those who love oats as well and haven't done this before.


  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Thanks for the recipe. Steel cut oats is one of my favorite things to eat for breakfast! Have you had them pan fried (w/cooking spray)?
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Just wondering.....Why does "steel cut" make a difference?
  • gatkm
    gatkm Posts: 4
    Sbwood, that's a question I'd like to ask, too. I've eaten oatmeal all my life, but don't know what "steel cut" oats are or why they are better.
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Steel Cut Oats are better for you because they are less processed and you are getting the entire oat rather than eating only a portion of it that has been processed.

    Steel Cut Oats are whole grain groats (the inner portion of the oat kernel) which have been cut into only two or three pieces by steel rather than being rolled. Rolled oats (what most people use) are oats that have been rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers and then steamed and lightly toasted.

    Steel Cut Oats

    Rolled Oats

    If you are interested in trying steel cut oats, try to buy them in your bulk section (cheaper). Sometimes they are also called 'Pinhead Oats' or 'Irish Oats' though I find Irish Oats to be MUCH more expensive even though they are the exact same thing.

    Steel cut oats are chewier in texture than rolled oats, but honestly, once I tried steel cut I never went back to rolled.
  • gatkm
    gatkm Posts: 4
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Thanks for the recipe. Steel cut oats is one of my favorite things to eat for breakfast! Have you had them pan fried (w/cooking spray)?

    I've never tried that before. What's your recipe?
  • tlboyer1
    tlboyer1 Posts: 9 Member
    Since I started my diet, I have been eating Steel Cut oats at work everyday. I really enjoy them. I make a big batch and then just separate it into tupperware containers. I mix a little stevia into it to add some no calorie sweetness. I also enjoy them topped with raisins, fruit, or strawberry jelly. Thanks for sharing.
  • Ckonner
    Ckonner Posts: 101 Member
    I'm interested in the pan fried version too...

    When I'm in a hurry I eat them raw with a little bit of milk and just a little brown sugar. I like them although they might be an aquired taste...
  • Yarnpiggie
    found frozen steel cut oats at Trader Joe's. I haven't eaten them a lot since I always forget to cook them before I run out the door, but I like the grainy texture of them, a lot. yummeh!